Subject: Dark and Stormy Night Date: Tue, 05 Oct 1999 From: Robert Hanczyk Organization: Robert Airlines It was a dark and stormy night. Electricity was out. Everyone on the fanfic list had to sit in a circle around a campfire to tell spooky BSG tales while munching on Very Chocolate Peep Smores. They flattened out the peeps between the graham bars, held them over the heat. The peeps, long though to be peeped out, suddenly grew and grew and grew. in a twisted demented tone, one camper cried out, "They're alive!!!!" When the other peeps began to grow, some with purple heads and yellow bodies, some with green heads on blue bodies, the campers scurried for their shishkabob pointers to skewer the peeps in a pool of liquid chocolate. The second wave of campers came with their steel tipped straws to suck up the peeps and put them where they belong, in our tummies. And so ends the tale of another BSG campcon. Oops. I forgot to add, this tale was inspired by the smell of making Reese'e Chocolate Chip Cookies. Whoever thought a BSG Council security person could make cookies? :) Robert