FOREWORD The four angels in this story are from the TOUCHED BY AN ANGEL series. Monica: An honest, compassionate angel with a charming Irish accent. While she can often be impulsive, her heart is always in the right place. Tess: Monica's supervisor. Angel with an attitude, Tess can be tough, yet comforting when the need arises. Andrew: Primarily, his position is the Angel of Death. He delivers people to God when their time is up. But also, he often assists Monica & Tess with their assignments. Sam: Very seldom seen or involved in the cases. However, when he is involved, it means that the current assignment is of utter importance. Some of the story line were shamelessly taken directly from the BG series itself. The first two scenes in Athena's recruiting message were from: THE LIVING LEGEND THE HAND OF GOD Sheba's flashback storyline was taken from: WAR OF THE GODS NOTE FROM JOE: Yes, I am the same goon that has been doing the BATTLESTAR GALACTICA: THE NEXT GENERATION stories. But this has nothing to do with it, except for a break while I try to think of more scenarios and situations to throw Commander Apollo and crew into. It has been loads of fun working with Erin Gieg on this. This is not a parody, although I think that my overactive sense of humor did take some part in it. There are those who believe that life here began out there, far across the universe, with tribes of humans who may have been the forefathers of the Egyptians, or the Toltecs, or the Mayans. That they may have been the architects of the great pyramids, or the lost civilizations of Lemuria or Atlantis. Some believe that there may yet be brothers or man who even now fight to survive, somewhere beyond the heavens. BATTLESTAR GALACTICA TOUCHED BY AN ANGEL Story #1 Written by Joe Chin and Erin Gieg Based on Battlestar Galactica Created by Glen A. Larson Touched by an Angel Created by John Masius Out in space, a young dark-haired woman was walking on the port side of the Galactica's viper bay, looking as if she was site-seeing. She wore no space gear, nothing except her regular Thirteenth Colony clothing; strolling back and forth in wonder. She was not breathing, as space does not have air to breathe, yet she was alive and well. She heard someone calling to her in the background. "MONICA!" She looked toward the top hull of the battlestar to see her partner and mentor, an older dark-skinned woman, waving at her. Sound does not travel in the vacuum of space, but she could still hear her mentor, Tess, calling her. Monica tried yelling to her, but nothing came out. "WHAT DID YOU SAY, MISS WINGS?" She tried again. Nothing. Tess dove off the hull of the battlestar, and headed for the viper bay, head first. Then she slowly rotated front backwards until her feet were planted firmly on the viper bay next to her. Monica tried to speak again, but still could not be heard. She gave up, and shrugged her shoulders, waving a hand at the hull of the Galactica in wonder. "Talk to me, Angel Girl. You CAN do it. All you have to do is believe." After some silence, Monica said, "This view is beautiful. The most wondrous that I have ever seen." She was looking all around. "What are WE doing here? Site-seeing on the largest spacecraft of this entire fleet of spaceships?" "Monica," Tess explained, "We have a job here. If you think that things have become hopeless for the people on Earth think again. You haven't seen hopelessness until you've met these people." Monica looked back at Tess. "Take a look down at the side," said Tess. Monica bent over, and saw the lettering upside down. 'G A L A C T I C A' "Galactica?" asked Monica. "And what of those other ships?" Monica asked. "They are the remnants of man from the Twelve Colonies of Kobol." "Where-" "Heading for the legendary Thirteenth Colony. In one great man's words, 'a planet called... Earth.'" "What happened to the other Twelve Colonies? I mean..." "Their homes were all destroyed by an evil machine race called... the Cylons." She paused. "You see, Monica, a thousand years- in their language, 'yahrens,' ago, these humans came to the aid of another alien race that was being annihilated by the Cylons. And they have been at war with them ever since. Then a yahren ago, the Cylons sued for peace. But that peace was a farce, a lure so that these human beings would let their guard down. The Cylons destroyed their homes; these ships that you see here are the survivors of the Twelve Colonies." All of a sudden, they were on the bridge inside the battlestar. Monica stared at the elderly man with his crown of white hair, noticing the large medallion on his chest. He was wearing a blue uniform that matched that of the man at his side, whose skin was as dark as Tess's. "That man with the medallion," said Monica, "Is HE the captain of this massive spaceship?" "You got it, Angel Girl," responded Tess. "But his title is 'Commander.' The military ranks here are different than those on Earth. On Earth, his rank would be 'General,' or 'Admiral.' His name is Adama, and this massive ship, as you call it, is a battlestar. The only warship in this entire fleet." "Commander," said Colonel Tigh to Adama, "Are you all right?" "I'm fine, Tigh," responded Adama. "Come with me. This should only take a centon." Tess and Monica followed Tigh and Adama into Adama's quarters. Monica looked at Tess questioningly. "What's a centon?" "A centon is about a minute," Tess answered. Adama said to Tigh, "I notice that... No, actually, Lieutenant Sheba noticed,and pointed it out to me... and thinking about it, she is right. It seems that Apollo always takes all of the high-risk missions..." and then trailed off to gather his thoughts. Monica asked, "Is the Commander my assignment, Tess?" "Not exactly," responded Tess. "You have SEVERAL assignments, but he is not one of the main ones. But- you may need his help. And I must warn you, that Adama has been asking for an angel to deliver him and those he is protecting to Earth. Don't make that mistake of telling him anything except that he is going in the right direction and the coordinates." "Tigh, I am worried about Apollo," explained Adama. "Not only as his father, but also as his commanding officer. I thought that he was just being a son trying to make his father proud, but the more I think about it, the more that I find myself thinking like Sheba. That he IS trying to get himself killed." "Adama, I see your point, but think back to when YOU were a viper pilot. You did the same thing. It was you and Cain, or us during those few times we served together many yahrens ago. He has you, Athena, and his friends to come back to. And most of all, Boxey." Tigh paused. "My recommendation is that you talk to him, Adama. As both, his father AND his commanding officer." Adama got up, and pushed a button on the side of the table, saying, "Send Captain Apollo to my quarters please." "Adama, good luck." With that, Tigh walked out. "Colonel..." greeted Apollo as he walked past Tigh. "Captain..." Tigh acknowledged. "That is Captain Apollo? My assignment?" "Yes, he is, Angel Girl," responded Tess, "but remember that he is just one of them." Following him was Lieutenant Sheba and Cassiopeia. Starbuck followed them, having to duck because of Boxey's position on his shoulders. Last one in was Muffit, Boxey's mechanical daggit. "That lady with him in uniform is Lieutenant Sheba, also of Blue Squadron," continued Tess. "She looks as if she is carrying a lot on her shoulders, Tess," remarked Monica. "Yes, she is, Angel Girl," acknowledged Tess. "Sheba... Starbuck... Cassiopeia... Please, wait outside," said Adama. "I want to talk to my son." "You have another assignment for him, Grandfather?" asked Boxey. He indicated to Starbuck that he wanted to come down. Starbuck squatted, and helped Boxey off his shoulders, as Adama hunkered down in front of his grandson, saying, "I guess you can say that, Boxey. Now, go with Uncle Starbuck, OK? This should not take long." "All right, Commander Adama," responded the boy. "Come on, Muffit," said Boxey to the daggit. "Whap-whap!" responded Muffit as it followed Boxey out of the room. "That 'Uncle Starbuck,'" said Tess, "is part of another assignment, but it is through another person in this fleet." Suddenly, they were both back in space, standing on top of the Galactica. Andrew appeared beside them. "Your other assignment is on that ship over there," said Tess, pointing to the Rising Star. "The Rising Star?" asked Monica. Suddenly, they were watching an older man, Chameleon, walking down the corridor with an older lady in sophisticated dress, Siress Blassie. The trio fell in behind, following them. "You see that man there?" "The one we're following?" "So," said Blassie to Chameleon, "What have you done today?" She placed her hand on his shoulder. "I spoke to the doctors again, Siress Blassie," responded Chameleon. "And there were more psychological examinations." "Please, Chameleon, just call me, 'Blassie.' I am your friend, and I want to be of help." "I understand, Blassie," said Chameleon, "And thank you." Monica said, "That man... isn't he Lieutenant Starbuck's father?" "Yes he is, Angel Girl." "What am -I- doing here, Tess?" asked Andrew. "Simple, Angel Boy," said Tess, "Assisting Monica. And if Monica fails here, you will be a very busy angel around here. So busy, in fact, that Monica will have her hands full assisting YOU!" "That's quite right," said a voice behind them, causing the trio to jump and turn around. "Sam," said Monica. "This MUST be important for YOU to be here." "You got THAT right, Monica." He paused. "And Tess, I have an assignment for you when you are done explaining things to Monica and Andrew here." "Which one, the Pegasus?" "Yes, Tess," said Sam. "Remember that a battlestar has a crew of almost an entire town. And when you are done here, I have to get you started and then go about my job." "Any questions?" asked Sam. "Where do we start?" asked Monica, "And with whom?" "That is for God to decide," responded Tess. "But- Chameleon has a secret that he feels he must keep, because he does not want to-" "He is Lieutenant Starbuck's father," figured out Monica. She turned around. "And he has so many regrets from his past that he is ashamed..." she never finished what she wanted to say when she saw that Tess and Sam had just disappeared. She then turned and saw a monitor, with a recruitment announcement. Athena, in full Colonial Warrior dress uniform. "Hi. I am Lieutenant Athena of the Battlestar Galactica, and daughter of Commander Adama. If you are between the ages between sixteen and fifty yahrens old, not already performing duties on civilian fleet ships, and you want some excitement, then the Galactica wants YOU." The picture changed to Commander Cain holding his mug up in one hand, and his Swaggers stick under his other arm. He was smiling with the other warriors around him clapping and holding up their mugs as well. Then the picture changed to Starbuck, Apollo and Boomer facing each other in the bunkers, with other uniformed viper pilots in the background. The picture zoomed in on the three hands in between them, two light-skinned hands and Boomer's dark- skinned hand gripped in a three-way handshake. Then Apollo and Starbuck walking away, receiving pats on their shoulders and backs as they walked past the warriors in the background. Athena's voice continued. *Make new friends...* It showed rows of Colonial warriors standing tall and proud. The ones in front were wearing of medals of honor of all sorts. *Gain prestige.* The picture went back to Athena. *So, if you are between the ages of sixteen and fifty yahrens old, and are interested in making a difference for humanity, go to a nearby comm station and contact the Galactica.* 'IFB' showed in the screen, and another woman's voice said, *A message brought to you by our protectors aboard the Galactica and aye eff bee.* That gave Monica an idea. Apparently, Andrew had the same idea. "That may be a way to get to Captain Apollo," he said. She and Andrew followed a few Colonial warriors onto the shuttle, with other potential recruits, and Sheba and Boomer hopped into their vipers to escort the shuttle back to the Galactica. She recognized Athena, who was piloting the shuttle, from the announcement on the IFB screen. In the shuttle, Athena walked up to them, and asked, "Are you here to apply for Colonial Warrior training?" "Yes," chimed all of them. Monica felt kind of guilty for also saying, 'yes,' but it was true that she and Andrew would train to become colonial warriors, and perhaps get to Captain Apollo that way. The shuttle headed into one of the Galactica's landing bays. "Welcome to the Galactica," said Athena, with Greenbean standing behind her. "Ensign Greenbean will take you to your quarters." "Don't worry, Monica," whispered Andrew, "You did the right thing." Monica was in a viper, having it out with the Cylons. On the targeting scanner was her wingmate's viper, and the Cylon fighter was hot on his tail. All of a sudden, the Cylon was right in the middle and blinking. "Firing guns," muttered Monica to herself. Her thumb pressed went for the button on the control stick, but she hit the TURBO button. The simulation ended right there. The lights in the room came back on, and a woman climbed out of the viper in front. Another woman followed suit from the same viper behind it. Simultaneously, they both removed their helmets, and shook their heads to get their long hair back into place on their heads. "What happened, Athena?" asked Monica. "Surely I got it." "You sure did, Cadet Monica," replied Athena. "But you killed yourself as well. You hit the 'turbo' button instead of the 'fire' button, and crashed into the Cylon fighter." Monica looked disappointed. "Don't worry, Monica. I did poorly on my first try as well," she pointed out. "I hit the right button, but not only did I destroy the Cylon fighter, but my wingmate as well." "At least you hit the right button," Monica chortled. The two women laughed. "You know, Monica," said Athena. "You certainly do not look like the warrior type. That was why I saved your training for last, but you turned out to be one of the best of these new recruits." The two ladies walked out together. Andrew waited for her, and asked her, "How did you do?" "I'm dead," said Monica. "I hit the wrong button on the... control stick." Andrew gave Monica a half a smile. "I fired my lasers when I attempted to launch," he said. "But you two happen to be the best of all the new recruits," said Athena. "I will take you to meet Strike Captain Apollo and Lieutenant Starbuck." In the Officer's Club, Apollo, Starbuck, Boomer, Sheba and Cassiopeia were sitting at a table. Apollo was clearly upset. "Sheba, don't deny that you went around me... and Colonel Tigh... and talked to my father." "Yes, I did, Apollo," responded Sheba. "I am worried about you and just did not know what else to do. I mean, Starbuck's remark that 'Apollo is Apollo' was no help. And Cassiopeia is also concerned about Starbuck. And Boomer's attitude that 'Apollo is the Captain' and that he is only a lieutenant..." She trailed off. "Sheba, as I had said to my father, I am NOT trying to get myself killed. I have too much here to live for. That's why I usually take Starbuck with me." He stared directly into her eyes, and reached his hand out to her, touching her hair. "AHEM!" They both looked behind them to see Athena with the two new recruits. "Athena..." said Apollo. "Captain, I am reporting here with the two best recruits as ordered," said Athena. "Here are Monica and Andrew." She handed Apollo two small items as well. "These are the recordings of their simulation tests, and their data." Apollo got up out of the chair that he was sitting in, and took care of the introductions, signaling to each one of them as he called them out. "Lieutenant Sheba..." She looked up and smiled at them. "Lieutenant Starbuck..." He saluted to them. "Cassiopeia, one of our medtechs..." The blonde smiled at them. "Lieutenant Boomer." Monica's eyes kept wandering back and forth between Apollo, Starbuck and Boomer. "I recognize you, Lieutenant Starbuck, and Lieutenant Boomer from the recruitment announcement that we saw," she said to Apollo. "Thought that it was just a show for the announcement, right?" commented Starbuck with a smile. "Well, here we are, real friends." He looked at Apollo and Boomer, asking, "When did we do that, anyway?" "Right before you and Apollo launched to romp around on that basestar," replied Boomer. Apollo said, "Apparently, they got it off of the security scans." They all laughed. Corporal Lomas, followed by Starbuck and Apollo, walked in right after all of the men were dressed for the cycle. Everyone stood at attention beside their bunks as he and Starbuck walked past them. Starbuck and Andrew looked at each other. "At ease," said Starbuck. Starbuck went right to Andrew, and said, "The Commander wants me to escort you to meet him." With that, the two of them walked out. Athena and Sheba, followed by Dietra, walked through the doorway, and the women stood beside their bunks. Sheba went right to Monica, and said, "Monica, I have received orders to escort you to meet the Commander." "Something wrong?" asked Monica. "I don't know," Sheba shrugged. "All that I know was that I have received the order." With that, the two of them walked out. Starbuck and Sheba arrived at Adama's quarters with Monica and Andrew simultaneously. Then they both said, "Reporting with..." Starbuck and Sheba looked at each other. "You first, Sheba," said Starbuck, half smiling. Adama looked up from the scanner screen that he was looking at. "Ah," he said. "Thank you for coming. Sheba and Starbuck, could you please wait outside?" "Sure, Commander," they both responded simultaneously, and then walked out. "Problem, Sir?" asked Monica. "Yes, Cadet Monica," said Adama. "Particularly with your friend... Andrew." "Commander?" said Andrew. Adama got up and walked towards them. "It seems that you two are not who or what you appear to be," pointed out Adama. "And I want to know who you two REALLY are and why you two are here." He walked up to Andrew, and said, "And YOU, Andrew... if that's your real name... I have seen you before." Adama stared intently into his eyes. "Ah, death!" "Commander..." started Monica. Ignoring Monica, Adama continued, "Your kind is not welcome here, not after that encounter with Count Iblis." "You mean the Prince of Darkness, " said Andrew. "Commander, I assure you that we do not work for him. We are just as much opposed to him as you are, maybe even more than you." "Then WHO ARE YOU?!" Adama cried out in frustration. "I know that you are not just two simple cadets wanting to be Colonial warriors. You can fool Apollo, Sheba, Starbuck, and every other cadet and warrior here, but not me." Suddenly, a soft glow appeared and surrounded Andrew and Monica. "By the Lords of Kobol..." muttered Adama as he stared at them in shock. "Yes, Adama," said Monica. "We're angels." Adama looked at Andrew. "And you are the Angel of Death." "My job is to deliver them to God, Commander," remarked Andrew. "But I am not here to deliver anyone. I am here to assist Monica." "Assist Monica in doing what?" asked Adama in amazement. "The Twelve Colonies have been destroyed, and I have been asking God in helping us find Earth... to deliver us to Earth, and it seems that he has finally answered my requests." "Commander," said Monica. "We are not here to deliver you to Earth, but the most that I can do is say that you are going in the right direction." "How much longer will it take?" asked Adama. "I don't know," said Andrew. "Only God knows." "We are really here to assist two of your people," explained Monica. "And who are they?" "Your son," said Andrew. "Yes, I have been worried about him, ever since..." "And we are here to prevent that," responded Andrew. "The other one?" "A man named Chameleon," answered Monica. "I think that you are capable of figuring it out." "Yes," said Adama. "He IS Starbuck's father, isn't he?" It was more of a statement than a question. "He told me that the test was positive, but did not want Starbuck to know." "Yes, Adama," answered Monica. "Our assignment is not to tell Starbuck ourselves or lead Starbuck to that knowledge, but to convince Chameleon to follow his heart. "Yes, I think that would be better for both of them," said Adama. "So, how are you going to handle my son? By walking up to him and saying to him 'I'm am angel... stop trying to get yourself killed?'" "By showing him what he has to live for," said Monica. "Boxey, you, his friends, particularly, Sheba..." Sheba being mentioned sparked Adama's attention. "Is her father still alive? Count Iblis had told her that she would see him again." "Yes he is," said Monica. "My supervisor is taking him on as her assignment." That got Adama again. "So that was the other presence that followed me into this very room while I was speaking to Colonel Tigh about Apollo." "Yes," said Monica. "Now, down to business." Adama held up two small objects. "According to your records, you two ARE the best of the new candidates, but you, Monica, are NOT the warrior type. You may have made a great performance in your all viper simulations, but your psychological records... Apollo, Starbuck and Cassiopeia had brought this to Colonel Tigh's and my attention... your best place would be in our Life Center." They both nodded to Adama. With that, Adama went to the doorway, and opened the door. Sheba and Starbuck were waiting outside silently. "Commander?" they both said simultaneously, standing stiffly. Adama said, "Starbuck, take Andrew back and continuing working with our cadets. Sheba, take Monica to the Life Center where she will be conducting her training." As Sheba and Monica paced down the corridors, Monica asked Sheba, "You really like Captain Apollo, right Lieutenant?" Sheba turned to Monica, and said "You are out of line, Cad-" She saw the look of concern in Monica's eyes. "I'm sorry, Sheba," responded Monica. "But from the looks of you two, there is... something. But from the looks on your faces, I can see that you both have been through a lot, and fear." Sheba stopped her pacing, and Monica stopped. "That is the reason why I am escorting you to the Life Center, Monica," explained Sheba. "That is where you will be doing most of your studying. Now I see why." Monica looked at Sheba. "I saw your data myself," continued Sheba. "Your combat scores are good, but your psychological data says that you are not the warrior type. You are more the... caring type." "You mean like a... medtech?" "Yes, Monica, like a medtech, or psychtech." They resumed walking. Sheba then decided to open up a bit. "To answer your question, Monica..." In the Life Center, Doctor Salik said to Monica, "Have a seat." Monica sat down in the chair by the desk as Doctor Salik sat behind it. "Your training has gone well, Monica. Now I have been performing both, psychological counseling and my duties as a doctor. You coming here is a blessing. Are you ready to start as one of our medtechs?" "I think so." Monica seemed excited. A pair of vipers were flew in the dead of space. *Go get it, Andrew,* said Apollo's voice. One of the vipers flew ahead, and fired one shot, making a meteor explode into dust. *Yeah!* said Andrew. *Nice shot, Andrew.* The two vipers made a U-turn, and fired their turbos. Doctor Salik walked onto the bridge with Monica. Tigh and Adama were standing beside each other on the command deck, and both saw the two approaching. "What can I do for you two?" asked Adama. "I just wanted to introduce you to Monica, our new psychtech and medtech, Commander," answered Salik. "Ah, congratulations, Monica," said Adama. Tigh looked at her, and asked, "Was she the recruit that we were discussing a few cycles ago?" "Yes she is, Tigh." "Well," said Tigh to Monica. "Glad to meet you and welcome to the Galactica." "Thank you," said Monica, her eyes sparkling at Tigh. "Are you Colonel Tigh?" "Yes I am," responded Tigh. Adama said, "Now, Monica, I would like to make an appointment for your first patient..." The beginning of the next cycle found Adama waiting for Apollo, who was throwing on his brown flight jacket then rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "Father?" "Hello, Apollo," said Adama. "I was just about to get Starbuck, Boomer and Sheba to continue the training of the new cadets," said Apollo. They started walking. "No, you're not. Let Starbuck, Sheba and Boomer handle it for now. You are the first patient of our new psychtech." "Why, Father, are you still concerned about..." "Yes I am. Besides, I also want you to give me a full report on her performance. I want to make sure that if I send any of my warriors to her for counseling, I am doing the right thing." "All right," said Apollo, seeing the logic in Adama's reasoning. As the two of them were walking, Apollo said, "Father, I know where the Life Center is. Or are you worried that I may not go?" The two of them turned and walked in, and Adama said, "No, Apollo. I am her second patient." "You??" "Well," Adama said with a gleam in his eyes and a half a smile, "as Commander, and leader of the entire fleet of all of humanity, I must make sure that I am mentally stable." Apollo looked at his father, and then they both broke out in laughter. In the small plush room, Apollo took a seat in front of the desk, behind which Monica was seated. She pushed a button, and said, "Subject, Apollo, Captain, Blue Squadron." She walked up to Apollo, and said, "I understand that you were ordered here by your Commander, but I promise that you will be glad you obeyed his orders." "OK," responded Apollo. "But I do have a lot to do." "First," said Monica, "I want to thank you for yours, Starbuck's and Cassiopeia's recommendation for this position." "Just doing my job, and using my judgment on what's best for everybody," said Apollo. "And just so you know, I have looked over your history..." "Have a seat, Adama, right here at my desk," said Doctor Salik to Adama. Adama went and sat down in the long hair behind the desk. "Thank you, Doctor." Salik pushed a button on the table, saying, "Monica does not know about this, but I want to see how she does with Apollo's evalutaion, and I am sure that you, not only as Commander, but as his father, are concerned." *... lost your brother, Zac,* Monica was saying to Apollo. *and found that you lost your mother at the time of the destruction of the Twelve Colonies,"said Monica. "Almost right after you married, you lost your wife, Serina, to the Cylons as well. You have been through a lot, Captain. The thing that concerns me the most is... well how did you feel when you found out that Lieutenant Zac was killed after you had to leave him out there and go warn the fleet?* *By the Lords of Kobol, Monica,* Apollo responded. *You seem to know a great deal about me.* Apollo was sitting with his elbows on his knees. Monica said to Apollo, "Captain, it does usually help to talk about your feelings. You probably had it all contained within yourself for an entire yahren now. I had to learn as much as I could about you to try to see how I can help you now." "I understand, Monica," murmured Apollo. "You really get into your job." Monica then said, trying to cover her tracks, "Apollo, you are not good at hiding your emotions. When you smile... or joke around and laugh with your friends... even those who have met you for the first time know that you are not a happy man." "I think that you are so good at the job... that I am regretting in your recommendation," said Apollo. "Take all the time you need," said Monica. "But you have an appointment with the Commander, don't you?" "He will understand, I'm sure. Your father seems to be a very special man." "All right, Monica..." Starbuck and Sheba waited as two people climbed out of their vipers. They both removed their helmets, and carried them under their left arms as they approached Starbuck and Sheba. "Either this Andrew has been well-trained by Apollo," explained Athena, "or he must be a fast learner. He has even surpassed MY skills as a viper pilot." Starbuck agreed. "He IS ready to join our squadron, but we still have a few points to go over with him, and that is up to Commander Adama to determine..." Adama and Doctor Salik sat in the office. Adama wiped under his eyes with the sleeve of his uniform, and Doctor Salik followed suit. "I don't envy your son, Adama," remarked Salik. Adama looked up at him with his watery eyes, and said, "And I thought that I had it bad." "Adama, you probably have it worse, because where Apollo lost his younger brother, you lost a son. Where Apollo lost his mother, you lost a wife. And it goes on. But you, as the Fleet Commander, must suppress those feelings and remain strong for your crew and the populace of the fleet." Adama wiped his face again, and said, "Salik, just don't tell anyone that you saw the Commander the way you just saw me." "I don't intend to, Sir." He put a hand on Adama's shoulder, and gave it a slight squeeze of support. Adama stood up, saying, "Well, it seems to be my turn for my appointment with the new psychtech." "Good luck, Commander," said Salik. Adama looked back at Salik with a half a smile. Adama waited outside, sitting on one of the beds that was normally meant for a patient to lie on as the door to Monica's office opened. Apollo walked out, seeming a whole lot happier. "How did it go, Apollo?" asked Adama. "She is good," said Apollo. "She has a way of getting to you. I'll have my report shortly." With that, he walked away. Adama walked into the room, and the door closed behind him. "Adama, I totally messed things up," exclaimed Monica. "My son thinks differently," explained Adama. "He even made an appointment with you for the next cycle." "Commander, I was TOO supportive," cried Monica. "I was supposed to help him! NOT make him fall in love with me. And you know that I cannot return that love... and why. And I cannot even tell him. Adama, what have I gotten myself into?" "Monica, we will get through this," responded Adama. "My supervisor, Tess, said that I may require your assistance. I think that I may need it right about now." "What do you propose?" "Adama, I have seen many situations where a son or daughter may have fallen in love with someone, and their mothers and fathers feel that it is wrong. But when they ignore their parents' warnings, things turn disastrous emotionally for them, and then they end up going back to their parents saying, 'You were right, Mother and Father.' Think back to YOUR younger days, about you and the few women that you fell in love with, and what your parents told YOU. And then think about Ila, and what they said." "Yes," responded Adama. "My father and mother really liked Ila, and told me that she was the one. And the ones before her, the most I got was, 'She is a nice person, but just not right for you.' And every time, my mother and father were right." "And the relationship between you and Apollo... Apollo DOES take your advice seriously. That is also something a bit unusual between a father and son at Apollo's age. But it IS a blessing." "Somehow, Monica, that makes a lot of sense. I will do what I can." He took her hand, holding it to give her a sign of support. "You know, Monica, if I were in my son's place, I would have fallen in love with you, too..." Adama's Journal. psych-tech is a valuable addition to the Galactica's Life Station staff, as she has helped me out as well. I now await to see my son's report. As if on cue, the door signal activated. "Enter." Apollo walked in with two small data storage devices in his hand, saying, "Father, I have finished my report on the new psych-tech. Starbuck has also asked me to bring his report on the new recruits as well, saying that he feels that Andrew is ready to join our squadrons." He handed them both to Adama. Adama took them from Apollo, and put one aside. "Have a seat, Captain," ordered Adama. Apollo sat in the sofa at the other end of the room as Adama opened up the data on Monica. Adama looked at the data. Apollo interrupted. "Father, it is unusual for you to have me wait while you go over the data." Adama looked at Apollo, saying, "I want to go over your report on Monica. After that, I will have you look over MY report, and you will go over it with me. She will be working with our Colonial warriors in a certain way, and I need the opinions of others before accepting her on the Galactica. I also did this with Starbuck when we accepted Cassiopeia as a med-tech, and it is because I want to make sure that I am doing the right thing before we DO accept this person to performing on the Galactica Life Station." "I understand, Father, but shouldn't you be doing this with Colonel Tigh?" "You interact with our colonial warriors a lot more than he does, Captain, and therefore, I chose you for this assignment... not him. He understands and supports my thinking. I even went as far as recommending her to help Chameleon on his rehabilitation, based on my OWN analysis, but to help out our warriors, I REALLY need that second opinion." Meanwhile on the Rising Star, Siress Blassie and Chameleon sat in the waiting room beside the landing bay. "Where are we going?" asked Chameleon. "To the Galactica, as ordered by your phych-tech," answered Blassie. "It seems that your counseling here is not working out as well as we had hoped, so we are going to get the help of this new psych-tech, as recommended by Commander Adama. It is either that or the Prison Barge with those Borelian Nomen." They were both unaware that the Nomen were no longer there. "Besides, it will even give you a chance to see that Colonial warrior that you seem to be so fond of, Starbuck..." "Thank you, Apollo," said Adama as he stood up from behind the desk, signaling to Apollo to take that seat. Apollo got up, and as the two walked past each other, Adama stopped him. "You are in love with Monica, aren't you?" Apollo stood there, staring at his father. "Hey, it is your father you are talking to here. You know, we talk about things like that." "I have to say that I am," admitted Apollo. "What does she think about me? Based on what you may or may not have spoken to her about during your counseling session. Did you talk about it?" "I saw that look on your face when you walked out of there, Apollo. I also saw that same look on your face when you and Serina were together on the Galactica. And every once in a while, I also see that same look when you are with Sheba." Adama paused, and took a deep breath. "Apollo, I hate to be blunt with you on this but- Monica is a lovely woman. She is a kind, caring person. She is very much an angel, but- she is just not right for you." "Father?!" Apollo looked at Adama questioningly. "Apollo, there is a certain instinct in fathers and mothers with their sons and daughters when it comes to love. I tell you as one father to another, that when Boxey grows up, you will have those same instincts when Boxey tells you that he wants to get sealed to a woman. I mean, look at Athena. I knew that Starbuck was not right for her, but she did not heed my warning. And look at where it got her. And do you know what she said to me?" "She was probably mad about it." "Yes," emphasized Adama. "She was upset, all right, but she did say to me, 'Father, you were right all along.'" Adama walked back to the table, pressed a button, and said, "Athena, please report to my quarters." Adama looked back at Apollo, and said, "Even when they first started, I had told Starbuck my feelings, and said to him, 'Starbuck, prove me wrong.' Now you know how desperate I was to see Athena happy. Starbuck is a great guy, but for reasons I could not even explain to myself, I knew that he just wasn't right for Athena." Athena walked in. "Father, you wanted to see me?" "Yes, Athena, Apollo and I were talking about... fatherly instincts. Tell Apollo what happened between you and Starbuck." "Well, when Starbuck and I got closer, Father warned me. I loved him, and he loved me. But things just... fell apart between us... despite Father's attempts to help. But Starbuck is just not right for me. Father was right." She looked at Adama. "So, Apollo, as I said, you will have those same instincts when Boxey grows up. Now, if you and Athena wanted to pursue a relationship, you two WOULD be right for each other, except for one BIG problem." He looked at them with a half a smile. Apollo and Athena looked at each other, shocked, and looked back at Adama. "Father!" exclaimed Athena. They broke out in laughter. Athena said, "I've better get out of here before I get into more trouble." "Thank you, Athena," returned Adama. With that, she looked at Adama with a smile, and then Athena left. "So, I am telling you, from father to son, that Monica, as lovely as she is, she is just not right for you. But I just cannot explain why. You have always taken my advice seriously, my son. Now I am asking you, please, take my advice once again. Now, Apollo, have a seat right here, and let's go over MY report..." A shuttle was heading for the Galactica. Adama, Apollo, Starbuck, Sheba, Boomer, Cassiopeia, and Monica and Andrew awaited as the shuttle's engines powered down. Landing bay crew pushed a canopy to the side of the shuttle, and then the door opened. Chameleon climbed out of the shuttle with Siress Blassie. "Welcome to the Galactica," said Adama as Chameleon held Siress Blassie's hand to help her climb down the stairs of the canopy. "Thank you, Commander Adama," they both replied in unison. "I believe that you know these warriors, Apollo, Starbuck, Sheba, and Boomer, and one of our med-techs, Cassiopeia. And here are our new psych-tech, Monica, and a new warrior, Andrew." Chameleon and Starbuck walked up to each other, and shook hands. "It's great to see you again, Starbuck," said Chameleon. "Likewise, Chameleon," responded Starbuck. In the Officer's Club, Starbuck and Chameleon sat at one end of the bar, drinking. "So, how is my favorite warrior doing?" Chameleon asked Starbuck. "Great, Chameleon," replied Starbuck. "And even better with you coming to the Galactica." In the middle of the bar, Adama and Siress Blassie sat. "You know, Siress Tinnia thinks highly of you, Commander," said the Siress. She always refers to you as 'Adama,' when she gossips about you, but as 'Commander' when talking business." "I must say that she is one courageous lady," said Adama. "We NEED people like her..." Apollo, Boomer, Sheba, and Cassiopeia sat at a table. "You look a million times better, but distracted, Apollo," remarked Sheba. "Was it from that session you had with the new psych- tech?" Apollo looked at Sheba. "I think that Apollo is in love," pointed out Boomer. "He had that same look before he got sealed to Serina." Sheba got up and stampeded away, with Apollo running after her. At the other end of the bar, Monica and Andrew sat. Andrew said, "You know, Chameleon is a very tough case, according to the psych-tech on the Rising Star." "But the records of the father-son relationship are in the Galactica's medical computers," pointed out Monica. "And Tess was right; Adama has been a great help. But it seems that Apollo is still a problem..." "Sheba, wait," called out Apollo as he followed Sheba down the corridor. "Leave me alone, Apollo," retorted Sheba. "Sheba, are you jealous?" He had to pick up his pace to catch up to Sheba. "You're getting jealous for the wrong reason." Sheba stopped short and turned around, to have Apollo almost crash into her. Apollo managed to stop in time, almost falling over. "Really!" said Sheba. "I've seen the way that you look at that psych-tech, Apollo. And Boomer just proved it to me." Out of nowhere, Tigh walked up. "What is all this felgercarb that is keeping everyone awake?" he asked. The two of them jumped, and quickly turned, standing at attention. "Colonel..." acknowledged Sheba. "Uh, nothing, Colonel," responded Apollo. "Do you know what's worse than two people stampeding down these corridors during the sleep cycle?" asked Tigh. "What?" asked Sheba. "Two YELLING people stampeding down these corridors during the sleep cycle," growled Tigh. "And do you know what's worse then two YELLING people stampeding down these corridors during the sleep cycle?" "No I don't, Sir," responded Apollo. "Two YELLING people stampeding down these corridors during the sleep cycle when it sounds like an argument between lovers. Now two people do not stampede down the hallways of the Galactica bellowing out like they are two angry lovers having a loud disagreement of some kind... over nothing, Captain," responded Tigh. "Now whatever the problem is, take it to the Officer's Club or the Astrodome or by the main thrusters where you will not be disturbing everyone's sleep cycle!" With that, Tigh walked away. Sheba and Apollo looked at each other, and smirking at each other. Sheba ended up having to cover her mouth to stifle her laughter. "You do NOT go yelling at each other down the living quarters of the Galactica during the sleep cycle," exclaimed Adama. Sheba and Apollo were sitting on the sofa in Adama's quarters, looking at Adama nervously. "I'm sorry, Commander," responded Apollo, "I was just trying to see why Sheba just... all of a sudden... stormed out of the Officer's Club. Since she IS on my squadron, I had to-" "Apollo, if you did not already schedule another appointment with our psych-tech, I would have ordered you to." He paused, and stared intently at Sheba. "As for you, Sheba, MAKE an appointment. I cannot have the son and daughter of the last two surviving commanders of the Colonial military going around the Galactica's sleep area and screaming at each other like a newly-sealed couple having their first argument." He had a half a smile on his face. His face grew stern again, and he said, "Dismissed." As soon as they were out the door, Sheba asked Apollo, "Ever since we've got that new psych-tech, it seems that your father developed a sense of humor. Have you noticed?" "I think I have," said Apollo. "Before we went to meet Chameleon and Siress Blassie in the landing bay, he had a talk with me about fatherly instincts when it comes to their children finding love. He even called Athena into his quarters to prove his point, and said..." Apollo tried his best Adama voice. "'Now, if you and Athena wanted to pursue a relationship, you two WOULD be right for each other, except for one BIG problem.'" Sheba almost fell forwards as she broke out in laughter. Chameleon sat in the Life station, fidgeting nervously as he waited. Starbuck, who was sitting beside him, said, "Don't worry, Chameleon, Apollo and Adama both tried her out first, and said that she really helped them both out even in problems that they did not know they had." "That's what is worrying me, Starbuck," explained Chameleon, "It is how she did that, but she IS a very lovely woman." "Now don't try anything like that," responded Starbuck. "You'll get Captain Apollo upset." They both laughed. The door opened, and Monica said, "Ah, Chameleon, come on in." Chameleon got up, and walked towards her apprehensively, looking at her, and turning back to look at Starbuck. "You know where I will be when you finish for the day, Chameleon," said Starbuck. The door closed behind Chameleon, and as Starbuck was walking out of the Life Center, he stopped to wave at Cassiopeia, who gave him a 'thumbs up.' "Have a seat," Monica said to Chameleon. Chameleon sat down, and it was evident that he was nervous. "Chameleon, your psych-tech sent you here from the Rising Star upon a recommendation from Commander Adama not because you haven't made good progress in your rehabilitation. From the data, you HAVE made excellent progress. But- you ARE holding a secret. And from checking the computers here, I know what it is." "You mean..." "And it is not Cassiopeia's fault," said Monica. "All patients and procedures get logged. And the genetic trace between you and Lieutenant Starbuck had to be done through the Galactica's computers, and therefore, whether Cassiopeia logged it or not, it is logged in the computers. And Cassiopeia probably did not realize that." "Does Starbuck know?" "No, because he would need med-tech codes in order to obtain that information, or for someone with med-tech codes to find it and tell him." "Has anyone told him?" It was clear that Chameleon was nervous. "Not that I am aware of, but-" Monica paused. "But what? You're not going to tell him, are you?" "No, but if anyone should tell him, it should be his father. That, Chameleon is the key to complete your recovery." "But if I do, Starbuck would leave all his friends, and what of Cassiopeia? She and Starbuck love each other. And he would abandon all that, to be with an insignificant man like... me. And telling him is the key to complete my recovery?" "Yes." "Then, Monica, I would rather not make that complete recovery to my rehabilitation and be stuck on the prison barge, rather than take him away from what he's got. Commander Adama has been a much better father than I could EVER be." "Well, my advice to you is, talk to Adama. Then make that decision..." "You all right, Tigh?" asked Adama on the command center, looking at Tigh. "Yes, Adama," responded Tigh. "I just got up late, and had to rush things to get on duty on time. What is going on with Apollo and Sheba anyway?" "Differences in the way they do things, Tigh," responded Adama. "You know, both being raised by and then serving with two entirely different commanders. You know, Commander Cain takes a lot of risks, but he always gets through successfully. And you know that I am a lot more cautious than he is." "You do make sense on that point, but I do not see how Apollo telling Sheba that she is jealous for the wrong reasons has any relevance to Blue squadron." "I ordered them to make appointments with the new psych- tech during this cycle." Omega turned around, and interrupted. "Sheba must be angry with you for that, Commander, taking it as you telling them that they are not psychologically fit for duty." "You did WHAT!?" asked Tigh. "And what is this about a new psych-tech?" "Tigh, one of the new recruits, Monica, has been assigned to the Life Station as our psych-tech." "Adama, we haven't had a psych-tech aboard the Galactica ever since we fled the colonies. Counseling has always been done between you, me, Cassiopeia Doctor Salik." "And now we have one." "Commander, I think that you've better go see her." "I have, Tigh. And she is good at her new job. And it has been approved by the Council of Twelve." "And you ordered Apollo and Sheba to make an appointment to have a counseling session with her?" "Yes." "Adama, you haven't given anyone such drastic orders over a minor disagreement ever since we fled the colonies." "Well, Tigh, there is more going on between Apollo and Sheba than they think that we ALL know about, and I want it solved." Adama looked at Tigh with a half a smile. "And if you haven't figured it out, which I am sure you already have, then YOU better make an appointment with her." Tigh almost fell over the side of the railing, laughing. Omega had to put his hand to his mouth to contain his laughter. After Tigh calmed down, he said, "Adama, you haven't joked around like this..." "... ever since we fled the colonies," Tigh and Adama both said in harmony. Everyone then broke out in laughter. Chameleon walked into the Officer's Club. Andrew was there waiting. "Andrew, have you seen Starbuck?" asked Chameleon. "He had to report to the commander about something," Andrew answered. Chameleon took a closer look at Andrew. "I know you... You are... I saw you when I got back to Umbra. Did you come to take Starbuck away? Or me?" Chameleon was getting all excited. "Calm down, Chameleon," said Andrew. "I am not taking anyone away. I am here to assist a fellow angel in helping two people." "Who are they? Who are you assisting?" "Captain Apollo, and you." "Why would -I- need an angel?" "Because you have a secret that you need to tell someone. Someone who is means a great deal to you, someone who needs his REAL father." "But-" "Chameleon, ALL of God's creations are good. You may not feel that, and you may feel that you are not worth having Starbuck throw his life as a Colonial warrior away for, but both of you need each other. Not as friends, but as father and son." Andrew put his hand on Chameleon's shoulder, and said, "YOU must tell Starbuck." Chameleon sat there, staring into his drink. "I don't know where to begin," said Chameleon. "You will figure it out, my friend," said Andrew. "And you can learn a lot from Starbuck, too." "Andrew," said Starbuck as he walked in. "You and I are on patrol, right now." "Starbuck," he started. "I uh..." He walked up to Chameleon, and said, "I'll be back before you know it. Duty calls." "Good luck, you two," said Chameleon as they both walked out of the Officer's Club. They turned around and gave him a 'Thumbs up,' and Chameleon returned it. A pair of vipers were flying around on patrol. *So, how do you like your first patrol?* asked Starbuck to Andrew. *Like... I am doing something worth while?* responded Andrew. *I just feel bad only because it seems that I have just taken Captain Apollo's shift away from him.* *Well, Andrew, you actually gave Apollo more chance with the other cadets.* *Lieutenant, I am picking something up on my front scanners...* *Me, too.* The two vipers made a right turn. *GET BACK TO THE GALACTICA! IT'S A CYLON BASESTAR!* cried Andrew. The two vipers made another right turn, and then fired off their turbos. "I cannot believe that Commander Adama did that," commented Cassiopeia to Apollo and Sheba. "But how did it go?" "All right," Sheba answered. "She helped me alot." "And I have another appointment for the next cycle," Apollo said. All of a sudden, the alarms went off. "We're under attack," said Apollo. With that, he and Sheba went running. Rigel looked up to the command center in the red lighting, and said, "Red and Blue Squadrons are cleared to launch, Commander." "Launch," said Adama. Rigel said into her mouthpiece of her headphones, "Red and Blue Squadrons, you are cleared to launch." "A wall of Cylon fighters are heading this way," said Athena. Aboard the Cylon basestar, one Cylon centurion walked in, saying, "By your command" The chair turned around, revealing an I.L. Cylon sitting on it. "Speak, Centurion," it said. "All fighters have been launched... They await your order aboard the other basestar to launch, Lucifer" "Tell them to launch all their fighters, too," said Lucifer. "By your command" With that the Centurion walked out. Andrew and Monica got onto the bridge, and ran up to the command deck. "Commander, I should be out there, too. I mean, Captain Apollo and Lieutenants Starbuck, Sheba, and Boomer said that I am ready to join the squadrons." Athena turned from her station, to look up at the command post, saying, "Commander, we have TWO basestar's worth of Cylon fighters..." "Two basestars confirmed," said Omega. "Father, we've better send out..." "Go, Athena," said Adama. "May the Lords of Kobol be with you." "Adama..." started Andrew. "Yes, Andrew, you can go, too," said Adama. With that, Monica followed Athena and Andrew as they ran off the bridge. "Monica," yelled Adama as he quickly removed his headphones, and ran off the command deck after her. "Commander, it is the only way," she said. "How are you going to explain my disappearance to the Council of Twelve and to the fleet if... Everyone would think that you were crazy if you claimed that I was an angel that came to visit." "Why do you always have to make sense?" murmured Adama sadly. "Besides, Adama, Apollo will need my help, and like it or not, you know it." "All right, Monica, good luck. And remember, the FIRE button is the red one on the left." She put her hand on Adama's shoulder, and said, "Don't worry about me, Adama." With that, she ran. Adama went back up to the command deck, and Adama donned his headphones back on. "Launch," he said into them. Vipers and the Cylon fighters were already engaged. *I can use some help here...* said Starbuck's voice. His viper was being pursued by a Cylon. A viper targeting scanner showed Starbuck's viper, being pursued by a Cylon fighter. On the control stick inside the viper, a thumb was touching the red FIRE button. Back to the targeting scanner, the Cylon fighter was blinking. The thumb pressed the FIRE button. The Cylon pursuing Starbuck blew up from one round of lasers from another viper. *Thank you whoever that was,* said Starbuck. *My pleasure,* responded Monica. *Monica!* retorted Starbuck. *Hey, here comes another squadron of vipers,* said Boomer. Apollo said into his helmetcom, *Athena, take your squadron back and protect the Galactica. Starbuck, take command of Blue and Red Squadrons.* *Right-O,* responded Starbuck. Omega reported, "Many of the Cylons have gotten through, Commander." "Activate laser turrets," ordered Adama. Apollo led Athena's squadron back to the Galactica, and he and vipers following him fired at Cylon fighters getting past Red and Blue Squadrons. Two Cylon fighters drastically slowed down, allowing Apollo's viper to pass, and started firing at him. One of the vipers from behind fired turbos, and fired lasers destroying both of them. *Thank you,* said Apollo as he fired his lasers at another Cylon fighter. *That's what we're here for, Captain,* responded Monica's voice. *Monica!* cried Apollo. *What are YOU doing out here? Get back to the Galactica.* *I AM a viper pilot, certified by you, Starbuck...* She stopped talking to fire her lasers at another Cylon fighter, destroying that one. She never finished her statement. *She's right,* agreed Athena. *BESIDES-!* Athena fired two rounds of lasers at a Cylon fighter, destroying it with the second round. *-we need all the help we can get here... Waah!* A Cylon fighter started pursuing her. Another viper approached, and fired a round of lasers, destroying the Cylon fighter. *Thank you,* muttered Athena. *Nice shooting, whoever that was.* *Thank you, Squadron Leader,* said Andrew's voice. *We've cut those four to one odds to three to one,* claimed Starbuck. *It was already close to three to one with Athena's squadron,* responded Boomer. *Starbuck's four to one is more-* Sheba's voice paused as she fired a round of lasers blowing the pogees out of a Cylon fighter. *- accurate. Athena only has eleven on her squadron, including Andrew.* *Hey, the daggitfight is moving closer to the Galactica,* warned Jolly. *You're right, Jolly,* responded Starbuck. *Let's GO!* Red and Blue Squadrons found themselves fighting side- by-side with Athena's last resort squadron, and the Galactica's laser turrets. On the bridge, Adama said to Tigh, "I must get out there and help our squadrons out." "Adama," said Tigh, "You haven't flown a viper, or even piloted a shuttle, ever since we fled the colonies." "It has been a FEW yahrens, Tigh, but you never lose your touch." "Then I'm going with you as your wingmate." "Tigh, I need YOU to take command of the Galactica." "Captain Omega can take command." Omega turned, and said "Problem, Commander." "What is it, Omega?" they both asked in harmony. "The last two vipers, one has no lasers, because of CORA, and the other viper, the high wing was blown." "Well, there is no need for that high wing in space, because space is a vacuum," said Tigh. "I think we can do it." "And CORA gives me an idea," said Adama. Tigh and Omega looked at Adama. "All right, Tigh, let's go," said Adama. As they both ran down the stairs of the command deck, Adama turned to Omega, and said, "And try to keep the Galactica in one piece." "I'll try, Commander. May the Lords of Kobol be with you both." Tigh and Adama went running. In the launch bay, both, Tigh and Adama wet heading for the viper without the top wing. "Tigh, take CORA; you'll be safer." "No, Adama, you are more important than I am. With that, he jumped into the two-winged viper." Adama ran to the other viper, and jumped in. Out in space, Apollo asked, *Did I just see two more vipers launch from the launch bay?* *Yes,* said Starbuck. The two vipers headed straight out, one of the vipers firing at Cylon fighters as they moved along. *Attention vipers that just launched,* said Apollo into his helmetcom. *Where do you think you're going?* *Don't worry, Apollo; I have a plan,* said Adama's voice. *FATHER!* cried out both, Athena and Apollo simultaneously. *Carry on Squadrons,* said Adama's voice. The two vipers were heading for the basestars. *If I didn't know better,* said Sheba, *I would have thought that it was MY father in one of those vipers.* Sheba fired her lasers at a Cylon fighter, destroying it. On the bridge of one of the basestars, a Cylon Centurion reported, "Two vipers are headed right for us" "Activate laser turrets and approach the Galactica," responded Lucifer. "When those vipers are in range, fire at will." "By your command" The pair of vipers fired their turbos, approaching the basestar closer to them. Adama's voice said, *Thank the Lords of Kobol for the basestar's configuration because they cannot fire and miss without hitting itself.* *Just don't forget to activate CORA, Commander.* *Right.* In one of the viper cockpits, a hand flipped the switch on the lower front of the black box labeled 'C.O.R.A.' *And you might YOU be?* asked C.O.R.A. *I am Commander Adama,* responded Adama. *Oooooo, I never expected to take the Commander of the Galactica anywhere.* *CORA, I am going to need your help.* *That's what I'm here for, my dear Commander.* *CORA, what we are going to do is go in between the two hulls of that basestar. I want you to help me dodge their lasers.* *Some of those evasive maneuvers may render you unconscious, my dear Commander.* *So be it, CORA. It is better to be rendered unconscious instead of both of us dead.* *Ooooo... Adama, you are a dear, logical man.* *Tigh, are you ready? We are almost within range.* *Ready as I'll ever get, Adama,* responded Tigh. *Just like old times.* All of a sudden the basestar started firing its lasers in the direction of the two vipers. The other basestar joined the first, and started firing its lasers. *Starting to get sticky in here, Adama,* said Tigh. The intact viper, followed by the one missing the top wing, was in between the two hulls of one of the basestars. The intact viper buzzed various points of the basestar, as laser turrets tried to turn and fire at Adama. However, with C.O.R.A.'s help the laser rounds were evaded, but the lasers hit the buzzed points of the basestar instead. On the bridge of that basestar, Lucifer said, "Commence firing at those vipers." A Centurion spoke. "Lucifer, when the turret misses, we are hitting ourselves... We already destroyed our flank missile launchers and many of our turrets from firing upon ourselves" "Recall our fighters," ordered Lucifer. "By your command" The Centurion faced the station that he was at and said, "Fighter Squadrons... return to defend the basestar" Tigh said, *Well, that's all of the missile launchers for this one...* The two-winged viper fired several rounds of lasers at an opening on the basestar. *We still have another basestar to take care of,* pointed out Adama. *What did you just fire at?* *A landing bay,* said Tigh. *Looks like that their fighters were recalled. They are heading this way!* *It worked, Tigh. Now let's get to the other basestar.* *Whatever the Commander did,* said Sheba, *I think it worked, if that was what he had planned. They are turning around and heading back.* *After them!* ordered Apollo. *THAT'S OUR COMMANDER THAT THEY ARE GOING FOR!* The vipers gave chase after the Cylon fighters, firing at them. Apollo got close to the rear of a Cylon fighter, and then fired one round of lasers destroying it. At the same time, its companion on the left exploded. Apollo looked to his left, and saw Monica. She gave him the 'thumbs up' signal. Apollo returned it. All of a sudden, a half dozen Cylon fighters drastically slowed down, and started firing at the vipers from behind. Monica and Apollo followed suit, but only one succeeded. Monica's viper collided into the front of a Cylon fighter, both of them blowing in one huge explosion. *NO!* cried Apollo, but Apollo made it, and fired his lasers, destroying two of them. *Monica, no,* he muttered. Somehow, he regained his composure, and fired at the other three, taking each one out one at a time. *Here they COME!* uttered Tigh. A Cylon fighter started to pursue Adama. *CORA, head for that missile launcher, and then pull away as FAST as you can,* ordered Adama. *The G-forces will knock the pogees out of you, my dear Commander.* *Well, knock the pogees back into me afterwards, CORA. Just DO it!* *All right, my dear Commander, if you insist.* *Do it, CORA.* Adama's viper headed towards a missile launcher, and abruptly turned. It flew away at high speed. The Cylon fighter collided right into it. *Adama....* It was C.O.R.A. *Adama?* The viper squadrons watched as an object flew past them at an abnormally high speed from the front to their rear as they continued their pursuit of the Cylon fighters. *What in hades was that?* asked Sheba. *CORA,* responded Apollo, Starbuck, and Boomer in perfect harmony. *I'll explain later,* said Apollo. Another viper headed from the basestars, firing a few rounds at the oncoming Cylon fighters. The Cylon fighters fired back, but missed the two-winged viper. Several more blew from rounds fired from the squadrons. *Adama, are you all right?* Tigh asked. *The G-forces of what you just did...* *I'm all right, Tigh,* murmured a drowsy sounding Adama. *Did we do it, Tigh?* *All the missile launchers on both basestars have been destroyed, Adama.* *Good.* Adama paused. *Adama to Galactica,* he said. *Galactica responding, Commander,* responded Rigel's voice. *Ready two missiles. Their electronic shields will not help them now.* *Adama,* uttered Tigh. *We haven't used our missile launchers ever since we fled the colonies.* *Commander?* called Rigel. *Are two missiles ready?* After a brief silence, Rigel responded, *Yes, Commander.* *Approach those basestars... flank speed. Then when in range launch both missiles... One at each basestar.* As the Galactica started moving, Rigel's voice said, *Executing, Commander.* Over in the distance, the two basestars were retreating. Adama said, *Now, let's help out our squadrons.* *I'm with you, Adama.* Omega was sitting at his station on the command deck, handling as much as he could. Rigel said, "The two basestars are retreating, Omega." "And we approach faster," responded Omega. "Rigel, come on up here; I will need your help." Rigel tore the headphones off her head, and ran up to the command deck as Omega got out of the chair, but stayed bent over the station. Rigel sat down in the chair. "All right, Rigel, on my mark..." He pointed to one of the red switches below the station. "Flip that red switch." "Thirty microns and closing," said Omega. "Stand by, Rigel." "Standing by," responded Rigel. "Commander," she added with playful sarcasm. "Fifteen microns," Omega said, smiling. After the microns of silence, Omega said, "Mark." A woman's hand flipped one red switch. A missile launched from one of the Galactica's missile launchers. Omega looked on with determine on his face. "Mark!" A woman's hand flipped the red switch next to the red flipped switch. Out in space, the first missile hit the farther basestar, but the other basestar disappeared as the other missile emerged from the Galactica. The first missile exploded against the upper hull of the basestar, and then minute explosions were being emitted from it. All of a sudden, the basestar exploded. *We did it, Tigh,* said Adama. *All vipers, return to the Galactica.* *We're getting the recall order from the Galactica,* said Apollo's voice. *Let's go home.* All of the vipers made a 180 degree turn, and fired their turbos. Starbuck was near the rear of the squadrons, and so was Andrew. A few Cylon fighters turned around as well, and one of them went to pursue Starbuck's viper. *LOOK OUT! Starbuck,* cried Andrew into his helmetcom. He fired two rounds of lasers, destroying that fighter as Starbuck made another U-turn. Several of the vipers in pursuit fired, and Andrew's viper got hit, and exploded. Starbuck fired his lasers, destroying two more Cylon fighters, but one of them hit his viper as well. All of a sudden, several rounds from another viper destroyed more fighters. *Thank you, whoever that was,* uttered Starbuck. *You all right, Starbuck,* asked Apollo. *I... think so, ol' buddy.* *Follow me, I'll get you back safely.* A crippled viper followed another viper into the landing bay. As soon as they both came to a full stop, landing bay crew rushed over to Starbuck's viper. Apollo quickly jumped out of his viper to run over to Starbuck's smoking viper. Two landing bay crewmen stopped him, saying, "Captain, his viper may explode. Please keep back for your safety." Apollo watched as landing bay crewmen and med-techs pulled Starbuck out of the damaged viper, and carried him on a stretcher. Apollo took one of the four handles of the stretcher, and ran with them as they rushed him to the Life Center. Sheba was immediately behind them. "What happened to Starbuck and Apollo?" asked Chameleon, talking to Jolly and Boomer. Adama and Tigh were both standing nearby with their flight helmet under their arms. "They're in the Life Center," responded Jolly. "Oh, no," said Adama. With that, everyone went running. Cassiopeia ran over to help Apollo and the others get Starbuck onto a stasis bed, asking, "What happened?" One of the landing bay crew said, "Apparently, the Cylon that shot him destroyed his life support. As he was landing, his panel exploded, and impact got him in his chest area." Cassiopeia was in the process of hooking up an oxygen mask to his face, and other equipment up to him. After a short while, Cassiopeia said, "Starbuck's in a coma." The sad look on her face was evident. "Just do what you can for him, Cassiopeia," said Apollo. "He is my friend." "I love him, too, Apollo," she uttered as she put a hand on Apollo's shoulder. Then it occurred to her. "What happened to Monica? I think that -I- will need a counseling session with her after seeing this..." Apollo's only answer was turning around, facing away from her. "Oh, no," said Cassiopeia. Sheba went over to Apollo, and put her hand on his shoulder, as did Adama on his other shoulder. Sheba grabbed Apollo, and buried her face in his shoulder. Adama gently said, "Apollo, Sheba, Boomer, come with me. Let Cassiopeia do her job and things will be fine." Cassiopeia sat next to Chameleon. "All we can do is wait, Chameleon," she said. "The rest is up to Starbuck." Chameleon got up, and went to the comatose Starbuck, and put his hand on his shoulder. He saw Andrew standing there, his head glowing. It took a lot of will for Chameleon to maintain his composure. "My presence is not for what you think, Chameleon," said Andrew. "It is not his time yet. But talk to him. It will help him." Chameleon took his eyes off Andrew, and bent over. "Starbuck, this is your father. Please get through this." He paused, and then gently said, "Come on, Starbuck, you can do it. Just, pull through for your father..." Cassiopeia sat there, just looking at the scene before her. Adama was pacing around in his quarters, as Apollo, Sheba and Boomer watched. "Seven casualties out there," said Adama. "We did better than I thought with all those Cylons out there. Three from Red Squadron, two from Blue, and two from our third squadron." Apollo said, "I was in command of the third squadron when Monica died, and I accept full responsibility..." Adama cut him of with, "I allowed her to go, Apollo. You did the best that you could with what you had. Besides, that could have been anyone out there. It just happened to be her. And I understand that Andrew died saving Starbuck." "Yes he did, Sir," claimed Boomer. "Both of them out for the first battle, and neither came back to get their pats on their backs for a job well done," Boomer said regretfully. "Father," started Apollo. "I feel that there was... something... uh, different... about them. Remember when I told you about John when we were at Terra? I got that same feeling from their presence." Monica and Andrew were standing behind Apollo, Sheba and Boomer, a soft glow surounding them. "Yes," said Adama. "Turn around." Apollo, Sheba, and Boomer turned around. Sheba was the first to react. She pulled out her laser pistol, and fired, hitting Andrew right in the middle of his torso, and then the wall behind him. After that, she stood there, still as a statue, with her laser pistol pointing at him. "Lieutenant Sheba, put the laser pistol down," ordered Adama. "Sheba, it's OK." Sheba just stood there, as if she did not hear Adama. "Sheba, give me the laser," said Adama as he held his hand out to her. "Stop messing up the walls of my quarters." Sheba's grip on her pistol loosened, as Adama took the pistol out of her hand. "They're not...?" Sheba uttered. "They're not servants of Count Iblis?" "No," Adama said. "They're angels." "Think back, Sheba," said Monica. {Starbuck piloted the shuttle and Sheba was copilot as they traveled back to the Galactica with Apollo's body. "I'm so sorry," Sheba tearfully said. "This is all my fault." Starbuck sighed. "You along... seems to me... everybody's trying to find someone or something to believe in," responded Starbuck. "Apollo knew better. Why did he have to be the one to pay?" "I'd gladly trade my life to have him back..." All of a sudden, there was a loud, ear-piercing sound. The next thing Sheba knew was that she was... somewhere. Her brown flight uniform turned white. She managed to find Starbuck, also in white, along with... beings...} "Now I remember," said Sheba. "Yes, Sheba," said Andrew. "Monica was there. I was there. But I did not bring Apollo to God because it was not his time yet. And as you were told at that time, Apollo purposely got in the way as Iblis tried to take your life." "It was I who gave you, Apollo, and Starbuck the coordinates to Earth," said Monica. "Think, Sheba." "Quadrant Alpha," started Sheba. "Nineteen million sectars by Epsilon vector twenty-two on a circular reckoning course of zero zero zero point nine in a star system of nine plants and one sun... Yes, Monica, that WAS your voice." Apollo looked at Sheba. "You're right, Sheba. That was the voice that gave us those coordinates." "Now, Apollo, now you know why that I am not the right woman for you," said Monica. "Just remember that you have a whole life ahead of you, and a destiny. All you have to do is fulfill it." She turned to Adama, and said, "And Adama, thank you for your assistance." With that, she and Andrew disappeared. Boomer said, "By the Lords of Kobol, was I just dreaming?" "No, Boomer, you weren't." "Well, I think that I had enough of miracles for a cycle," said Boomer. "I think that I'll go see how Starbuck is doing." Adama nodded to him, and then Boomer walked out. Before the door closed, a mechanical daggit ran in, followed by Boxey. "Father! Grandfather Adama! Uncle Starbuck is awake!" he yelled joyfully. Sheba and Apollo smiled at each other. Adama said to Boxey, "Well what are you waiting for, Boxey. Take us TO him." "Yes, Sir," responded Boxey. They all followed him out the door. Siress Blassie was standing by the entrance to the Life Center. Cassiopeia was working with the equipment beside Starbuck. "So, you ARE my father?" murmured Starbuck. It was evident that he was still weak and in pain. "Yes, Starbuck," responded Chameleon. "Well, why did you and Cassiopeia lie to me?" "Because, you made me such a proud father... that I felt that I was not good enough to..." Chameleon trailed off. Starbuck turned to Cassiopeia and asked, "And why didn't you tell me, Cassie?" Cassiopeia turned to Starbuck, and said, "Because I am under oath as a med-tech." "And it was authorized by me." That was Adama's voice. Everyone turned to look to see Adama standing there, with Apollo, Sheba, and Boomer, and Boxey. "Chameleon came to me and told me the results of the test," explained Adama, "and asked me to make sure that you did not know about it. Besides, Chameleon had problems of his own to take care of, such as his rehabilitation. Now that he has finished it, I have given him and Siress Blassie quarters on the Galactica." Chameleon and Blassie looked at Adama, and smiled. "Thank you, Commander," said Blassie. It was clear that Starbuck was fuming from all this, but he was still too weak to show it. "Starbuck," started Chameleon, "I'm sorry that I lied to you. But as I said, you made me so proud, that I was ashamed of myself. I mean, I look at myself, and I look at Commander Adama. The Commander would have been a much better father than I could have ever been. Please, Starbuck, forgive me." Chameleon held his hand out to Starbuck. Starbuck reached his hand out, and took Chameleon's. Finally, he asked, "Father, what was my real name?" "Dimetre," said Chameleon. "The name that your mother and I gave you was Dimetre." Cassiopeia then interrupted. "Starbuck, or Dimetre, needs his rest." Cassiopeia leaned over to him and said, "I'll stay with you." Chameleon then asked, "Can I stay with my son, too? That is, if he will have me?" Starbuck said, "Well, if you want to lie down, there are several stasis tubes to sleep in." Everyone laughed. Adama, followed by Apollo and Sheba were walking down the corridors. "That was some flying you did out there in that recon viper, Father," commented Apollo. Adama looked at Apollo, and said, "But that CORA leaves a lot to be desired." Apollo laughed. "Who was that with you in that viper, anyway?" asked Sheba. "Colonel Tigh had ordered it grounded until that missing wing was replaced." "That was Colonel Tigh," said Adama. "I wonder what they are talking about at that victory celebration," said Apollo. "They're probably talking about you two." Adama just grunted. Monica reappeared again, saying, "Apollo, don't you have to ask your father something?" Then she disappeared again as he turned his head to look at her. Apollo asked Adama, "Father, is Sheba right for me?" Sheba's eyes lit up at that question. Adama turned to Apollo, and said, "Yes, Apollo, Sheba is right for you, but don't you think that you should ask Commander CAIN if YOU are right for her? After all, he IS the one who has to relinquish his place as her protector to you." The three of them laughed as they continued walking. Fleeing from the Cylon tyranny, the last battlestar, Galactica, leads a ragtag fugitive fleet on a lonely quest. A shining planet known as Earth.