SOUL CAGES by Robert Hanczyk January 10, 1998 "That should do it." Levtus was proud of her work. Unfortunately, she had a couple more hundred sections in the unfinished battlestar to seal against the vacuum of space. The thought of the hundreds and hundreds of lives who depended on her seals to maintain the hull integrity and protect them from space never crossed her mind. Levtus was one of the best sealers in the business, and she would never ever let them down. 'Attention! Attention! Everyone clear the area. There is a phalanx of Cylon Raiders on the way. They will be here in seven centons. Get to your shuttles.' The message repeated in her helmet receiver. "What? Cylons? So close? This is supposed to be secure from Cylon attack." Levtus activated the transmitter in her helmet. "Spartan. This is Lev. Can you hear me?" 'I read you. Are you going to your shuttle?' "I'll never reach it in time. I'm too deep inside. How did the Cylons find us?" 'I don't know but you better find someplace to protect yourself and fast.' "Spartan. I'm staying in here_" 'You're crazy!!! They blow you apart.' "Not if they don't know where I am." Levtus guided herself in deeper on the front quarter of the battlestar. She figured the middle would be the safest place. With any luck, the Vipers would reach the Raiders before the Cylons began any attack runs on the far-from-finished-battlestar. "Will you come get me when this is all over?" 'Promise me you'll be there.' "I will." 'Then I'll be back to pick you up. Stay in one piece. Spartan out.' Levtus floated into one of the long corridors. She directed her main light down each direction of blackness trying to figure out the shortest way to the middle without passing any opening to outside of the frame. The big pieces of equipment were sent through those once the main frame was constructed. They were also the easiest way in and out of the mammoth ship. However, floating through them, in a space suit, still took time, time she did not have. Regardless, a lucky Cylon shot up there would blow out that whole section_and then some. 'Attention! Attention! All shuttles departing. Cylon Attack in two centons.' "Frack!" Levtus was not sure what to do. Anywhere she went could be destroyed no matter how deep it was. All she could do was float and wait. She deactivated her main light, but kept it on stand-by. Her backup light was at full power in case something should happen to her main light. With the radio off, all Levtus was able to hear was her own breathing inside the helmet. She knew better than to try and radio out for fear the Cylons might pick up the signal. In the absolute blackness, a centon lasted an eternity. Levtus closed her eyes and prayed to her deities for protection. Levtus lost track of time very quickly. She tried to keep her mind occupied with unfinished work, refining her work schedule, people whom she had to contact about any flaws she discovered before she sealed, and so on. It seemed to help speed up to super slow passing of time, but not by much. What else was there to think of? Levtus had no family. Spartan was her closest friend. The small confines of the multi-dwelling was not exactly thrilling. The only reason Levtus stayed here was the love she had for her job. To be part of the construction team for a mighty battlestar, the freedom to float out in space, the peace and serenity she felt with the stars all around her was enough to exhilarate Levtus at this point in her life. The construction zone was supposed to be well hidden from any Cylon raids. No one ever thought the Cylons would be able to penetrate this deep into Colonial territory. All types of screening devices were used to absorb, deflect, or confuse scanner information if anyone flew close enough. There had to be an inside leak somewhere reporting to the Cylons. Levtus was in free float, not touching any part of the battlestar. Even though she was unable to see or hear anything, she felt the corridor wall hit her. She could not see what happened in the blackness, but it must have been some blow the Cylons delivered to rock this section of the ship. Levtus reached out to hold on to the side to help prevent any other bumps. If the ship rocked, she should rock with it. A few more minor movements had happened, but nothing that seemed to be of any serious consequence. There was a blinding flash of light. It was the brightest Levtus had ever experienced. Her eyes were not ready for it. By reflex, Levtus covered the front of her helmet with both her arms. The affect of the bright light remained within her eyes for a good five centons. Levtus prayed and prayed her eye sight would return to normal. When the brightness finally faded and Levtus dared to open her eyes, she saw not the blackness of space, but an unexplainable phenomenon. Most everything around was black. What was not black formed a perfect cube. Levtus was enclosed in that cube. The cubes were aglow with an eerie luminescence. The twelve faint lines forming the cube were a radiating gold. No, they were silver. Or was it white? Nope. It was orange. In reality, or lack of it, to Levtus, the cube was all colors, but not a one. It was the way one perceived it and that could not even be trusted. On top, below, and to the sides of Levtus' cage were more, just like hers, forming a row that went as far as infinity. In front and behind the cage was another row, identical to the row where Levtus was. As with her row, every row went to infinity. Where was everyone? All the cages were void of prisoners. Levtus was there. Was she the only one? Was it an illusion or a dream to her? The battlestar construction worker was very confused. "HELLO!!! Is anyone out there?!?" "I'm here." The voice was soft, mellow and seemed to be close by. "Where are you? Who are you?" Levtus could see not a soul. "I'm right beside you." "Why can't I see you?" She fought real hard to keep her sanity in check. Levtus heard the voice, but could not tell exactly where it originated. At least it seemed to be a man's voice. "Did you look at yourself?" Levtus tried to look at herself and saw absolutely nothing but the cage. "What happened? Where am I? Where are you?" "Welcome to the Soul Cages of Eternity. You are there in your own soul cage_" "Why can't I see myself?" she quickly interrupted. "There is nothing to see." The voice was so calm. So calm, it made Levtus feel even more displaced. "What do you mean?" Levtus felt panic set in on her body that was not there. "You are there. That which you were is where you left it. You, who makes yourself, is here." "You're not making any sense. Don't talk in riddles to me." Another voice was heard. Again, where it came from was unknown to Levtus. "That is to be expected. In time, which does not exist as we know it, you will understand." The first voice spoke again. "I do not speak riddles. What you hear is the truth. Only the truth does not make sense to you, but it will." Levtus grew impatient at all this nonsense. It was beginning to feel like a bad dream. "You still didn't tell me what happened. Or what will happen. What is this place?" The second voice spoke. "The life, as you knew it, is over. Your physical body is dead. The essences which made you be you is here, in the Soul Cages." "I can't be dead!" Levtus shouted, or at least tried to sound as if she shouted. "I have a job to do. I'm too young to be dead. Get me out of here." "You are not REALLY dead. Only your body has ceased functioning," the first voice said. "There is a chance you may go back, but it will not be in a physical way." "WHAT?!?!?" The second voice pleaded, "Please calm down." "Quite right," added the first voice. With a voice coming from each side of Levtus, her sanity was on the brink of being lost. She heard but could not see. "What was the last thing you remember doing?" "I was sealing the hull of a new battlestar when the Cylons found us and attacked. I hid in the battlestar hoping I'd be safe if they made it thorugh." "Attack. Battlestar. Your people are violent_" "We most certainly are not. We are only trying to protect ourselves from the Cylons." "What are Cylons?" the second voice asked. "They are a mechanical race out to destroy humans. What I was helping to build was a means of protection." Levtus calmed down some, but still felt very uneasy about this whole situation. "That is where you may go." That was from the first voice again. "Where is that?" Levtus bit her imaginary tongue to hold back her temper. "Where you died. It happened to me already. You will go back and be there until it opens to free you." "Huh?" "What they are trying to say is your spirit, your soul, your being will be in the 'battlestar' as you call it," a third voice said. It seemed to come from above Levtus. "You will be there until you are freed. Haunting is a loose way of saying it." "Then what?" The first voice replied, "It all depends on what you do there. Picture where you last were." Levtus saw a completed battlestar out in deep space. There were no signs of accompanying ships, no viper patrols, no Cylon attacks. The battlestar was at peace en route to wherever it was heading. Levtus pictured herself at the areas she sealed before the Cylon attack. The seals appeared free of strain and the wear and tear of space travel. Back at the engines, she felt their power and everything depending on the energy produced. Levtus placed herself in the launch tubes to see how well they held up against the vibrations and strains of countless viper launches. Other than some scorch marks from Viper turbos, everything looked up to par. On the bridge was all the typical activity involved with controlling the mighty battlestar. Through the viewport, the vastness of space was felt with only the stars to guide the way. Behind the bridge, in the middle of the front section where Levtus hid from the Cylon attack, the corridors looked perfect. Warriors and other crew members passed through as if nothing ever happened. More than likely, they never knew of the attack during the construction of the battlestar. Levtus moved through the corridors in that area to examine every little piece of structure. It was quite obvious no one ever noticed her presence there, even those who walked through where she felt herself being. A nearby door opened. A couple came out into the corridor with big smiles on their faces. Noise filled the area while the doorway remained opened. Levtus had to place herself inside the doorway to see what was happening. It appeared to be a big party. People dancing around on the deck and tables. Some people competed against others balancing Ambrosa bottles on their forehead only to be covered in the drink should the bottle teeter. Typical of any party were those who tried to drink each other under the table. They were in trouble if a red alert klaxon blared. Without warning, the people vanished. Everything associated with a party disappeared. Even the furniture faded away. The lighting dimmed down to nothing and the walls of the room dissolved. A light shown on a figure in the corridor on the other side of the defunct room opposite of where the doorway was. The suited figure merely floated there, not moving any limbs. Levtus knew who the figure was - herself. She had to place herself in front of the figure just to be sure. Through the faceplate was a face of terror, frozen for all eternity. Had Levtus' soul had a physical essence to it, she would have gone into shock. However, looking at her dead body had no major impact on her other than knowing it was there. Levtus tried to picture herself back at the Soul Cages of Eternity but nothing happened. She imagined the completed battlestar with everyone on board voyaging through space. It did not appear. Levtus could not place herself anywhere outside of being in front of her own corpse. To Be Continued..... If enough interest is generated.