SKILL, PLANNING AND EXECUTION Lisa Zaza November 2004 Part One Cooling his heels in the OC waiting for Apollo was not exactly what Lieutenant Starbuck had planned for tonight. It had been a long three sectons with warriors off sick with influenza and the remaining pilots covering their shifts. He hadn't had a day off in that entire time, between flying and the rest of the mandatory duties that Colonel Tigh had assigned to them since the destruction of the Colonies. To top it all off, he'd been squadron leader in the last two sectons since Captain Apollo was too busy with his latest 'top secret problem that was so important only the Strike Captain of the Galactica could possibly resolve it'. To the lieutenant, this translated into filing reports. Starbuck didn't recall joining the Colonial Service to spend his days compiling data. In fact, he had taken certain measures to ensure that didn't happen. Now, he was living his worst nightmare. Lieutenant Starbuck, fighter pilot extraordinaire, was actually flying a ... desk! The next thirty centares was Starbuck's first break in a very long time. He had made plans that could only be described as epic... as far as he was concerned. He smiled as he replayed in his mind his winning game of Pyramid in which he had secured a luxurious, private dining room on the Rising Star. As a bonus, his game had financed the procurement of fresh flowers, Gemonese cacao, Proteus Ambrosa and a beautiful necklace with precious sapphires the colour of Cassiopeia's eyes. It still amazed him what was available on the black market, if one knew where to look. How he'd managed to end up in the game with three wealthy businessmen and two council members was no doubt attributed to the famous 'Starbuck Luck'. Sardonic amusement replaced self satisfaction when he realized his friends and peers actually failed to recognize the skill, planning and execution that were 'Starbuck Luck'. It was much wiser to keep such information hidden. Of course it had nothing to do with skill, planning or execution when the lovely Cassie also succumbed to the virus. Apollo became Starbuck's last centon, back up plan. Not bad for a back up plan, he mused, especially considering he and his best friend had not spent anytime together socially since the cursed influenza had started. Starbuck was really looking forward to spending some time catching up with his buddy and trying to weasel out of him what he'd been up to for the last two sectons. Yet, here he sat in a dimly lit, mostly empty OC, sipping slowly on grog that tasted disturbingly similar to the swamp water on Attilla, waiting for Apollo. Apollo sat alone in his quarters, deep in thought. He was staring at the computer screen, in fact had been doing so for centares. He had been over every piece of data available and just didn't seem to be getting anywhere. He had a few theories, but nothing concrete. He grimaced as he realized he missed his familiar duties of Strike Captain. Who would have believed that the invincible Colonel Tigh could be yet another victim of the Aquarian Influenza? Suddenly, he realized someone was leaning over his shoulder and casually reading all the classified information displayed there. Unfortunately, the tired Captain's first reaction was to lose the precarious balance he and the rear two legs of the chair had achieved and to plummet to an ungraceful supine position, much to the apparent amusement of his presently least favourite lieutenant. "Starbuck, what the frack are you doing here?" "Now, Apollo, temper, temper. I just came to see what was holding you up... not your chair I might add", he snickered, "I waited in the OC for a while and got worried... Buddy." Starbuck put on his best concerned face and quickly stepped over his friend to get a better look at the screen. Apollo regained the more popular vertical position and tried to edge Starbuck away from the screen. "Yeah, well, you could have commed me instead of just letting yourself in", he complained. Starbuck refused to be moved, "I tried, but you weren't answering. Naturally, I was concerned." Starbuck looked innocently on and asked, "What is all this felgercarb anyway?" Apollo sighed. He crossed the room reaching for the ambrosa and glasses. "This felgercarb has been my life for the last two sectons." Starbuck gave his friend his trademark grin and replied, "Yeah, well, your life has been my life for the last two sectons and anything must be better than that." Apollo laughed. "Starbuck, as much as it pains me to admit it, I've missed you... and my life. I've been so busy trying to find the answer to all this", he motioned towards the computer, "that I haven't even had time for Boxey. Athena's been taking him most evenings to give me some spare time. She just picked him up in fact." "Just picked him up?" Echoed Starbuck, accepting his drink. Apollo checked his chronometer. "Sagan, I'm sorry, Starbuck. I guess I lost track of time." Starbuck wandered around the tiny quarters. "That's okay, at least your ambrosa's drinkable. So..." he lowered his eyes, carefully studying his drink, "when did this food shortage come up?" Apollo looked up surprised, "How did you surmise that?" "Come on, Apollo, I can read. I can actually read quite a lot in the time it takes you to fall flat on your astrum and get back up again." Apollo glanced back at the computer screen. He knew that endless lists of times, dates and statistics of food consumption based on the census of the ships in the fleet were displayed there. He did not remember switching back to where he had summarized some of his own theories regarding the food shortage. He looked back at his computer illiterate friend. Starbuck would do anything humanly possible to avoid command situations where he was required to sit in front of a terminal for more than a few centons. In fact, Boomer was Apollo's first choice for this temporary replacement assignment. Apollo smiled as he recalled visiting the billet to give his friend the news, only to find Starbuck holding Boomer's head over the turbo flush. The job landed on Starbuck by default. Currently, the reluctant replacement was rearranging Apollo's books on the shelf so the bound ends no longer lined up. Starbuck could be worse than Boxey at times. He closed his eyes in frustration. One, two, three... Starbuck looked at his friend sympathetically. "You know, Buddy, if you've been staring at this info for two sectons, perhaps a fresh set of eyes would help. Besides, it's a sure bet it's either that or go back to the BOQ and listen to Jolly and Greenbean taking turns evacuating alternate ends in the turbo flush." "Arrgh! Enough already, Starbuck!" Apollo resigned himself to the fact that Starbuck was here to stay. "Alright, pull up a chair and I'll try to explain briefly what the problem is." Starbuck joined Apollo at the desk and they both sat down. Apollo noted that Starbuck's glass appeared to be full again. "You're generous with my Ambrosa," he muttered. "Didn't you know it's the only surefire way to fight off the Caprican Flu?" "Bucko, everyone has the Aquarian Flu." Starbuck simply smiled and motioned to the computer, "Brief me, Captain." Part Two Apollo proceeded to explain to Starbuck that despite the fact that adequate food was being cultivated or synthesized for the first time in over a yahren, people of the fleet were continuing to complain of hunger. "Shortly after the destruction of the colonies, not only did our warriors do a complete inventory and safety check of all the fleet's ships, but also a census. We apparently have enough food per person, according to the scientists on the agro ships. However, we are getting reports from various ships that supplies are inadequate and have been for sectares. The frustrating part is that there seems to be no pattern to those ships that are complaining and those that aren't. In fact, for every ship that reports insufficient nutrients there are two that assure us otherwise." He looked over at Starbuck who appeared to be lost in thought. "Are you still with me?" he asked. "Hmmm?" Starbuck looked up guiltily. Here he was at the side of his best friend, an acceptable quality ambrosa in hand, discussing an important fleet issue. Most notably he was no longer behind the duty desk filling out mind numbing reports. Oddly enough, he had been enjoying the moment. Just his luck he'd got caught. Perhaps a grog and two ambrosa's was his limit... tonight anyway. "I'm hanging on every word." Apollo rolled his eyes. "Well, have you checked out the complaints? Are they legitimate?" Starbuck asked. Apollo grunted, "That's another part of the problem. With this virus affecting mainly Galactica residents, I've had trouble coming up with enough warriors who aren't contagious but are well enough to send to civilian ships. The last thing we need is to spread influenza around the fleet." "Might help the food shortage," Starbuck deadpanned. Apollo stared at Starbuck as though he was an android daggit that had just short-circuited in the middle of a Council of Twelve meeting. "So... have you had the Flu?" Starbuck thought a change of topic might be a good idea about now. "Yeah, I was fortunate though, it only lasted a day, " he replied. "Leave it to you to join the accelerated program." Starbuck smiled. "Do you have a list of the ships that are affected?" he asked. Apollo started entering commands and passwords on his keyboard furiously. A few centons later the list finally came up. Starbuck looked on incredulously. Apollo shrugged. "That's another one of my problems. Every time I access a new list of classified information I swear I need to enter my password repeatedly until the frackin' machine is confident I'll give up my son if I abuse the information." "Trust me on this, Buddy. Give up the daggit instead." Apollo snorted. "I don't know how Tigh tolerates it." Starbuck grinned, "Well, that's easy. He doesn't." "Huh? Care to elaborate?" "He has... well... priority access." Starbuck started to explain. Apollo looked blankly at him. Starbuck shook his head. "Move over," he directed. "What you are about to see, you must swear to never hold against me." Starbuck held his friend's gaze. "Sagan, you're weird tonight." Starbuck managed to look convincingly injured. "Oh, alright, I swear." Apollo switched places with Starbuck. Starbuck typed out a short series of keys and was prompted with "confirm." Starbuck repeated the entry. The computer suddenly became the lieutenant's best friend. No longer were passwords and confirmation of intent required. He quickly accessed all of Apollo's files from the previous two sectons and had the list of ships identified in less that a centon. "So, what's this list of ships at the bottom? Are they affected or not?" "Starbuck! What did you do?" Apollo sputtered at his friend. "Relax, Apollo, just trying to help. So, are they or aren't they? Affected I mean." "Oh, no, you are not going to distract me again. What did you just do? That isn't... please tell me that isn't my father's password," he begged. "Lords, Starbuck, they'll trace that back to my terminal and I'll have the commander and colonel breathing down my neck so fast..." Apollo started to pace. Starbuck watched his agitated friend. This was clearly more than he could take. Apollo was definitely on overload. The captain really needed to learn how to relax. He was clearly overreacting. Apollo glared at the lieutenant. The man could be so frustratingly irresponsible sometimes. He just hacked his way into the Galactica's mainframe and thought nothing of it. Wait a centon... Starbuck hacked his way into the mainframe!!! Sagan, Apollo's world had just turned upside down. Memories raced through his mind. The time Starbuck had been assigned to the task force on Arcta when he clearly had no previous experience with frigid climates. The time he had heard that Starbuck had been incarcerated as a juvenile only to find there was no record of it on his file. The time Starbuck had completed two centares worth of reports in fewer than fifteen centons. Starbuck had ... Starbucked him. He grabbed his friend by the shoulders and stared intently into wide eyes centimetrons from his own, " What... did... you... do??!!!" "I... uh... just entered ... the uh... password." "Where did you get it?" "Well, it was a long time ago and... I ... well..." Starbuck stammered, unable to hold his friends gaze. "Where... did... you... get... it?" Apollo punctuated 'it' with a sudden shake of Starbuck's shoulders. Oh, how he'd love to shake him some more. "Well... it was on the Polaris..." "What? The Polaris? But how... ? Who... ?" This was like a bad IFB story. Apollo released him and walked away. He needed to regroup. He shook his head as if that would help clear it. For the first time in his life Captain Apollo was tongue-tied. Starbuck carefully watched his friend. Frack, he'd really messed up this time. Rule one, Bucko, never show your cards. He had an odd tightness in his chest that he couldn't explain. Apollo seemed to be having difficulty even looking at him. "Apollo?" His voice was almost a whisper, as if he was afraid to disturb his friend's reverie. Apollo closed his eyes. One, two, three... four, five, six... "Apollo, look... it was a long time ago. Before I even knew you... a lifetime ago." Part Three The Polaris was a new battle cruiser with all the latest technology, including speed and maneuverability that could not be surpassed. Her commander, Ranen, was one of the greatest military leaders of all time. His strategies and tactics were legendary. He was nearing the end of a stellar career and decided to step down from the command of the Columbia to make room for a younger man. However, he was not ready for retirement yet and he was not prepared to sit behind a desk imprisoned by four walls in some sterile building in Caprica City. He belonged out here among the stars. Ranen was a tough leader who liked to take a personal interest in shaping the minds and careers of his subordinates. Unfortunately, he was getting to know the ensign standing at attention on the bridge only too well. "Ensign Starbuck." Steely grey eyes bored into the younger man. "I thought we had an understanding." He slowly walked around the young man until he was directly behind him. "I specifically recall you agreeing that I would not be seeing your name on report again. Wasn't that just last secton, Ensign?" Starbuck could feel the man's breath on the back on his collar. Last secton on report for a little card game... discovered in the middle of sleep period in the officer's club... and this week for his hair being too long. Minor transgressions were getting the young man in a lot of trouble. He knew the old man was tough, but this was ridiculous. That was his last thought before the concussion of the blast hit him and everything went black. The smell of smoke and burnt flesh permeated Starbuck's muddled senses. His body screamed in protest at the slightest movement. Everything hurt. A constant thudding in his head delayed the realization that he couldn't see a thing. He felt something trickling down his forehead into his eyes. The klaxon was blaring, but he could still faintly hear moans and pleas for help in the background. The sense of panic on the bridge was overwhelming. "Get up!" Starbuck heard the command from over his shoulder. He was lying face down on the floor. He rubbed at his face and managed to move his blood-matted hair out of his eyes. His sight was restored. Frack, maybe he did need a haircut. "Get up, Ensign!" Commander Ranen was on top of Starbuck trapping him from the chest down. He attempted to wriggle out from under the man when a sharp pain darted up his right leg. He gasped. That was a mistake. His chest protested with an agonizing spasm. Deep breaths were definitely out of the question. "Listen, son, if you don't get it together, every man and woman on this ship is going to be dead in seven centons!" Starbuck was struck with terror as he heard the computer-generated voice in the background, "Auto destruct in six centons." "Get off... !" he exclaimed. "I can't move..." Commander Ranen replied bitterly. He was certain his back was broken. He had already taken in the scene around him. The young ensign was their only chance. The commander had taken most of the force of the blast, thereby inadvertently protecting the young man as he was thrown against him. Starbuck was the only one physically able to reach the computer and disarm the deadly auto destruct sequence. "You have to do it, Ensign. Now, move your astrum!" Starbuck painfully twisted to his right, taking some of the pressure off his aching chest. He reached around behind him, grabbed the commander's jacket and pulled. Ranen slipped to the floor beside him. Starbuck was free. Ranen did not look good. His face was pale and diaphoretic. The rest of the man was burnt and bleeding. There was only a charred remains of the great man left. The smell again hit Starbuck hard. He lurched away from the commander and vomited up his last sectons worth of meals. "Starbuck! Sagan, man, listen to me! Starbuck!" Wide, shock filled blue eyes locked with determined grey ones. "The computer! Get to the computer! You have to disengage... the auto destruct sequence!" Starbuck tried to get his tortured body to respond. "Auto destruct in four centons." Four? What happened to five? Starbuck wondered in a daze. "Move!" Starbuck looked around. Lords, surely someone could help. All he saw were the dead and dying. Odd, he thought as he stared out at the stars. They aren't any cylons... "Auto destruct in three centons." The commander quickly assessed the young man. He was also covered in blood. The question was, 'whose blood?' He was obviously in a lot of pain, but he was their only hope. "Son, this is your... chance to make a... difference ... to do something... worthwhile..." Starbuck grabbed a chair and started to pull himself upwards. He swayed dizzily and held on tightly to regain his balance. Tears were streaming down his cheeks from the smoke. He started to cough then noticed his leg. What is that sticking out of my leg? That would be your tibia, Bucko. His stomach heaved once again. Frack, frack, frack... "Auto destruct in two centons." Coughing and choking on the thick smoke, he propelled himself towards the computer using the chair as a crutch. Adrenalin had finally had kicked in. Starbuck hit the keys. Sparks flew from the console and he felt his breath knocked from his lungs as he again found himself lying on the floor. The command center was shooting off an impressive display of fireworks reminiscent of a Caprica Day celebration. He again heaved himself up to the computer and hit the keys. Nothing happened. He tried again. Still nothing. "Commander, it's frozen, it won't let me in, Commander... !" Starbuck stared in desperation at his commanding officer. The old man's eyes were closed. Frack, Ranen couldn't be dead. He wasn't finished here yet! "Commander!" Alert grey eyes opened to stare at the young man again, "FUBAR," Ranen gasped, "Enter, FUBAR." "Auto destruct in one centon." Starbuck gaped at the man in astonishment. What? Perhaps he misunderstood. Hades, why not? After all, he was a betting man and he definitely had nothing to lose. Starbuck typed in "FUBAR." Sweat and tears were pouring down the young warrior's face as he tried to see through the smoke to the computer screen. Hacking coughs tortured his oxygen-deprived lungs. The computer prompted, "Confirm." Starbuck again entered FUBAR. The computer again came to life. "Request." "Disengage auto destruct." Starbuck typed furiously. "Disengaging auto destruct. Confirmed." The klaxon suddenly stopped. Starbuck slumped to the floor. He looked over at the Commander. Ranen smiled at the young, hot headed warrior who was badly in need of a haircut... and medical attention. That kid would be one Hades of a warrior. He closed his eyes and took his last breath. Part Four Starbuck brushed the hair from his eyes. He was well known for his exaggerations in story telling, especially among his fellow warriors. Strangely enough, he felt drained after telling the complete and utter truth. Hades, it was a great story. It didn't really need any embellishments. "As I remember, the Polaris incident was blamed on sabotage. The damage was so extensive throughout the ship that she was decommissioned. Commander Ranen was the one hailed as a hero though, saving his crew and ship in his last moments," Apollo stated. Starbuck shrugged, "I woke up in life center a couple days after the sabotage. Everyone was celebrating the Commander as a hero. He really did save us all. I couldn't have done it if he hadn't kicked my astrum all the way through." "So, you didn't say anything?" "Hades, no. He left a family behind." "And suddenly you had a command code." "Look, it's not like I ever abused the use of the password, well, not too much anyway. It actually didn't occur to me that it would even work off the Polaris." "How did you come to find that it did?" Apollo asked. Starbuck grinned, "Well, I was stuck doing some scheduling and was getting frustrated. You know the acronym, FUBAR, fracked up beyond all recognition, " Apollo nodded, "I typed it in and... well, suddenly I had an operating system that was working for me instead of against me. I finished the scheduling and was still able to make it to the card game." "I don't know how you do it, Starbuck. Felger follows you around and you always come up smelling like... well, like fumarello's actually." Apollo smiled at the look on his friend's face. "What I don't understand is how Commander Ranen's command code could still be active." "I hope you're not asking me. I'm afraid I don't know much about the etiquette regarding command codes and their deactivation protocol." "Me neither, but I do know who does." "Now, now, don't be too hasty here, Buddy, after all, it's getting late and we really shouldn't be disturbing someone of your father's age at this centare. It's important he get a good sleep, after all. Besides, shouldn't you be checking on Boxey? I thought Athena would have had him home a while ago." Apollo shook his head ruefully. "This is just a reprieve, Starbuck. I'll contact Athena and see what's up. They're probably both asleep. Why don't you take a look at that list of ships again? Tell me if you see any similarities that would link them." Starbuck settled back in front of the computer. He could hear Apollo talking to a very sleepy sounding Athena. A sleepy Athena was a memory worthy of a little thought divergence. Unfortunately, his and Athena's schedules seemed to be conflicting right now. Cassiopeia, on the other hand... He sighed. He really should have checked in on Cassie. At least his flowers would have arrived... Apollo watched his friend carefully studying the computer list. He really didn't give Starbuck enough credit sometimes. Starbuck tried to portray himself as insouciant, but Apollo knew better. After all, here he was on his only day off opening up to his friend and coming to his assistance as always. Good old Starbuck. He should really cut him some slack on the whole 'fubar' episode. "Well, Boxey's going to stay at Athena's for rest period. I'll have to pick him up early though. She's working the first shift. Any thoughts on the list?" "Hmmm?" Think fast, Starbuck. Thoughts of Cassiopeia were purged from his mind. "Oh, well... you never did explain the ships at the bottom of the list." Apollo again settled in the chair beside his friend. "More confusing information. These are the ships I actually did get to follow up with. When I spoke with the residents and crew, they denied there was a problem." "No wonder you've had trouble getting anywhere. Okay, here's a theory... " Starbuck put his feet up on the desk and leaned back in the chair. "The top two are the Orphan's ship and the Senior's ship. Number three is the Mirador, which houses a large percentage of the fleet's disabled population then comes the Prison Barge. See any pattern?" Apollo sighed and shook his head. "Do you?" "Yes. The orphans, seniors and disabled are the usual victims of society and the Establishment. They are the ones who are most likely to sit back and accept it when someone cuts their rations, simply because they are accustomed to living in institutions where that is beyond their control. The prisoners... well, frankly no gives a rodent's astrum what happens to them. If someone was going to try to steal food or reroute it, those would be the obvious targets. It's certainly been done for yahrens back in the Colonies." "Care to elaborate?" Starbuck sighed. He got up slowly and paced the small room. He examined the family pictures on the shelf. His friend's upbringing as eldest son of Commander Adama was vastly different from his own. Apollo was groomed to be acutely aware of the political situation with other colonies, civilizations and even more so with their long standing enemies, the Cylons. His education of the social injustices on his beloved Caprica was perhaps a little less thorough. Ah, the intricacies of human nature. This was one of the reasons he had decided to become a warrior and fight the cylons. At least you knew what you were in for. Maybe another glass of ambrosa... Apollo watched his friend pace across the room. When the Captain wasn't being distracted, he was very observant. His eyes widened in surprise as his friend's glance flickered over the ambrosa and then rejected it. "Starbuck?" he prompted. Starbuck let out a long sigh. He nervously ran his hand back through his hair. "Look, for yahrens the bureauticians have provided cubits, food, clothing, shelter... the basic necessities to various people who have needed it." Apollo nodded. "There have always been people taking advantage of this situation. People go without and the extra is scammed. Report a few false numbers to get more cubits and suddenly the head of the orphanage has a tidy little sum on the side padding his retirement plan quite nicely. Or in this case, perhaps they redirect food or resources and sell the extra." Starbuck watched Apollo carefully for his reaction, ready for a debate. He wasn't disappointed. "Alright, for the sake of argument, we have an accurate census taken less than four centares ago that tells us exactly how many people we have. That census is updated every centare as births and deaths are recorded. It's each Captain's duty to forward all relevant statistics to the Galactica." "Apollo, those records can be altered. Someone talented enough could break into the system and delete the original census and replace it. Then where would we be? Besides, do we actually have someone constantly monitoring information to ensure it isn't being tampered with? Last time I looked, Komma and his wanna-be's were just trying to keep everything running, much like the rest of us." "You seem to know a lot about it." Apollo held Starbuck's gaze. Starbuck met his searching look and shrugged. "I'm a voracious reader." "Starbuck...", Apollo started. Apollo had that, 'Let's talk about it, Bucko' look. "What we really should be doing is heading to the central computer to find out if the census information has been tampered with or not. Are you in, Captain?" Starbuck headed towards the door. This was his day off, and if he didn't want to talk about his feelings, he didn't have to! Apollo noted the use of his rank and decided to let it go... for now. He had always suspected that Starbuck did not have fond memories of his childhood. In fact, he rarely mentioned it at all. If you asked his friends, Starbuck was born in a viper and started his life as a warrior. He also easily evaded topics he didn't want to deal with. Case in point. He was already walking out the door. "Okay, Bucko, I'm in." Part Five Apollo and Starbuck were lost in their own thoughts as they approached the central computer room. They were both slightly surprised that a very young, thin man was sitting behind the desk and not Corporal Komma. The young man jumped to attention. "At ease, ensign... ?" Apollo searched his memory for the man's name, but didn't recall ever seeing him before. "Griffyn, sir. Thank you, sir." The slender man sat down again. "Can I help with something, sirs?" He looked about seventeen yahrens old. "Where's Komma?" Starbuck asked. He started wandering around the room. "Sorry, sir, he's off with influenza. Can I help?" the man asked nervously. Apollo sighed. "We need to check the accuracy of the Fleet census." Griffyn looked dumbstruck. "Well, I suppose I could check the records to see if anything looked suspicious...?" Apollo shook his head. "We've already done that. It was a dead end." "Well, I... don't really know... uh... what else I could do? I'm only cleared to... uh... maintain and enter data and monitor the systems," the man stuttered nervously. "What kind of training do you have?" Starbuck asked. "Third yahren completed as a Computer Science major at the Academy." "What? And he's wasting your time with data entry?" Starbuck asked astonished. Griffyn flushed, but whether with anger or embarrassment they did not know. "Corporal Komma likes to run the show here... sir." "C'mon Kid, time for a little challenge." Starbuck put his arm around the nervous young man. "What we need is a back door program into the original programming for the fleet census. Up for it?" Griffyn's face grew determined, "Yes, sir!" Starbuck grinned at his friend. Nothing like a little speech to motivate an impressionable kid to your cause. Apollo smiled back. This wouldn't take long. Time dragged on. Apollo had stepped out in search of some hot java. Starbuck, never known for his patience, was pacing again. Something wasn't right here. The kid seemed to know what he was doing, but still wasn't getting anywhere. Was he holding back or was he just in over his head? Frack, I'm tired. His eyes burned and his shoulders ached. He wanted to put his head down on the desk and close his eyes, but something told him to stay alert. Warrior instinct or paranoia? Hades, a little bit of both had kept him alive this long. "Lieutenant?" Starbuck stopped his pacing to consider the computer tech. "If you want a diversion, sir, the other terminal has a Pyramid game on it. Sorry, it's taking me so long. It's been quite a while since I did this kind of thing." "Pyramid, eh?" Well, that's just what he needed to keep his mind alert. At least until the java arrived. Starbuck sat down in front of the screen and started playing. His mind was soon wandering again as he realized this was a lower level Pyramid game. He could beat this computer with his eyes closed. Strange that Komma was sick. He was sure he had seen the man much earlier that day looking the picture of health. He brought up the duty roster. Komma was indeed on it. So, oddly enough, was Griffyn. Well, I'll cross-reference this with Salik's sick list and... No Komma. Off sick, but not sick? Hmmm... Suddenly, a steaming mug of java was in front of him. "Thanks, Buddy." He took a sip. "Ah, the giver of life..." Apollo chuckled as he crossed the room and handed a mug to Griffyn. "Getting anywhere?" he asked the ensign. "Nowhere fast, sir. Sorry, I'm out of practice." Apollo nodded. "Starbuck, I'm going to have to go get Boxey soon." He motioned to the door. "Join me?" Starbuck followed Apollo into the corridor. "What's up?" Starbuck asked him. "Something's not right here. I had a roommate at the academy who could do this kind of stuff in his sleep by his third yahren in the tech program." "That's not all. Griffyn said that Komma is off sick, but Salik's records don't show him as even being in life center in the last secton." Starbuck reiterated his discovery. "What's next?" "Boomer has a friend who's a computer genius. I'll get him to contact her and see what she can find out. Maybe she even knows Griffyn and can give us a little insight on him. This is the first time I've laid eyes on him. Hey, I've been meaning to ask you, can you run a back door program?" Starbuck shook his head, "No. I can evade some security features and generally make the cursed thing easier to use, but I'm no computer programmer. Believe me, I would have stepped in by now if I could. I think I'm going to stick with our very nervous friend. In fact, I can access what he's doing and keep an eye on him." Apollo's eyebrows rose, "You can do that using the code?" "Uh, uh, I can do it because the terminals are networked, just like on the bridge. Maybe he'll make a mistake if he thinks I'm busy playing Pyramid. So, you're off to wake up Boomer?" "I'm afraid so. How is Boomer, by the way?" Apollo asked. "Starting back to duty in two centares. How do you think I finally got some time off?" "Time off, eh?" Apollo headed down the corridor, "And how is your little vacation, Bucko?" Part Six Boomer was lying awake in his bunk. He had just recovered from a long bout of influenza and his body was still feeling the aches and pains. Maybe I'm just getting old, he mused. Probably why I can't sleep. Can't have anything to do with Jolly's snoring, after all. "Boomer?" he heard a whisper. Boomer sat up and saw Apollo standing at the foot of his bunk. "Oh, good, you're awake. I need to talk to you." Boomer quickly grabbed some clothing and followed Apollo out of the billet. "How are you feeling?" Apollo asked. His friend looked tired. "Getting better all the time." Boomer shrugged. "Mostly bored out of my mind. What's going on?" Apollo quickly filled Boomer in on the food shortage as well as the latest developments with the suspicious Ensign Griffyn and missing Corporal Komma. "Something doesn't add up. We were hoping you could contact your friend, Wong, and ask her about the back door program as well as picking her brain about Griffyn. We need someone who knows what she's doing... and someone we can trust. We're not too confident on either score with Ensign Griffyn." "That should be easy enough. She moved aboard the Galactica a few sectons ago to start a new job. I'll contact her quarters and arrange for us to meet with her." Starbuck had settled back into his chair in front of the terminal. He had linked the two terminals and was watching the ensign work laboriously at his task. The lieutenant's eyes were trying very hard to close. The java had been more detrimental than beneficial, as his stomach was somewhere between hunger and nausea. At least Komma would have had some mushies on hand. Not likely that this skinny kid would be any help. Mind you, if his complexion was any indication, maybe he had already eaten the mushies... Anything to report? Starbuck blinked. Griffyn started. He looked anxiously over his shoulder at Starbuck. Starbuck still appeared to be lost in a game of cards. Suddenly, tapping on the ensign's keyboard increased. They're on to you. They're trying to find your data adjustment on the census. Who? Captain Apollo and Lieutenant Starbuck. Griffyn again peered anxiously over his shoulder. Starbuck's head was supported on his hand and he appeared to be dozing. Meanwhile, narrowed blue eyes watched the message unfold. Anyone else? Not that I know of. Send them in my direction. Do you know where? Y... A micron later, Starbuck could not quite believe that he was standing with his laser in his hand while a stunned Ensign Griffyn lay on the floor. He leapt to the keyboard. Y... Well, actually, no. Where should I bring them? Part Seven Boomer and Apollo, with Boxey in tow, entered the main computer center to see Starbuck leaning over a very still Ensign Griffyn. "Starbuck, what happened? Are you okay?" Boomer rushed to his side. Apollo stood back briefly, with his son held protectively behind him, assessing for any imminent danger. "I'm fine. Seems Griffyn is in on this though. I caught him contacting the target. Take a look," Starbuck indicated the screen. "So you... shot him?" Boomer asked incredulously. Apollo moved over to study the screen. A bleary eyed Boxey looked on. "Yep. I shot him. Stunned him actually." Starbuck rubbed his aching neck. "A bit extreme, old buddy, even for you." Boomer shook his head in concern. Apollo nodded in approval after reading the screen, "Look's like he didn't have much choice. I take it the last entries are yours?" Starbuck nodded. "Yeah. So, I guess we need a plan." He moved over to Boxey and picked him up. "Boxey, got any mushies on you?" "Well, I suppose we can call Council Security to remove the ensign for a start," Boomer stated after reviewing the data. "It will be quite a while before he can be questioned." "In the meantime, they are going to be expecting Starbuck and I to be showing up soon." "But they won't be expecting backup. Or for you to be prepared. Let's stop by the duty office and pick up a few toys that Dr. Wilker brought over. I think you'll like them." Boomer grinned. "It's good to be back to work." Starbuck sat quietly eating a badly crushed mushy... with something green stuck to the side of it. "Apollo, are we bringing Boxey in on this one?" Boxey suddenly came alive. "Can I really? Can I?" Apollo grimaced at Starbuck. "Thanks." He picked up his son. "I'm sorry, Boxey, not this time. I'll have to drop you off at your Grandfather's on the way. Let's go." After contacting Council Security, the small group made it's way to the duty office where Boomer started demonstrating some of Wilker's latest technology. Apollo deposited Boxey on the chair. "What did you find out from Wong, Boomer?" Starbuck asked. "Well, actually, I spoke with her roommate, Aidan, and she didn't know where she was." "Another missing computer tech," added Apollo. "I thought you said her roommates always knew where she was?" Starbuck bantered. "Maybe you just asked the wong woomate." Boxey giggled hysterically. Starbuck winked at him. Boomer and Apollo both ignored him. "As I was saying, we're going to be on one of the lowest levels of the Galactica. It's easy to get turned around; they're so seldom used. This little baby," Boomer indicated a rectangular hand held box, "will be our map. Wilker's also updated our communicators so we can trace one another in case we get separated." He handed Apollo and Starbuck a flat disc about the size of a cubit. "Slip this into your boot. It's what the tracer monitors." "Boomer," Starbuck whined, "Do we really need all this electronic felgercarb?" "Probably not, but it's a great opportunity to try it out. It's really designed for use on planetary exploration, so it will be interesting to see how it works on board the Galactica. We can expect some signal interference." He looked at Apollo who nodded his agreement. "What do you think is waiting for us down there?" "I don't know. This is the only lead we have. Look, I still need to drop off Boxey at his Grandfather's. How about I meet you in twenty centons at our starting point on level 'G'?" He indicated the position on the electronic map. "Alright," Boomer nodded. "Apollo, don't be late. This is probably not a good time to be have long discussions with your father on command code etiquette," Starbuck mentioned, sensing his brief reprieve was about to come to an end. Apollo smiled sympathetically and left. Boomer looked around the duty office in amazement for about the tenth time. The desk was neat. The reports had been filed. The duty roster was complete for the next secton. "Who are you, and what have you done with Starbuck?" he teased. Starbuck just shrugged. His sleepless night was starting to catch up with him again. He could feel his energy waning. "C'mon, let's go." Boomer shook his head. "We'll be too early," he protested. Starbuck got up. "Boomer, we'll stop one level up and play with your toys. We'll do a little test run before Apollo joins us." "Well, I can't see any harm in that," he agreed eagerly. Boomer loved electronics and though he hadn't told his friends, he had contributed some ideas to the design for the tracer. They headed towards the turbolift. Neither man noticed they were being followed. Boomer pushed the button for their level. Starbuck was already playing with his tracer. "I see what you mean about the interference. I can read Apollo's general location, but that's all." Boomer nodded, "Yeah, that should improve as he gets closer to us." "I see what you mean, according to my calculations... you're right next to me." He grinned. "Oh, I can see you're going to be a lot of help on my clinical trial." He frowned. "Hey, wait a centon, we just passed our level." Suddenly, a blinding light was shining in their eyes. Both men reached for their weapons. "Drop them or you will die!" "I can't see a fracking thing," Starbuck muttered. His hand was shielding his eyes from the incredible glare. "Better do as he says... for now anyway," Boomer whispered. He dropped his weapon and heard Starbuck do the same. They needed to assess the situation. Right now they were blind... but not helpless. Four men moved in to surround them and they heard their weapons being removed. "Lieutenant Starbuck, I've been waiting for this moment a very long time." Starbuck was still blinded and did not recognize the voice. "Do I know you?" The man laughed. "Consider this Lieutenant. I am the crawlon and you have just entered my web." Frack, this couldn't be good. Starbuck could feel a shiver run down his spine. Part Eight 0 Apollo and Boxey entered Commander Adama's quarters. His father seemed to have been up for some time, and hard at work. "Apollo! Boxey! Well, now, this is a timely visit." He smiled at his family and warmly embraced his grandson. Adama fussed over Boxey for a few centons and then strategically removed him from earshot. "Apollo, I was just about to contact you. I need to ask you a question." "I have something to discuss with you too," he replied. Adama motioned for his son to be seated. "I should start at the beginning. A few days ago we were tipped off by one of our people that there is an illicit command code being used in the fleet." Apollo eyes widened in surprise. "You seem as surprised as I was." The commander studied the captain closely. "Actually, Father, I'm not surprised at the existence of the code, it's just your timing in bringing this up. This is what I wanted to speak to you about." Now it was Adama's turn to be surprised. "Well, I assume you're going to explain why the last use of the command code was traced to the computer terminal in your quarters. Apollo sighed. "It's a long story." Adama met his eyes, "Then you had better get started." Apollo quickly relayed the story of Commander Ranen and the Polaris. Adama had his face hidden in his hand and was shaking his head slowly, "Starbuck...". "What I didn't understand was why Commander Ranen's code wasn't deleted. Even Starbuck was genuinely surprised when yahrens later he used it and it worked." "Command codes were sacred, Apollo, we did not reveal what they were. Therefore, there was no need to delete them." "But what about for security measures? Surely there must have been some provisions made?" he asked astonished. "Yes, yes, of course. We had the capability, but it was a matter of honor. Deleting a command code was equivalent to a betrayal of trust." "Father, that's ridiculous." "It was our way." Apollo and Adama silently agreed to disagree. "How did you find out about the code? Who tipped you off?" Apollo asked. "Actually, a computer tech. She had been approached to identify the signature wave emitted by the code, to track it to its source... Starbuck. She refused, of course." "She? Is this Wong we're talking about?" Adama again looked at his son in surprise. "How did you know?" Apollo then filled in Adama on the food shortage investigation and the subsequent events. Coincidentally, Colonel Tigh had teamed Wong and Komma for the last day, also attempting to identify and isolate Ranen's code. They had just recently tracked the code to Apollo's terminal. "But surely we already had that capability," Apollo asked. "We had the technology, but no one with the capability to utilize it with any efficacy. After all, the position of monitoring the use of command codes was virtually unnecessary after the destruction of our offensive fleet." Apollo nodded his understanding. "But, wait a centon. Who was trying to hire Wong to find Starbuck?" "She didn't know for certain. What she was certain of was she didn't trust them or want anything to do with them. Perhaps they are the same criminal element that's behind the food shortage..." Adama paused. "Unless that was just a cleverly planned ruse to get Starbuck to come to them... " Realization and horror hit Apollo. He looked at his chronometer. "Frack, I'm late and Starbuck and Boomer are in danger." He headed towards the door. "Apollo, wait!" Adama ordered, also quickly rising. He grabbed his son's arms. "If they've abducted Starbuck they are going to try to get him to reveal the code. Think of what it would mean to them to have the ability to bypass fleet security for criminal intent." "Father, Starbuck would never tell them!" "Son, this attack has been planned in extreme detail. These people are not amateurs. The Lords only know what measures they will take to get that information from him. We must eliminate that code. Do you know what it is?" "Father, if we delete the code Starbuck has nothing to bargain with." "They don't know that." "I do," Apollo's looked at his father. "What would Starbuck want you to do?" "That's not fair... Frack." His father was right. His first commitment was to the fleet. His second commitment was to his friends and... they were both wearing tracers in their boots! "FUBAR", he stated. "FUBAR??" Adama asked incredulously. Apollo left the room at a run. He had his two best friends to find. Part Nine Starbuck felt his arms secured behind his back. He was pushed out of the turbolift and face first up against the wall. Hands roughly frisked him and he realized Boomer's electronic toys had been confiscated. The glaring light suddenly dimmed. It took a centon for his eyes to adjust. Four very large men surrounded the two warriors. He turned his head towards the leader. The man was only slightly older than himself. He had a stocky build and was completely bald. He should have been a humorous character, except for his black eyes, totally devoid of emotion. The man didn't appear to be armed. By the looks of his henchmen, he didn't need to be. Starbuck quickly noted the panel at the turbolift. Wires hung loosely out of the box. It had obviously been tampered with to cause them to miss their level. A smaller man hung back by the lift. He was probably the tech who rigged it. He seemed nervous. Actually, he reminded Starbuck of Griffyn. The four men, besides outweighing them, were also well armed. He noted with bitterness that two of the men now wore Colonial lasers. Things weren't looking very promising right now. There would be an opening. They would have to wait for it. After all, Apollo would be here in about ten centons. Apollo was never late. Of course, he might just walk in on this little party... "Nice place you have here. Who's your decorator?" Thump! His head smacked into the wall. Well, that cinched it. The pressure that had been growing in his neck had officially become a pounding headache. "Easy, Serpo. We do need some information from the Lieutenant, after all. Now, I know it's against your nature, but it will be much easier on you both if you cooperate. After all, we're all reasonable men here..." He laughed again. "What do you want?" Boomer asked. He was bound and restrained against the opposite wall from Starbuck. He was mystified as to the preparedness of these men. They obviously had incredible resources. What the frack was going on? This was much bigger than food ration diversions. "It's very simple really. I..." He stepped over to Starbuck, "...want..." grabbed him by the throat, "... Commander Ranen's..." and squeezed tightly, "... command code." Calm blue eyes stared into black. Starbuck reasoned that if the man wanted him to speak, he wasn't likely to strangle him to death right now. Besides, he had been trained in resisting torture. Now... how did that go? Oh, yeah, run like Hades for your viper and get the frack out of there! Boomer moved quickly. His guards were carefully watching their leader and had relaxed their grip on him. He twisted suddenly to the right and kicked out hard with his leg. His boot slammed into the shoulder of Starbuck's tormentor. This had the desired effect. Starbuck could breath again. He reacted as quickly as his friend when he head butted the oversized Serpo. He heard a sickening crunch and the man slumped to the floor bleeding profusely from what used to be his nose. What the frack, he already had a headache. He felt an arm reaching around his neck. With all his strength he kicked back against an unprotected shin. Thank the Lords for military issued boots. He heard a yell from behind him, but the man was not to be deterred. He was pulled back against the man by the neck and the two of them tumbled to the floor. He felt an equally impressive boot connect with his rib cage and felt his own bones crunch. He gasped in pain as he was hauled to his feet. Another blow connected to his abdomen and he knew he was about to toss his mushies. He turned his head to the right and promptly vomited all over the guard restraining him. He was turned lose, but this time simply fell to his knees with his stomach heaving. He felt a hand grab him by the hair and yank up his head. Serpo, blood still pouring down his face, stared down at him with his fist clenched. "Enough!" the leader yelled. He was cradling his arm in pain. He couldn't believe two restrained men had caused such pandemonium. He had apparently underestimated his enemy. Boomer was lying on the floor unconscious, having been hit on the head by a weapon. Starbuck was staring defiantly up at Serpo. The warrior was a little crazy. It was clear that Serpo was ready to strike and could easily kill the smaller man... then again, perhaps that was his plan. After all, dead men tell no lies. They had wasted too much time here. "Pick him up." He indicated Boomer. "We have to change location." Serpo glowered down at Starbuck. He grabbed him by the collar of his jacket and pulled him to his feet as though he were a child's doll. Serpo looked like a professional fighter. The scars on his face were numerous. The teeth in his mouth were few. He towered over Starbuck. "Let's move!" the leader instructed. Boomer groaned as he was hoisted onto a shoulder. The small party headed out. Starbuck smiled to himself as he watched them assemble. Of their six adversaries, one was limping badly, one was covered in blood, one was supporting his injured arm, and one was covered with vomit. Not bad for a couple centon's work. All right, Captain, any time now... Part Ten Ten centons later, the group of men was still moving. Boomer was awake again and had resumed walking. He felt dizzy, nauseous and had a pounding headache. He wished he could get Starbuck alone to see if he knew what was going on. Starbuck was metrons ahead of him and there was no way to communicate with him. Starbuck was getting concerned. Where in Hades hole was Apollo? He knew the range of the tracers wasn't very accurate, unless you were practically standing on top of your target. Boomer didn't look well. They finally came to a stop in a small room. There was only one way out, the reinforced metal door. Starbuck noted the shackles and chains attached to the wall. There was also a small table with vials of... something... on it. There was a small, black case lying there. Oh, this was not looking good at all. "Secure them." The guards once again propelled the warriors towards opposite sides of the room. Though both men struggled, they were soon shackled to the wall, facing one another. "Hey, hey, hey, can't we talk about this? Since we're all so reasonable..." Boomer started. A gag was hastily inserted into his mouth and a piece of duct tape secured it in place. "Excuse my rudeness, Lieutenant Boomer, but you're not the one I want to talk with." The leader approached Starbuck. Starbuck was breathing hard from his struggle. His ribs and head were throbbing. He was still feeling oddly queasy. "Just wait a centon, isn't this the part where the crazed lunatic, that's you, is supposed to reveal his evil plot?" Black eyes starred calmly at him. "My, you do have a mouth on you. Serpo, please instruct the Lieutenant of the penalty for not providing the answer which I seek." Serpo stepped up to Starbuck, punched him in the nose and retreated in one graceful motion. "He's done this for me before you see." Boomer watched in horror. He shook his head. It was so like Starbuck to try to provoke the madman. He knew his friend was trying to kill time until Apollo arrived. He had lost track of the time while unconscious. Just where was the Captain? Starbuck could feel the blood running down his face. Well, at least Salik could fix the nose. Why do they always have to go for the face eventually? Oh, well, it would pay off when the sympathy arrived in the form of Cassiopeia and Athena. The stars before his eyes receded and he looked over at Boomer shaking his head. He could hear his friend's thoughts. Starbuck, it isn't advisable to provoke a maniac who surrounds himself with lumbering troglodytes. Sorry, Buddy, just can't help it. The maniac was drawing close again. "Who are you?" Starbuck asked. Most madmen had enough of an ego to want to tell their story. If there was one thing Starbuck thought he understood, it was the male ego. The man considered Starbuck for a centon. He was reasonably certain it would be some time before colonial warriors would find them... He planned to be gone by then anyway. "Very well. I'm Zeduk. I'm a... business man." He laughed at his little joke. "The command code you have will go a long way in helping me with my business." "What command code?" Starbuck put on his best innocent face. The one he used with lady friends and superior officers. It was worth a try. Zeduk's smile faded. "Serpo." Serpo again hit Starbuck, this time in his ribs. Starbuck counted himself lucky it was the uninjured side... well, the formerly uninjured side. That's okay, Bucko. Salik can fix it. Cassiopeia and Athena. "What makes you so sure I know it?" "Well, because I saw the great man himself give it to you on board the Polaris." Boomer's eyes widened in surprise. "You were on the Polaris?" Starbuck was shocked. "Oh, yes. You see it was I who enabled the sabotage. I was posted to Security you see. I was also on the bridge when you disabled the self destruct sequence." Starbuck's eyes blazed with anger. Oh, this man was going to pay... eventually. Starbuck snorted. "I didn't need a command code to do that." He realized his and Boomer's lives were on the line here. He was almost glad his friend was gagged because there was nothing to distract him. Boomer's smart-ass comments could be distracting. Zeduk smiled, "Oh, but I know for a fact that you did. The people who paid me also disabled the computer. The only way you could have restarted it was through Ranen's command code. I may not have known who you were, Lieutenant, but I figured it out eventually. I am curious though why it took you so long to use the code." "How did you discover it was me? Zeduk laughed, "I'll tell if you tell." Starbuck shrugged. "I thought it would have been deleted by command. I didn't think there was any point." "Ah, if not for the old ways... My turn. Back on Caprica I had people hired to monitor the signature waves to see if it ever turned up. The likelihood after all those yahrens was poor, but if it paid off the rewards would be great. Your signal was picked up. By then you were on board the Galactica and quite out of reach. There were also seven other warriors on your battlestar around your age who had served on the Polaris. I didn't have you pinpointed quite yet. Then came the destruction. It brought us together." He smiled evilly. "Your signal was occasionally picked up, so I knew you were alive. When the census was completed I discovered the other six warriors were dead." "And the food shortage?" "Just an elaborate plot to lure you into my lair." "Lairs, webs, can't make up your mind what kind of animal you are, can you?" Boomer again shook his head. "Serpo, if you please..." Again the immense man struck Starbuck, however, this time it was open handed across the face. Frack. His face burned. Took his mind off the rest of his aches and pains. No harm done. Moving on. He met Boomer's concerned gaze across the small room. "The moment of truth has come, lieutenant. The command code if you please." The tone of voice brooked no argument. "It's too late." Starbuck's mind was racing as fast as his heart. This was it. The moment of truth had indeed come. 'Truth' was perhaps too strong a word. Zeduk's eyes narrowed. "Whatever do you mean?" "Why do you think Boomer is here and not Apollo? Apollo went to see the Commander to deactivate your precious code. You're too late. It's over." "You lie!!!" Zeduk was furious. Starbuck could tell he was thinking it over. The most important part of any con was there had to be an element of truth in it. Starbuck mused to himself that could indeed be what had happened. What else could have been important enough to hold up his friend? Boomer watched the exchange feeling like a socialator in an Otori Sect worship service. He had no idea what the truth was. He could usually read Starbuck, but not now. Not here. Starbuck had his Pyramid face on and was playing the hand of his life. Boomer was proud of him... but he was still going to kill him when they got out of here. "It's over." Starbuck repeated. All of his cards were on the table. He watched Zeduk. He noticed the man became decreasingly eloquent as he became increasingly angry. "Well, perhaps you will humor me and tell me what it was." Zeduk knew the problem lay in the fact that if Starbuck was telling the truth, the command code would not be accepted by the computer. If Starbuck was lying, he could supply the wrong code and it also would not be accepted. There was still another way. "Nomad," Starbuck stated. After all, he could be wrong about all this. "Otis." For the first time Zeduk addressed the turbo lift saboteur. "Go try it. Let me know." Otis left the room. Zeduk crossed the room to the little table. He picked up the black case and removed two injectors from it. "Does your friend know anything about this Lieutenant?" he indicated Boomer. "No... What the frack is that?" Starbuck asked. That shiver down his spine was returning. Zeduk depressed the injector before inserting it into the vial. He then meticulously withdrew his desired dose. "This is my business. Taking people to Elysium. Are you ready to go to Elysium, Lieutenant?" he asked Boomer as he slowly approached him. "I need an arm." Boomer's eyes were opened wide and he was trying very hard to find a crack in the wall big enough to escape into. Two of the men approached Boomer. He tried to fight, but his struggles were useless, already shackled and injured. They simply sliced the fabric up his arm with a knife. He could hear Starbuck shouting obscenities in the background, but all his senses were intently focused on the chemical being forced into his vein. Within microns he felt a rush of euphoria. Starbuck watched his friend. Boomer totally relaxed and slumped down the wall. Zeduk ordered his release and Boomer bonelessly slipped onto the floor. "Boomer? Are you okay?" Starbuck asked. Boomer heard the voice, but was having difficulty focusing on where it was coming from. He looked around. Strangers were all around him. Oddly enough, that didn't worry him. For the first time in sectons he felt... wonderful. Zeduk knelt down beside Boomer and removed the gag. Boomer just sat there with a silly smile on his face enjoying the moment. He closed his eyes and rested his head against the wall. So good... "Lieutenant, do you know what Commander Ranen's command code is?" Zeduk asked gently. Boomer looked up at the nice man. He smiled at him. Think Boomer. You know this. "Nomad," he stated proudly. "Hmm," Zeduk considered him. He looked over at a very concerned Starbuck. "Well, either you were telling the truth or your friend was telling the truth as he so recently learned it. Still a dilemma." Otis returned to the room shaking his head. Zeduk headed back to the table and reached for the second syringe. "Let me tell you more of my troubles, Lieutenant. In order for me to make my Elysium I need a substance called effedryn. Lately, my supply has dried up. I've had to come up with an alternative. I'm calling it pseudo-effedryn. Unfortunately, I haven't had a healthy young specimen to try it on yet. Enter you." The same two guards held Starbuck as Serpo cut open his sleeve up to his elbow. "I'm hoping you have a similar response to my new formula. I'm sure you noticed with your friend, that besides intense pleasure it also potentiates the telling of truths." Starbuck struggled with all he had left. He used every expletive he had ever learned. Despite all his efforts he felt the chemical penetrate his flesh. He last thought was, "Apollo, you're fracking late." A micron later he felt the rush... Part Eleven Apollo wasn't going to take any chances on stumbling blindly into a dangerous situation. It wouldn't help Starbuck or Boomer if he were apprehended as well. He rounded up as many healthy bodies as he could in the short time he was willing to spend. Colonial Warriors and Council Security joined forces and headed to level G. He shook his head in anger as he recalled being challenged by Reese in security. Reese insisted that this was an internal problem and therefore, Council security forces should be in charge. Apollo didn't have the precious time to argue with the man, so they compromised. Reese was leading the second task force. Jolly, however, was watching him carefully. The level was dimly lit. Apollo's senses took in the blood and the overwhelming smell of vomit. He badly wanted to use his communicator, but that would be simply giving their positions away to the enemy. He checked the status of the tracers. They were active. Starbuck and Boomer appeared to be together. At the last centon he remembered to slip his own tracer out of his boot. If they discovered the technology; it wouldn't do to have the enemy tracking his own approach. Task force 'B' would infiltrate from the opposite direction. If their timing worked out, they would meet in the middle and with luck cut off any escape. Timing was everything. They made their way cautiously down the darkened corridors. What was really maddening to the captain was they still didn't know who their enemy was. They were at a disadvantage despite their training and firepower, but Apollo wasn't ready to give up on his friends yet. Everyone was tense. There was a lot at stake here. Everyone liked and respected Boomer. Starbuck, well, he was practically their mascot. Hades, focus Apollo! They reached their final position. Apollo checked his chronometer. Fifty microns to assault. The corridor was quiet. He could see Reese's men in position. He wished this was already over and he was joining his friends in the Officer's Club for a drink. Ten microns. He checked his laser again. Three, two, one... They stormed the room. The door slammed back against the wall to reveal... nothing. The room was dusty and empty. It had probably not been entered for some time. He remembered Boomer's comments about signal interference aboard the Galactica. "Reese, you go down a level, we'll go up. Move!" Apollo had a bad feeling about all of this. Starbuck felt as though his blood was on fire. Every nerve ending was burning. The light in the small room suddenly blazed through his eyes. Every sound was amplified to terrifying heights. Each and every pain in his body escalated to unendurable levels that he could not escape from. He heard an animal shrieking in terror and deep in his mind, he realized he was that animal. Zeduk watched in fascination and horror. This was not the desired result for increasing Elysium sales. His men had all retreated from Starbuck. The lieutenant was flailing uncontrollably. Zeduk could see the blood starting to drip down his wrists from the shackles biting into them. The screaming had stopped and his teeth were tightly clenched together. Even in this state, he was desperately trying to retain some control. How fascinating. Eyes darted around the room, focusing on nothing. "Time to go I think..." Zeduk resigned himself to the fact that the command code was lost. He wished he could stay and observe the lieutenant. He was the perfect specimen, young and fit. It was such a shame that he was going to miss this research opportunity. Apollo and his men again stood ready to attack. It had taken them another five centons to cover the distance required. More precious time lost. He gave the signal and the door was stormed. This time he stopped dead in his tracks, stunned at what was before him. Boomer laid curled up on the floor humming to himself with a smile on his face. Starbuck, on the other hand, was almost unrecognizable. Blood covered his face and uniform. His hair was plastered to his head, wet with sweat. Tears were streaming down his face and he was whimpering to himself. The loud noise from the assault had him trying to retreat into a corner. The success of this was hampered by the shackles at his wrists. Apollo could almost palpate the fear emanating from his friend. Giles was trying to get around Apollo to see if he could help. "Easy," Apollo waved him back. "Get a med tech down here. See if you can get something that will quickly cut through those shackles. Comm Reese and tell him we've found Starbuck and Boomer. When Reese arrives, do a perimeter check. See if there's any sign of their attackers." Apollo rattled off his orders. The entire time his eyes didn't leave his terrified friend. He moved slowly and kneeled down by Boomer. "Boomer? Are you okay?" he checked the carotid pulse. It was elevated, but not dangerously. Boomer stopped humming and smiled up at the captain. "I'm great. Really great." Apollo slowly examined his friend. He did appear to be okay, other than a bump on his head. His pupils were dilated, but he suspected there was a chemical reason for that. He noted both Boomer's and Starbuck's sleeves. "Boomer, do you know what they gave you?" Boomer thought about it. It was good to see Apollo. They had been waiting for him, hadn't they? Oh, well, he was here now. "Glad you could make it, Buddy." Apollo winced, feeling guilty he had been so long. Boomer sat up and gave him a crushing hug. "Boomer, the drug, do you know what it is?" He moved Boomer back to face him. "Elysium," Boomer responded. Apollo carefully guided him out the door. Giles had returned with laser cutters. Apollo swapped Boomer for the cutters. "Have Cree get him to life center. Tell them he was given something called Elysium." "Do you want some help?" Giles asked. "Just hold back for now. Starbuck's terrified. Whatever they gave him was very different from this Elysium." Apollo slowly approached Starbuck. He could see him trembling and again pulling hard against his restraints to escape. He stopped his approach and softly called, "Starbuck!" Starbuck again reacted violently and lunged to his side to escape the roar of noise approaching him. Whatever was stalking him was getting closer and closer... Apollo backed away. He wanted to get rid of the restraints, but didn't want Starbuck to hurt himself anymore. He was relieved when he saw Dr. Salik at the door observing them. "What can we do?" Salik sighed. "I can't give him anything to calm him right now. I'm afraid it may react with whatever is already in his system. I need to get a blood sample quickly so I can identify this drug. Only then can I begin to treat him effectively. I hate to say it, but we'll have to go in and hold him down while we cut him free. I'm having a restraining jacket brought down. It will immobilize him without running the risk of harming him." The men were gathered around the doctor listening in concern for their friend. Apollo called for volunteers. Every man stepped forward, eager to help. The captain selected a group of four men. He was careful to see Reese was excluded from the group. Apollo had noticed a level of animosity between Reese and Starbuck. Probably a card game gone wrong. In any case, Reese seemed a little too keen to help. Once the restraining jacket arrived, they entered the room slowly. Starbuck again sensed their presence. They moved quickly into position and secured their friend to the wall. Giles released the shackles. Starbuck fought like a wild felix. He knew this was his chance for freedom and he took it. Giles found himself flat on the floor. Dr. Salik soon followed. Apollo went down with a hard right hook to his jaw. Three more men joined the fray. Soon, the men were simply lying on Starbuck and, thereby, immobilizing him. They couldn't believe his incredible strength. The restraining jacket was brought in and the fight began anew to get him into it. Finally, the terrified man was subdued, but not before he managed to pass out a liberal amount of bumps, bruises and black eyes to his fellow warriors and anyone else brave enough to join the melee. Dr. Salik began examining him. Pupils dilated. Hypersensitive to light. Heart rate one hundred and sixty. Hyperventilating. Nose possibly broken. Epistaxis. Skin flushed, diaphoretic and hot. Definitely feverish. Looking a little green... He rolled Starbuck quickly to the side as the lieutenant vomited for the second time that day. As Starbuck's heaving eased Salik moved his scanner over him. Blood pressure dangerously high. Broken ribs. Multiple abrasions and contusions. Concussion. Colonial coma scale: eight out of fifteen. He obtained his blood sample and awaited the results. Lords, not good. "Okay, let's move him to the life center." Part Twelve Captain Apollo was finally asleep. After helping Dr. Salik get Starbuck to life center without too many more casualties, he had returned to level 'G' to assist with the search for any evidence. He was still astounded at the lack of information assembled. To make matters worse, word had come down from the council members that the military was to withdraw. Any evidence thus far indicated that this was a civilian issue and as such, Council Security had jurisdiction. Commander Adama's argument that the situation happened on a military vessel, involved a military command code and subjugated two colonial warriors was ignored by the bureauticians. Of course, while issuing the edict, the council lacked the common sense to recognize a continued lack of manpower. Reese almost seemed relieved when the warriors stayed to assist, and even more so when the Captain withdrew to get some much needed sleep. It seemed like a very short six centares later that the Captain was commed by Salik and asked to come to life center. Dr. Salik nodded as he read Starbuck's latest blood test results. His liver enzymes were improving, thus his body was naturally eliminating the toxins. After identifying most of the chemicals in his blood, they were finally able to sedate him without fear of a chemical cross-reaction. They had moved Starbuck into an isolation room on arrival. He had been sleeping a full eight centares when monitors indicated the lieutenant was awake. Salik could see the lieutenant clearly from where he stood. Starbuck's eyes were closed and he was strangely still. He either felt absolutely dreadful, or he wasn't ready to face anyone. Salik suspected the latter. He decided to comm Captain Apollo to give the lieutenant some moral support. He also admitted wryly to himself, he didn't want to be the one to break the news about council security assuming the investigation. Apollo arrived to a virtually empty life center. Only Dr. Salik was visible. "How is he?" he asked. Salik sighed. "Pretending to be asleep right now. That's why I wanted you here. I thought he would need a friend." Apollo nodded. Not only was Dr. Salik an outstanding medical doctor, he was a great humanitarian. He had amazing empathy and sympathy with his patients. Starbuck was lucky to have him. Actually, they all were. "Where's Boomer?" "Being interviewed by Council Security. Physically he was fine. We ran some tests and he was fit for release. He described symptoms of mild depression, but I did assure him that was normal after the 'high' he experienced. He'll check in with us tomorrow for follow-up. Of course, he's off duty again until his blood screen is clear." "And Starbuck?" Apollo joined Salik in watching Starbuck through the isolation room window. If the doctor had not informed the Captain otherwise, he would have assumed his friend was asleep. "His body has undergone an immense physical stress. The levels of blood toxins are decreasing. We haven't been able to mend his fractured ribs yet. Rest was more of a priority. His concussion is minor. Bumps and bruises, of course. It's really his psyche I'm more concerned with. I've never seen Starbuck so withdrawn before. Now, Boomer had minor depression as a side effect from the Elysium. I'm not sure what to expect from Starbuck." Apollo looked thoughtful. "What did you find when you analyzed the two drugs?" "They are almost identical. Boomer's specimen contained effedryn and Starbuck's some unknown substance we're still trying to identify." "What is effedryn?" "A very common drug used in treatment of viral symptoms. Oddly enough, most of the ingredients of Elysium are very common and easy to obtain. Of course, pure effedryn is controlled." "Did you get any more information from Boomer?" "No, he was still having trouble keeping his memory straight. Security is in for a frustrating interview." "Has he at least stopped hugging everyone?" Apollo smiled. Sure enough when he had helped bring Starbuck into life center, Boomer had been waiting with another warm embrace for him. Boomer had almost been a victim of the struggling Starbuck's boot. Fortunately for Boomer, the boot missed him and hit Reese squarely in the forehead. Salik chuckled, "Yes, he's back to himself. Just having a little trouble putting the pieces together. Well, let's get this over with." He indicated the isolation room. The monitor had picked up an increase in agitation with the lieutenant. Time to find out why. Starbuck lay quietly in the biobed. He knew where he was. He was having trouble remembering why. Fragmented images flashed across his mind. He felt like Hades. Everything hurt. Even his teeth. Images of a stocky, bald man with dark eyes kept appearing... Zeduk! He was going to get that murderous boray. He willed himself to relax. He wasn't ready to see anyone just yet. Starbuck didn't remember feeling fragile before. Wouldn't the squadrons have a laugh at that? The invincible Starbuck, feeling fragile. More images flashed. Boomer. Frack. I'll have to pull myself together and find out if Boomer's okay... soon. There's something else I'm not remembering. Starbuck went to move his arm and realized he was restrained. He groaned to himself. Oh, what have I done now? He subtly investigated the restraint furthest away from view of the medical center. It was soft around his bandaged wrists. Bandaged wrists? He sighed... shackles. Images of struggling with his friends finally came to him. You really lost it, Bucko. He could feel the tenuous hold on his control slipping. He took deep gulping breaths as he felt tears swelling beneath eyelids that were tightly closed. He heard someone softly call his name. Oh, now is NOT a good time for this. "Starbuck?" Apollo and Salik approached him. Starbuck took a few more deep breaths and kept his eyes shut. He would not lose control again. "Starbuck, we know you're awake. Open your eyes," Salik directed. Two deep breaths later, Starbuck was ready. He opened his eyes to see Apollo and Dr. Salik. Apollo was sporting an impressive bruise to his jaw. Salik had a cut above his eye. He closed his eyes again. Nope. Not ready for this. "Bucko, we know you're in there. Talk to us," Apollo encouraged. He laid a hand on his friend's shoulder and frowned when he felt Starbuck flinch. Starbuck again opened his eyes and looked at his friend's jaw. "Did I do that?" he asked in a coarse voice. He cleared his throat. Apollo knew what he was referring to. "Not your fault, Buddy. You weren't in your right mind. We're all just glad you're okay," "Did I... hurt anyone?" This was directed to Salik. "A few cuts and bruises are all." Salik reached over and started releasing the restraints. "Is Boomer okay?" "He's fine. He's already been released. Just a little addled." Salik smiled. "Did you get Zeduk?" Both Apollo and Salik looked startled. Surprisingly, Starbuck's recall was better than Boomer's. "Who's Zeduk?" Apollo asked. Starbuck started to sit up. The pain in his ribs stopped him on the spot. Wait a centon. Salik was supposed to fix that. And where was Cassiopeia? Or Athena for that matter. It was devastating when these little fantasies didn't work out. Salik elevated the head of the bed, bringing the Lieutenant to his desired position. Starbuck palpated his nose. "Not broken," Salik stated. Starbuck nodded. "We'll get started on mending those ribs now that you're awake." "Starbuck, who's Zeduk? How much do you remember?" Apollo again asked. Starbuck met Apollo's gaze. "You didn't get him," he stated flatly. Apollo dropped his gaze. "No, I didn't." "Oh, get off the fracking guilt wagon, Apollo, I didn't mean you personally!" Now, that was more like Starbuck. Apollo smiled, a little embarrassed. He was still tired he told himself. "Well, can you tell me what happened?" Starbuck told his story. Apollo filled in the gaps from his point of view until they were both caught up to the current situation... almost. "I have a few ideas about how we can nail him," Starbuck stated. "Slight problem, Starbuck. It's out of our hands. The Council put security in charge of the investigation." "What?" Starbuck's eyes opened wide with surprise. "How in Hades... but we can't let them..." "I'm sorry, Starbuck." An eloquent voice spoke from the doorway. Commander Adama joined them. "Council determined that not only was this a civilian matter, but the fact that two of our best warriors were involved would make it 'difficult for the military to remain objective'." He squeezed Starbuck's arm in silent support. "I do need to ask you to give Council Security a statement to assist them in their investigation." Starbuck let out a loud sigh. He covered his face with his hands. All three men silently studied him. "Aye, sir," he said as he looked up at his commander, but his blue eyes blazed with fury and intent. Part Thirteen It was shaping up to be a quiet night in life center. Starbuck felt exhausted. It had been a very long day. After Apollo and Adama had left, Council Security had arrived. Unlike Apollo, they received the abridged version of the events. Then a long list of well wishers and friends followed. This was intermingled with blood tests and bone mending. Dr. Salik finally banned any further visitors and gave his patient a hypo spray so he could get some rest. Starbuck had one more thing he needed to do tonight... if he could get the med tech to cooperate. Giselle entered the room of her only patient. She had worked a lot lately and she was tired. She hoped the lieutenant wouldn't give her a hard time. He did have a certain reputation. She efficiently went about her routine doing all her assessments and recording her assembled data. "Do you think I'll get out tomorrow?" Starbuck asked. "Well, your blood toxin level is almost back to normal. How do your ribs feel?" "Good as new," he lied. While the bones were indeed healed, the tissue was a vibrant purple and green. "And your headache?" "Practically gone." "Well, IF you're telling the truth," Starbuck raised his eyebrows in innocence, "then you'll probably be released." She had dealt with warriors before. They could barely restrain themselves from getting back in their fighters, whether ready or not. She held up a hypo spray. "Dr. Salik ordered a sedative so you could get a good sleep." "Uh..." Starbuck held his hands up defensively in front of him. "Couldn't I just take a pill? You people are beginning to make me feel like a pin cushion." She sighed. Well, if this was the extent of her difficulties with Starbuck, she could live through it. "Alright, I'll be right back." She quickly returned and gave him his medication. "Giselle, I know how hard you've been working with Cassiopeia being off. Why don't you try to get a little rest yourself?" He gave her a sympathetic smile. "I'll be fine. I just want to get some sleep so I can get released tomorrow, after all." How thoughtful. No wonder Cassie likes him so much. Not only considerate, but quite easy on the eyes too. Quite a package actually. "If you're sure, Lieutenant..." "Call me Starbuck, and I'm sure. You go ahead and get some rest." She smiled gratefully and left. Starbuck listened intently while he fingered the pill he had palmed. When he was sure she was asleep in the isolation room next to his, he slid out of the bed and quietly entered Dr. Salik's office. He sat down in front of the computer without a command code for the first time in yahrens. A mere mortal once again, Bucko. He had carefully thought through his plan. He knew what information he required and was sure he could access it without command codes. Most of the information was general knowledge and demographics. If he was wrong, he was sure he could figure out Apollo's password. Part Fourteen The next day, Apollo sat back at his desk in the duty office. He was quite astounded that the reports were up to date and everything was in order. The duty rosters had even been completed for the next secton. Colonel Tigh was back to work so Apollo could go back to being Strike Captain. As such, he had stopped by life center to check on Starbuck. He knew Starbuck was up to something. He wanted to find out what. Unfortunately, the lieutenant had already been released. "You wanted to see me, Apollo?" It was Boomer standing in his doorway. Apollo nodded and indicated the other chair. Boomer sat down. "How are you feeling?" the captain asked. "Much better. Finally getting the scattered fragments that I used to call my brain back together." Boomer grinned ruefully. He was a bit embarrassed about his behavior, but found it easy to shrug off. "So, you remember the events a little more clearly?" "Yeah, especially after Starbuck and I compared stories." Apollo's eyes narrowed. "When did you do that?" "He came and found me a good centare ago." "What did you think?" Apollo asked vaguely. Boomer smiled. "Oh, he's up to something. Wouldn't confess though. Put on the old innocent act. You know the one." Apollo sighed, "Do I ever. What should we do?" Boomer snorted. "I figured you already had a plan. Isn't that why I'm here?" Boomer knew him too well. "Afraid it's not much of a plan. Let's tail him." "I love the elaborate detail of this one," he laughed. "Seriously, he could get into a lot of trouble doing this on his own. I know he was planning to go see Cassiopeia after I saw him. After that, I don't know." Boomer looked around the office. "He did a good job. You should tell him." Apollo smiled warmly at his friend. "Yes, I should. Funny thing is, if he left the office in the chaos that I expected, I wouldn't have time to follow him now." Part Fifteen Starbuck picked at the neckline of his shirt. He realized he hadn't worn civilian clothes in a very long time. He was making his way through the lowest level of the Maxidex Freighter. His mind recalled the events of his day. First a quick meeting with Boomer to confirm events with Zeduk. Then an enjoyable dalliance with Cassiopeia who, even while weak from a virus, still wanted to thank him for the fresh flowers. Lastly the coup, a meeting with Xerxes to arrange for transport for him for the next secton. Xerxes was in charge of maintenance and repairs and it was his ships that were routinely flying just about anywhere in the fleet. Starbuck happened to know that the man had a fondness for vintage ambrosa. In fact, he was a connoisseur of fine liquor. As luck would have it, Starbuck just happened to have such an item. Of course, Xerxes was curious as to why Starbuck wanted to move about the fleet in an anonymous guise. "Well, I want to make Captain Apollo's natal day celebration something special this yahren. I have to get around to scavenge up the things I need. Most importantly, he can't know about it." He put his arm around the man, confiding in him. "I've never been able to put one over on Apollo before. I really want to make this party special for him, what with all he's been through. Do you think your staff could cover for me, or would that put them in an uncomfortable position?" Xerxes thought that Captain Apollo was lucky to have a friend like Starbuck. The ambrosa was nice too. Starbuck quickly ran his hands through his slicked back hair. He opened the hatch at the end of the passage and climbed through. On the other side lay several sleeping pallets. On most of these makeshift beds rested people in various levels of consciousness. None of them took any notice of the stranger in the disheveled clothing. They accepted him as another temporary resident who needed to sleep off his choice of poison. Suddenly, a short stout man appeared from another set of rooms. He walked with a severe limp and his left hand hung at his side uselessly. "What d'ya want?" he asked gruffly. "Rios." The man's eyes widened in surprise then quickly narrowed in suspicion. "Wait here." He retreated back into the rooms. Starbuck again looked around. The room was tidy and he could faintly smell disinfectant. He noticed a small surveillance device strategically hidden. He positioned himself in front of it so they could get a good look at him. What the frack. He gave them his classic grin. "Get your astrum down here, kid!" a voice bellowed from the back room. Starbuck quickly joined him. Rios was tall and fit and only his silver hair betrayed his advanced age. The man grabbed him and held him tightly. Starbuck returned the embrace warmly. "How are ya, kid? You're a sight out of uniform. You look a right tramp!" "I'm great, Rios. You look good." Starbuck held him at arms length. He hadn't seen him since he was at the academy. He looked much the same. Helping the unfortunate kept him young, he'd always said. "I heard something happened between you and Zeduk. You'd better not be here looking for Elysium, kid, or I'll kick your astrum all the way back to the Colonies." "Rios, you know I don't have any use for that mong. Never did, never will." Rios nodded in relief. "Actually, I need some information." "Well, information don't come cheap." He smiled a very wicked grin. "I have two things you'll want. Information and cubits." The old man's eyes sparkled. "Cubits always come in handy. What's the information?" Starbuck filled in Rios on the pseudo-effedryn that Zeduk had used on him. He knew that if an addict received that drug, he would likely die. Rios sat down heavily. He had committed his life to helping the street people of Caprica City. A warm, safe bed and a hot meal was all he had offered. Respect and thanks was all he had expected. He had lost his own son to an overdose. The young man had died alone in a storm drain. He swore he would do all he could to try and make up for his own inadequacies as a father and the establishment's inadequacies. Now he tried to replicate his shelter here on the Maxidex Freighter. Yes, cubits would definitely come in handy. "Where's my cubits?" "I have a high stakes game lined up tonight on the Rising Star. I'll have the cubits tomorrow." "Ya ever think ya might lose, kid?" "I don't lose when it counts, Rios." Rios nodded. The Kid had turned into quite a man. It was hard to believe he was the same scrawny orphan who had stumbled into his shelter late one night, cold, wet and afraid. He was proud of him. He'd have to tell him one day. "Right. What do ya need to know?" Part Sixteen Apollo and Boomer stood staring at their elusive friend. They had spent a frustrating day attempting to locate the lieutenant. Sure enough he had spent some time with Cassiopeia, but from there the trail dwindled then disappeared. Someone saw someone who might have resembled the lieutenant, then again maybe not, in the maintenance office. Xerxes refuted the statement. How could he simply disappear on a battlestar? Finally, they met up with Jolly who reported Starbuck was in the billet. Sure enough, here he was sound asleep on his bunk. "I guess we should let him sleep," Apollo remarked. "True, we should," Boomer kicked the frame of the bunk. He felt guilty for about a micron when his friend's eyes flew open in disorientation. Starbuck looked at his friends and sighed. "Don't you two have a crisis to attend to somewhere?" Starbuck asked. That was it. They'd had enough. Apollo grabbed the top end of the mattress and Boomer the bottom and in one quick motion Starbuck found himself catapulted onto the floor. Apparently, he'd gone too far. Maybe he should rethink his plan. "Well, I feel better. Do you feel better, Boomer?" Apollo asked. "Absolutely." They both watched Starbuck sit up, his back resting against the bunk. This was a natural time for the guilt trip ploy. Starbuck winced in apparent discomfort. He slowly rose to his feet. He moved his hair back out of his eyes. "What was that for?" he asked innocently. They couldn't believe it. They were his best friends. Did he really think he could Starbuck them? He must have had a more severe head injury than was reported. "Turbo wash?" Boomer asked. "Turbo wash," Apollo confirmed. This plan was coming together nicely. "Hey, hey..." They grabbed a protesting Starbuck and forcefully marched him across the billet and under the turbo wash. Cold water blasted onto him. They were getting wet too, but what the frack, it was worth it. "Concede?" Apollo asked holding on tightly to his squirming friend. "Concede," he sputtered. The water was hitting him directly in the face. Apollo reached over and turned off the water. Boomer grabbed Starbuck by the shirt and pulled him face to face. Starbuck looked angry. Boomer had passed by angry centons ago and had turbo boosted into seething. "Look, this is not about you! You have no right to personalize this. If you remember, I was there too. Zeduk is endangering people right across this fleet. Getting yourself killed trying to do this alone is not going to help anyone!" "Getting myself killed is not part of my plan," Starbuck replied, breaking Boomer's grip. He was soaking wet, cold, sore, hungry and tired. As Dr. Salik was so fond of saying, he'd overdone it. He was trying to grab a couple centares sleep when his friends decided it would be a good time to assault him. "So, at least you've admitted you have a plan." Apollo grabbed his arm to prevent a hasty retreat. "Last I heard it was 'out of our hands'," Starbuck stated, again trying to pull lose. Apollo held tight. "Well, security hasn't exactly come up with anything. A little 'help' would probably be appreciated, at least by command." Starbuck relaxed a bit. "Is that official?" "Didn't think you'd care if it was or wasn't," Apollo retorted looking him in the eye. "Are you here to dress me down or to help?" Starbuck stared right back at him. "Can't I do both?" a slight smile on his lips, Apollo let go of his friend. Part Seventeen The three men stood staring at each other in silence for a centon. While Starbuck was soaked from head to toe, Apollo and Boomer were also wet and disheveled. The decorated officers of the Colonial Service were participating in locker room pranks that more befitted cadets. It started with a smirk, but shortly all three were laughing at the predicament. "Why don't we get dried off and grab something to eat and discuss it?" Boomer suggested to Starbuck. "Officer's Club, twenty centons?" Apollo asked, heading out the door. "We'll be there," Boomer replied. The lieutenants headed back to the billet. Boomer watched his friend as he changed his clothes. Starbuck was moving guardedly, occasionally grimacing in discomfort. His body was a mosaic of black, blue, purple and green. "What a lovely array of colors you are." Starbuck smiled. "Can't wear beige all the time. Need a little variety after all," he winked. "How are you... really?" Boomer asked in concern. "Really?" "The truth," Boomer stated. Starbuck paused and looked at his friend. "Well, a bit sore and stiff." "The doc did instruct you not to overdo. Overdid?" "Overdone." He smiled. "You two did interrupt a good rest. I feel better after that." "We knew you were hurting when we saw you taking a nap." "Well, I have a big game on the Rising Star tonight." Boomer laughed. "Now you're going to tell me this is part of your plan." "It is actually. Let's save it for the OC. I'll fill you both in at the same time. Ready?" "Let's go." The three friends met in the OC. Starbuck started to fill them in on his meeting with Rios. "Rios has a good idea of where Zeduk's lab is. What we need is someone on the inside that can let us know when and how to infiltrate. Obviously, this will work best if we can catch them with the Elysium and as many of his gang as possible. Of course, I want Zeduk to be there." "It will take a long time to get someone to go undercover and gain Zeduk's trust," Apollo noted. "I agree, but Rios knows someone on the inside already." "Why would this person help us?" Boomer asked skeptically. "Rios or the inside man?" "Fair enough, start with Rios." "First of all, he runs this shelter to protect the users." He briefly told them of Rios' background. "Early today, two users Rios knows were found dead. Probable overdose. From what I told him of my experience with pseudo-effedryn, Zeduk was likely the culprit. I also bribed Rios." Apollo and Boomer looked surprised. "With what?" Apollo asked. "The cubits I plan to win on the Rising Star tonight." Apollo raised his eyebrows. "Uh... what if you lose?" Starbuck looked injured. "Such little faith..." "Your history speaks for itself, Buddy," Boomer added. "I won't lose. Now, as for the inside man... You don't mind if I get back to the subject at hand, do you?" Apollo and Boomer raised their hands in mock surrender. "From what Rios has told me, the guy works security for Zeduk. He has for yahrens. Rios wants me to meet with him tomorrow. I guess I'll find out what inspires him then." "A couple questions. How do you know Rios? You obviously trust the man." Apollo waited. Starbuck sighed. "Well, I was in a foster home when I was around twelve or thirteen." His friends knew Starbuck didn't know his date of birth and had always guessed at his age. "Let's just say, I didn't get along very well with the family. I left and hit the streets for a while. That's when I met Rios. He's one of a couple of guys who kind of watched over me and made me realize that I wasn't going to have much of a future if I stayed on the streets. I went back to the orphanage." "How long were you on the streets?" Boomer asked. "Five or six sectares. Next question." Time to move on. "Okay, how in Hades did you get yourself to the Maxidex without us knowing about it?" Wasting the entire day searching for his friend was still riling Apollo. "I made a deal with Xerxes. A bottle of vintage ambrosa for passage on his maintenance ships for a secton... anonymously of course. Can't have military vessels signaling my arrival to a ship full of nervous people using illegal substances." Apollo was nonplussed. "I'm a little concerned that Xerxes feels comfortable lying to me for a bottle of ambrosa." "'Vintage' ambrosa," Starbuck pointed out. Apollo was not impressed. He waited pointedly. "Oh, alright. I told him I was planning a surprise celebration for your natal day and that I needed to move around the fleet without you knowing about it to scavenge things for the party," he confessed. Boomer laughed. "So, he told us he hadn't seen you and was probably thinking the whole time what a great guy you are. You're good, old buddy. Very good." Apollo sat back and watched Starbuck. "So you really did plan on doing this alone?" "Yeah. Boomer was right. I guess I made it personal. Can I blame it on the head injury?" "Which one?" they replied in unison. "So, what's next, Bucko?" Boomer asked. "Well, the game's tonight. Tomorrow I meet with Rios to give him the cubits. He'll give me a rendezvous with the contact. I guess we'll go from there." Boomer nodded. "I'll come with you. You should have backup. Besides, it would be good for Rios to meet with more than one of us. He sounds like he'll be a valuable contact in the long term." "Well, I can't guarantee that he'd help in another situation if it didn't concern or benefit him directly." "He's a study in contradictions, this friend of yours," Apollo noted. "Maybe. He just comes from a different world. If he cared about you, he'd do anything for you. If he didn't know you, it just wouldn't concern him no matter how sad the story." "Should I come too tomorrow?" Apollo asked. Starbuck shook his head. "I don't want to overwhelm Rios. Besides you are not going to ruin my reputation with Xerxes and climb on a maintenance ship with me." "Something I can do here to help?" "Check out our manpower. See how we can amalgamate our forces to take these guys out. Handle the diplomacy end of things with security." "I thought you were running this. Why do I get stuck with the felgercarb?" "You're the captain." Part Eighteen The next morning Boomer watched a smug Starbuck getting ready in the billet. Both men had a small bag with civilian clothes for a quick change after leaving the battlestar. True to his word, Starbuck was carrying a small fortune in cubits. "I don't know how you do it. You're one lucky son of a daggit." Starbuck grinned at him, "I make my own luck." Boomer snorted, "How's that?" Starbuck threw a bag of cubits to him. "Pick a group of bored, wealthy men who want a shot at me. Luck is only twenty-five percent of the quotient." Boomer looked at him quizzically. "The rest is skill, planning and execution, my friend." "Are we still talking about card games?" Starbuck laughed. "Life, Boomer. We're talking about life." "Remind me to never play cards against you again. So, is it really that simple?" "No. Problem is, you never know who may be holding the capstone... but you usually have a pretty good idea. Life or cards. Let's go meet Rios." The two men proceeded to the maintenance shuttle. The crew there joked with Starbuck and asked how the plans for the party were progressing. One man took Starbuck aside and told him about a few cases of Sagittarian Ale that could be made available at the right price. Boomer watched as Starbuck went into negotiation mode for the rest of the voyage. By the time they arrived at the Maxidex, Starbuck had procured his ale. They changed clothes, left the shuttle and headed for Rios' shelter. Starbuck again had his hair slicked back and was sharing a little engine grease with Boomer to perfect his 'disguise,' much to Boomer's disgust. "Oh, thanks." Starbuck smeared a little grease on Boomer's practically new clothes finishing up with a smear to his face. Now he looked like a mechanic. A very messy mechanic. "Is this really necessary?" "Gotta look the part, Boomer," Starbuck replied. The men reached the dark corridor and headed for the hatch. Rios was waiting for them. Starbuck handed him the cubits. "You did well, but you had a good teacher," Rios stated. Starbuck nodded solemnly. "This is Boomer. Rios." Boomer extended a hand, which Rios hesitantly gripped. "I've arranged your meeting with my contact. He'll be expecting you shortly." He handed Starbuck a slip of paper with the location. Starbuck watched the man carefully. Something was up. No 'kid.' No antics. "What?" "Nothing," the old man replied gruffly. "You better get going. Won't look good on me if you're late." "Rios..." "I gotta go. I have a business to run here." He turned to head through the hatch and Starbuck grabbed his arm. "Let me go, kid, or I'll take you apart." Starbuck let go. Boomer watched his face. His friend was confused, disappointed and perhaps a little afraid. "You'd better not be setting me up, old man." Rios stopped at that. He turned slowly and faced them. "I wouldn't do that, kid. You know I wouldn't. Look, I know this looks bad, but..." he sighed, "Trust me. Have I ever given you reason not to?" Starbuck considered that. He was wracking his brain, trying to come up the missing piece of this puzzle. "No, but..." "Look," Rios said reluctantly, "He wants the element of surprise on his side. But you do know him." Starbuck took a step back as if he'd been hit. His face paled and he took a shuddering deep breath. "Paden..." Rios simply nodded and disappeared behind the hatch. Part Nineteen Boomer watched the hatch close. He looked at Starbuck who had started a monologue of increasingly creative obscenities. "Hey," he interrupted loudly, "As usual I have absolutely no idea what's happening in this unfolding epic I call Starbuck's past, but if you don't pull yourself together, I find it highly unlikely that you'll be 'inspiring' your long lost acquaintance over to our cause." "You're right. Let's go." Starbuck's abrupt departure was reminiscent of Rios' only moments before. "Have I become invisible?" Boomer yelled in frustration. "What the frack is going on, Starbuck?" "Uh... he's two rooms down. Not really a good time, Buddy." Starbuck pointed out. "Sagan's sake..." Boomer felt like he was holding on tightly by the fingertips to a bucking and twisting ride at an amusement park. Starbuck hesitated in front of the entranceway. He looked at Boomer, took a deep breath and walked in. Boomer followed. Inside a man not much older than them, casually reclined against a desk. He wore his dark blond hair tied back off his face. His quick blue eyes assessed them. He smiled a lazy grin. "I guess Rios told you. You're not wearing the 'stunned' expression I was expecting." He laughed. "I so wanted to surprise you." He put on a pained expression. "Such a shame." "Paden." Starbuck acknowledged him. "This is Boomer..." "I know," Paden interrupted, "I'm familiar with all our heroes." He managed to get a note of distaste into the statement. "Really?" enquired Starbuck grinning, "Any of them arrested you yet?" Paden laughed. "Not clever enough, my friend. Even you're here looking for my help." "Speaking of which, what's your price?" Starbuck asked. Paden looked at him in mock horror; "Surely, you were planning to sweet talk me? I'm disappointed I don't get to see the great Starbuck in persuasion mode." "If you're here, you've already decided to do it. Knowing you, you've also decided on a price. So, what is it?" Starbuck looked and sounded relaxed. "Well, since you asked, I have five requests." Starbuck narrowed his eyes. "Name them." "You really have gotten better at being direct." He looked at Boomer. "He used to spend an ungodly amount of time chatting incessantly, never getting to the point. Did they teach you that at the Academy, Starbuck?" "You, on the other hand, are still able to waste an ungodly amount of time chatting incessantly. What's your price?" Starbuck sat on the desk. He crossed his arms and waited. Paden snorted. "Okay, one. I hear you have in your possession access to a luxurious, private dining room for one night on the Rising Star." Starbuck nodded. "Done." "Two. One rare sapphire necklace." Starbuck nodded. "Done. I have a question. Considering who you're working for, are you clean?" Paden smiled. "Of course. Don't touch the stuff." Starbuck reached across the desk and pulled Paden close until they were almost nose-to-nose. "Tell me again." Paden laughed. "You can't read me anymore, Starbuck." He looked him in the eye. "I'm clean." Starbuck held his gaze a centon and then let him go. "You're lying." He settled himself back on the desk. "Frack! How do you do that?" Paden asked angrily. "Make it number three and I'll tell you," Starbuck dared him. "Only if you tell me now," Paden hissed. "Number three. When you lie, your left lower eyelid slightly twitches. Always has." Paden paused to think about that. "Can I change that?" Starbuck smiled, "Doubt it, you have no self control. Number four?" "Last night you won a box of fine fumarello's. Still have them?" "They're yours. Lastly?" "Anonymity." "You think that will protect you?" Starbuck asked disbelievingly. "If you and your friend here keep your word, it will." "Zeduk will figure it out. Why don't you just ask for protection?" "I take care of myself. I always have." "You've always done a piss poor job of it too." "What the frack do you care?" "I don't. You've just always made bad decisions. Sure you don't want to think about it?" "I'm sure. I get the rest on delivery of Zeduk and his operation. Agreed?" "Agreed. Out of curiosity, what was number three going to be?" Starbuck asked. Paden grinned. "I was going to challenge you to a game of Pyramid, for old times sake." Starbuck grinned back, "I would have won." "Maybe, maybe I would have surprised you." "Only once, Paden. Only ever once." Part Twenty Boomer watched the entire exchange between Starbuck and Paden in silence. At first, he suspected they were old adversaries. Now he surmised they had been friends. Why would Starbuck try to protect the man otherwise? Over all, he felt the warrior had come out ahead... wait a centon; he was starting to think like Starbuck. There was still a great deal of work to do here. "Where is the lab?" Boomer asked. Paden smirked. "The Eidolon." Boomer groaned inwardly. The Eidolon was a freighter with a reputation. Strange things happened there. Unexplained things. It was considered punishment detail to be assigned any task there... as such, he realized Starbuck probably knew his way around her fairly well. "What kind of details can you give us?" Starbuck asked. Paden handed Starbuck a data pad. "This is the location of the lab, including layout, exits, set up and usual manpower. You do realize the solvents used to process the Elysium are highly explosive? That could work for you or against you if the fire got out of hand. Quick trial for the criminals anyway." He seemed to forget that he was one of the criminals. Boomer looked at him with distaste. "What about the innocent people living on the ship?" "There aren't many. Pretty much all bottom feeders." He may have been a friend of Starbuck's, but Boomer didn't like him. "How would Zeduk get out in a hurry?" Starbuck asked as he reviewed the data. Paden sat beside him and accessed the necessary route. "Right here. The men are trained to react to any infiltration by causing a diversion to cover for Zeduk's escape." "Why such allegiance to him?" Boomer inquired. Paden laughed, "It's not allegiance, they don't know they're a diversion. They're expendable." "Then so are you," Starbuck noted quietly. Paden nodded. "I don't live under any illusion to the contrary." Starbuck sighed. "When's the best time to hit? We want Zeduk, the Elysium and his men." "We're preparing a huge shipment right now. Should be ready tomorrow. If you can organize the military that quickly..." Paden looked as though he thought that was unlikely, "1500 centares is when it will be coming together." "Is Captain Mondor involved?" Boomer wondered if the criminal element had infiltrated the command of the Eidolon. "No. At least I doubt it. Zeduk seems to try and avoid him. Zeduk's good though. I wouldn't rule it out totally," Paden admitted. "Is your security confined to the lab or will they see us arriving in the landing bay?" Starbuck asked. "Usually, I have one man in the bay. That's all I need to see an unscheduled shuttle arrive, never mind a military task force. Tomorrow I'll make sure no one is. I'm in charge of security, so it's not a problem." "Who's Serpo then?" Starbuck hadn't forgotten the massive man or the power behind his blows. "Personal bodyguard. He never leaves his side. You made quite an impression on him I heard... especially the new nose job. Very nice." Paden smiled, truly impressed. The three men continued to exchange information until the warriors were satisfied all the necessary information could be obtained. They still had a lot of work ahead of them and made haste in leaving. Starbuck gripped Paden's forearm. "Are you sure about this? We could protect you." "I do things my own way. You know that." Starbuck nodded. "I need you clean tomorrow. No mistakes." "Agreed." He returned Starbuck's grip briefly. "Let's hope your luck holds." Part Twenty-one Starbuck was sitting in a secluded corner of the launch bay smoking a fumarello. It was late and he was tired, but the day's events were swirling through his head like a cyclone. He and Boomer had returned to the Galactica and immediately were swept into a command meeting with Adama, Tigh and Apollo. Apollo had worked out the logistics and had smoothed things over with Security. Now it was time for a plan of attack. The first stage would be to take the bridge to ensure Captain Mondor's allegiance was with the fleet and not Zeduk. Starbuck confirmed that a regularly scheduled maintenance shuttle would be landing there at 1300 centares. They would simply send their first team in disguised as maintenance workers. From there they could take the bay and secure the ship in preparation for the attack on the drug lab. Commander Adama decided to simply lock down the Eidolon during the infiltration, thereby keeping all civilians in their quarters and hopefully safe. From there, three further teams were organized for the assault on the lab. Starbuck had managed to get himself onto the team in charge of Zeduk's escape route. The escape route was a maze of sorts through the bowels of the ship, including a thirty-metron climb up a maintenance shaft and a narrow passageway leading to Zeduk's office. The office itself was constructed of reinforced metal walls, similar to a vault. Because the passageway and the office were so small, the assault team would be made up of only four men. Apollo felt anymore would just be tripping over one another. Starbuck snorted to himself as he remembered his reaction when he found Reese would be a part of this particular team. Boomer had calmed him and suggested that he just shove the security officer into the first storage compartment they come across. Jolly and Giles indicated they would help. Following extensive planning sessions, they then began briefing and drilling the forces. Starbuck had still not come to terms with his boyhood friend playing a part in all this. Truth be known, he had thought Paden dead yahrens ago. Paden was a product of the streets. A tough kid raised in a tough neighborhood, he had taken Starbuck under his wing when the youngster first arrived on the streets. Starbuck smiled as he remembered thinking the slightly older Paden seemed so wise and worldly at the time. It was Rios and Paden who had convinced the young boy that only a bleak future waited for him unless he returned to the orphanage where he could at least be sponsored to join the academy. Starbuck stopped in over the yahrens and stayed in touch with his friend. The two of them spent many centares playing cards, chasing girls and trying to out do one another, but always in a spirit of good will. He would never forget the day it all changed. He had just been accepted into the academy. He decided to visit Paden and Rios and let them know his hard work had paid off. He made it to the shelter late at night. He was surprised that Rios hadn't met him at the door. Nothing got by that man after all. He recalled his apprehension when he saw an unconscious man lying halfway through the entrance to the office. He could hear movement within. As he approached, he realized the still man was Rios. Suddenly, someone grabbed him from behind. He twisted out of the grasp and turned with fists raised ready to fight, only to stop in utter shock... it was Paden. Paden, however, had no such compunction about hitting Starbuck. Smoke swirled around Starbuck's head as he remembered being sucker punched by Paden. He woke up in the alleyway. Just the memory seemed to start his head aching again. Seemed a permanent affliction, this headache. He realized he had forgotten to show up at the life center for his drug screening. He sighed. Oh, well, not like he was planning to fly over to the Eidolon tomorrow. Besides, he was feeling generally dreadful. It would be his luck that he'd be pulled from the team had he been seen by a med tech. Stop taking symptom inventory, Bucko. You just need some sleep. You'll be fine in the morning. He closed his eyes and rested his head back against the wall. Even this fumarello tastes like swamp weed. I'm not getting sick. I am not getting sick. "You okay, Buddy?" a gentle nudge was felt on his foot. He opened his eyes to see Apollo squatting in front of him. He looked worried. "What's wrong?" Starbuck asked. "You were asleep," Apollo stated. "Nah, just resting my eyes." "You were snoring." Apollo smiled. "I don't snore," he argued. "Your fumarello is out. Funny that you're still holding it though." Starbuck looked down. Apollo was right. He rubbed his eyes. "You've had a rough few days. Do you want to talk?" his friend asked. "No. I just need to get some sleep. I'm all right, really." "You look like mong, Buddy." He reached a hand towards Starbuck's forehead. Starbuck promptly swatted it away. "Don't get all motherly on me!" Starbuck exclaimed. Apollo laughed and got up. He extended a hand towards his friend and pulled him to his feet. "C'mon. Let's get you tucked into your bunk so you can get some sleep." He quickly sidestepped the friendly punch his friend threw his way. Part Twenty-Two The next day Starbuck led team three deep into the Eidolon. They were heading through a cavernous part of the ship full of huge steel pipes that were obviously being repaired or replaced. Apollo had successfully taken the bridge and was joining the others now to lead team one into the lab. Boomer would lead team two. If all went to plan, team three would enter Zeduk's office at precisely the same time as the others assaulted the drug lab, thereby, cutting off Zeduk's escape. They were slightly ahead of time according to his chronometer. Jolly had stopped to examine the immense pipes. "What do you think they carry?" "Water," Giles guessed. "Or waste," Starbuck added. "It's so quiet. She seems like a dead ship," Reese observed. Suddenly a groaning sound echoed through the cavern. The warriors stilled. "How about we agree not to say 'dead' on the Eidolon?" Giles suggested. Jolly nodded. "Giles, you don't really think she's haunted, do you?" Starbuck asked in amusement. "I hear a lot of strange stories about people disappearing. Weird noises. Apparitions," Jolly added. "Ever think they could be the ravings of addicts?" Reese asked. "Oh, oh. Reese and I are on the same side. Maybe there is something to these strange stories," Starbuck drawled. All four men laughed, eager to break the tension. They continued across the massive space until they reached the maintenance shaft. Trouble was, it wasn't a maintenance shaft. "Oh, Frack." The four men looked up the thirty metron ladder. "Uh, will that hold us?" Jolly asked. "Us or you?" Giles ribbed him. The ladder did look a little on the spindly side. He gave it a good yank. "Seems solid enough." "After you, Giles," said Starbuck. "Oh, no. I think the lightest man should try it out. In what I believe is a variation of your own words, Starbuck, 'You're the leader'." "And also the lightest man," Reese added, trying to be helpful. Starbuck groaned. He reminded himself that he did volunteer for this duty. Next time he was going to bring a keen cadet or two along. He started up the ladder. It was solid. At least with one man on it. After all, it wouldn't be much of an escape route if it didn't hold the weight of a man. He reached the top and found he was sweating. Getting too old for this felgercarb. "Okay, one at a time. Next!" He could hear the other three bickering below him. "Want me to comm the captain and ask him to put the show on hold until you ladies reach a decision?!" he yelled down. Frack. Did he just say that? He'd been hanging around Apollo too long. He caught his breath while waiting for the others. A long, dark, narrow passage awaited them. The three men joined Starbuck and considered the route. Only one man could pass at a time. They would have to go single file. Jolly and Giles dramatically stood aside for their leader. "Thanks a lot," Starbuck muttered. He could hear their chuckles. They were enjoying this. The team continued along until they finally reached a small room filled with barrels and an imposing door. The men fanned out facing it. "The door looks mechanized. It only opens inwards... towards us." Starbuck stated. "We could blow it," Reese seemed very excited by the thought. "It's very dense. We're gonna have to," Jolly added. "Not much shelter here from a blast. What's in those barrels?" Starbuck pointed towards them. Giles went to take a look. "Bad news. Solvents. Can we moderate the blast?" "No problem," Reese said. He pulled the charges out of his pack and started disassembling one. "How much time do we have, Starbuck?" "Twenty centons," he replied checking his chronometer. "You sure you can do it? Giles is good at..." "I told you, not a problem. We'll have time to spare," he interrupted. Starbuck busied himself helping move the metal barrels of solvent as far away from the door as possible. Then he waited anxiously as Reese made the necessary adjustments to the charge. Reese placed the charge over the door panel with two centons to spare. He activated it. "Uh, Reese, isn't the little red light supposed to go on when it's activated?" Starbuck asked. Reese had already noticed the problem. He pushed the activator again. Nothing. "Tell us you deactivated the activator and not the charge," Jolly suggested. "Um... I don't know what's wrong..." Reese mumbled nervously as he desperately tried to make it work. "Reese, in two centons we're supposed to blast through that door," Starbuck said angrily. "I know that! Look, why don't we use another charge?" he suggested. "Because we'll blow ourselves to frackin' Hades Hole!" Starbuck snapped. "Easy," Jolly interjected. "Do we have a plan 'B'? Could we use a laser to cut through, Giles?" "No, we would have to use it at full power. If it deflected and hit the solvent, back to Hades' Hole. We don't have time to move all the barrels either. Any other ideas?" They looked blankly at each other. "We're stuck. Look, we may not be able to blast through the door, but we're still blocking the escape route. After all, if we don't come through, Zeduk may think his route is still a secret," Starbuck reasoned. "So, we wait until they come to us?" Jolly confirmed. "Yeah, then we pick up Reese and throw him at them." "I love how he always keeps his head in these tricky situations," Giles muttered aside to Jolly. "Everyone, set your weapons on stun," Starbuck instructed. Centons passed. Due to the density of the door, they could not hear what was going on, but they knew the assault had begun. Their inaction was increasingly agitating them. Reese started pacing, waving his weapon around nervously, fingers clinging to the trigger. "Reese, if you don't put your weapon away, I swear, I'll stuff it up your nose. Now get back in position!" Starbuck said menacingly. A micron later, the heavy metal door clanged open catching Reese in the shoulder. Starbuck saw Serpo in the doorway throwing something towards them. The Lieutenant dove behind the barrels while shouting, "Down!" Jolly watched in horror as Reese, who was thrust back against the wall by the door's momentum, convulsively tightened his finger on the trigger and pulled. Jolly and Giles slumped to the ground as the room started to fill with smoke. Starbuck saw the smoke bomb on the floor and took a deep breath. His eyes began to burn as he saw first one and then two sets of feet run by. He was in position by the time the third tried to pass. He hurled himself at the unknown legs and tackled the man. He quickly reached around to his face, betting on the fact that a breather would be there. He pulled it off and kidney punched the man, forcing him to gasp for his breath in pain. One good breath was all it took and the man slumped to the floor unconscious. Starbuck quickly pulled the breather over his own face and gulped in the purified air. Tears were flowing down his face blinding him. He dared not remove his mask to wipe them away. A centon later he rolled over the unconscious man. Serpo. He moved quickly to Jolly and Giles who were also deeply unconscious. They were still in position... almost as if... he turned to look at Reese. The security officer was slumped against the wall, half behind the door, weapon still in hand. He checked his pulse, which was steady. He checked his weapon, which was... fired. He shook his head in disbelief and headed back to Serpo. He had to secure him in case he awakened before the others. He quickly shackled the man and raced back down the passageway. Part Twenty-Three The assault had gone even better than planned. It was a complete surprise, so resistance was minimal. The task forces quickly disarmed their targets. The attack had only one flaw. No team three. Apollo was watching Boomer set the necessary charges to blow the office door. The small room was indeed like a vault. There were no windows and it was completely sealed off. "Are you sure you're not using too much explosive? There are still a lot of accelerants in here." Boomer simply replied, "I'm sure. Everybody down!" He activated the charge and moved behind shelter. Boom! A gentle puff of smoke emitted from the control panel. Boomer grinned. They got into position as the door swung open of its own accord. Additional smoke gently billowed out of the quiet room. It smelled chemical. "Breathers!" Apollo ordered. Breathers quickly appeared and the men entered the office. It was empty. The heavy rear door was also open and they could see through to the unmoving men lying on the floor. They cautiously moved into the room and assessed them. "Well?" Apollo asked the others. "Out cold." Boomer stated of Jolly. The others echoed his answer. "Who's missing?" "That we know of for certain, Zeduk, Starbuck and Paden." Apollo answered. "Greenbean, get these men to life center. Boomer, let's go find Starbuck." Starbuck had exited the passageway and was cautiously looking over the edge of the ladder. He didn't like this. The expansive area was dimly lit and he couldn't see Zeduk. He had a good idea the man would be waiting for him when Serpo didn't appear. On the other hand, if Zeduk was as egotistical as Paden had indicated, he may be figuratively running for the hills. He sighed and ran a hand through his hair. Only one way to find out. He started down the ladder. He was about half way down when a shot hit just above him and debris rained down. He closed his eyes and covered his head. Frack. "So nice to see you again, Lieutenant." The voice rang out from the darkness. "Would you please be so kind as to throw down your weapon... slowly now." Starbuck tossed his weapon down, wondering who was down there with Zeduk. "I seem to be acquiring a nice collection of your weapons." Laughter echoed around the cavern. "Now, resume your descent slowly. Paden, stay with him." Starbuck again looked down. This time he could see Paden with his own weapon sited on Starbuck. Their eyes locked. "Down, Lieutenant!" another shot hit above Starbuck. Starbuck could feel the heat of the laser blast as it barely missed him. Debris again covered him. He slowly started climbing down. He could see Zeduk now just behind Paden. They had both moved close to the bottom of the ladder. They both had weapons pointed at the lieutenant. What a frackin' secton! Starbuck was reasonably sure Paden was still with him. But how to create an opportunity... "Lieutenant, you've caused me much grief. There are a few things I don't tolerate. Do you know what?" he asked. "Cheap ambrosa, smart women and too many beans in your diet?" Starbuck asked nonchalantly. Laser fire burned along his left side. His jacket got the worst of it. Lucky again. He held tightly to the ladder and took deep breaths, biting his lip in pain. "Still have that mouth on you? Remember, Lieutenant, you are no longer of value to me. Unless you happen to have another command code on you?" Zeduk laughed at his own joke. "As I was saying when you so rudely interrupted me, there are three things I do not tolerate. Number one would be the destruction of my business. Sound familiar?! Get moving, Lieutenant!" Another shot. Another near miss. More debris. Starbuck painfully started down again. Number two would be humiliation!" Another blast. More debris. He was getting close. "Number three is the worst of all. That would be betrayal!" Another blast. No debris. Starbuck looked down to see Paden falling forward. Zeduk had shot him in the back at point blank range. Starbuck leapt off the ladder and onto a stunned Zeduk. They fell roughly to the floor. Starbuck grabbed Zeduk's right arm, which held his laser. Starbuck's laser. He grunted in pain when Zeduk's knee intercepted his burnt flesh. The laser turned towards Starbuck. Zeduk fired as Starbuck arched his back and lunged back. He again felt the heat radiating off the near miss as he rolled away. He kicked out with his foot and caught Zeduk in the gut. The man doubled over. The laser flew across the floor. Starbuck moved towards it. "Lieutenant!" the man screamed. The tone of his voice stopped Starbuck cold. He looked at Zeduk who was smiling evilly, his hand extended in a fist. Something was hidden within. He opened his hand to reveal a small explosive, designed to be thrown at a target. Starbuck could see his thumb holding down the release lever. "You'll kill us both." He stated. "Quite acceptable, Lieutenant. As long as you die." Insane eyes locked with Starbuck's and he started to toss the explosive between them. Whether it was the instinct of a warrior or a survivor, Starbuck wasn't sure, but whatever it was that propelled him into the large metal pipe a scant metron away saved his life. He barely felt the concussion of the blast or noticed the pipes begin to roll. Pain racked through his body as he landed. His last thought as he lay with his cheek against the cold, wet metal was, "Fracking waste pipes". Then he sank into a blissful oblivion. Part Twenty-Four Apollo and Boomer raced down the narrow corridor. Centons later they heard laser fire. If possible, they increased their pace. Shots were heard six more times before they could see the end of the passageway in sight. They were almost there when they felt the blast. Debris flew through the air as they dove to the ground. "Are you okay?" Apollo asked Boomer. "Fine." They both got up. A fine dust was suspended in the air. They jogged to the edge of the ladder and looked down. "I can't see anything, there's too much dust." Apollo complained. "Well, at least there was nothing flammable down there. Let's go." Boomer tested the ladder, which seemed secure. "You'd better hold it just to make sure. I'll go first." Boomer nodded. "Just be careful." Boomer anchored himself and grabbed the ladder. Apollo slowly lowered himself onto the ladder and started climbing down. The ladder groaned in protest at his weight. He met Boomer's eyes. "I've got you," Boomer assured him. He increased his pace. The dust was worse as he descended and he found himself moving his breather back into position. Suddenly, he stepped down on a rung and it snapped. He found himself dangling from the ladder, unsure how far he was above the ground. "Apollo, are you alright?" yelled Boomer. Apollo's hands were slippery with sweat. He was having difficulty regaining his grip. His boot finally found an intact rung that held. He clung to the ladder and caught his breath. Slow down. You can't help Starbuck if you plunge to your own death. "I'm alright," he yelled back up to Boomer. "Can you see anything?" Boomer asked. Apollo again looked down. The dust was starting to settle and he could see vague shapes on the ground. At least now he knew where the ground was. "Still too dusty," he replied. He started climbing down again. About three metrons from the ground the Captain ran out of ladder. This time though, he could see the danger. "I have to jump!" he yelled up to Boomer. "Be careful!" Apollo leapt off the ladder and landed next to the badly mangled body of a man. Bile rose in his throat as he stared in horror at the damage the blast had caused. He whirled away and took deep breaths, trying to contain his nausea. "Apollo!" Boomer yelled, "I'm coming down." That sounded like a good idea. Dread filled Apollo as he started to look around. It was a blood bath. He saw the shape of another man close by. He took a deep breath and headed towards him. It was more the remains of a man, than an actual person. Deep breath in. One, two, three. Deep breath out. One, two, three. In relief he realized that neither man wore anything resembling the uniform of a colonial warrior. "STARBUCK!??" he yelled, his voice echoing in the large space. There was no sign of his friend. Boomer dropped to the ground. He turned and faced the grisly scene. Boomer too almost lost his midday meal. "By all that's holy..." He took a deep shuddering breath. A large crater had been blown in the floor, which opened up to the actual infrastructure of the Eidolon. Nothing was left intact in the room, but the large drainage pipes at the edge of the wall, metrons away. He looked at the crater. "Sagan, you don't think he..." he couldn't finish his statement. Apollo met his eyes. "Start with a perimeter search," he recited by rote. Boomer nodded and they moved out in increasingly larger circles, searching everywhere for their friend. "STARBUCK??" Starbuck could hear voices echoing through his head, calling his name. He opened his eyes and found himself on his left side in a dark, cold space. What... was that... smell? His stomach heaved. He took a deep breath to try and control his nausea, but the smell again permeated his senses. He lost it... and his midday meal. "What was that?" Apollo asked, coming to a stop. He could clearly hear retching coming from the pipes. "Over here!" he yelled to Boomer. He ran to the closest pipe and almost whooped with joy when he saw his friend's boots. "Bucko?" He was on his hands and knees now and was crawling into the pipe alongside his friend. Frack, it was dark and smelled strongly of... bodily excretions. He could hear Boomer arrive behind him. "Do we have a torch?" he asked him. Boomer passed it over. Starbuck was still retching and coughing. The smell was overwhelming. Apollo shone the light on his friend. He was curled onto his side, his left arm supporting him into a slightly upright position. He was covered in a thick layer of dust. Assessing his injuries was difficult. Apollo wanted to put a breather on him, but was concerned he may vomit into it and aspirate. "Can you move, Starbuck?" he asked. "Yeah..." he gasped in reply. Apollo started to put an arm under his shoulder in support, but stopped when Starbuck grunted in pain. "Sagan..." he heaved again. Thankfully, nothing was left to come up. Starbuck grabbed Apollo's arm. "Laser to my... side..." Apollo nodded in understanding and switched to his friend's other side, helping him to his knees. "Easy now..." Apollo helped guide him to Boomer's outstretched arms and they carefully lowered him to the deck. Boomer put his breather on Starbuck. Blue eyes looked up at him. "Zeduk?" he gasped. His head was throbbing. He was wet and cold. He started to shiver. "Not much left of him," Boomer replied. He removed his flight jacket and covered his friend, signaling to Apollo to do the same. Starbuck looked like he was going into shock. "Paden?" "Him either. Sorry, Starbuck." Apollo gripped his friend's hand and squeezed. Starbuck simply nodded. He had suspected as much. So much for offering Paden protection. Some defender he had turned out to be. He tried to sit up. Dizziness overcame him and he tried to shake his head to clear it. Bad idea, his head reminded him. "Lie still. The med team will be here soon." Apollo ordered. "But, I need..." Apollo gently placed his hands on Starbuck's shoulders. "You don't want to see, Buddy. I promise you that." Well, he knew a promise from Apollo was something you could take to your grave. Grave?! Frack! He determinedly tried to sit up again. This time they let him. "Easy," Boomer slid in behind him and supported him. His concerned eyes met the captain's. "Guys..." Starbuck started. He swallowed audibly and took a couple deep breaths. His throat was sore and his entire body ached. "What is it, Bucko?" Apollo asked. "I think... I have... the flu." Relieved chuckles echoed around the room as he closed his eyes. Part Twenty-Five Apollo was on his way to life center. He had submitted his report to the Colonel and again shook his head as he replayed the last few days in his head. Oddly enough, Jolly and Giles had reported some of the more remarkable events. He could just imagine Starbuck's reaction when Reese had disabled the explosive charge. He would have to tell his friend that in fact the charge had been found to be defective, thus it really wasn't Reese's fault. However, he couldn't exonerate the security guard for shooting his fellow team members. The outcome would have turned out much differently for Paden and Zeduk had team three successfully apprehended them as planned. The fleet was awaiting the fallout of the decrease in the Elysium trade. Apollo admitted a certain ignorance in his awareness of the problem. Rios had explained to him that though Zeduk's operation was eliminated, there would be others ready to take his place. "After all, when you cram enough people together in close quarters, take away their way of life, and pursue them with a race bent on their extermination, it's a sure bet that a few will be tempted to try to escape mentally." Commander Adama had already presented the topic in Council meetings. He had passed on his concern to his son that the Council of Twelve seemed eager to discuss the problem, but reluctant to address it. At the very least, Adama promised support for Rios' Shelter. In an unforeseen turn of events, Adama agreed with Starbuck that the computer system had become archaic. Wong was now working full time to upgrade and improve it, making it more user friendly, efficient and less vulnerable to infiltration... especially by certain wayward lieutenants. That reminded Apollo; apparently someone had been using his password. He had better change it. Starbuck had indeed finally succumbed to influenza. Dr. Salik had kept him in life center mostly due to his laser burn, but also because the man had been through so much mental and physical stress. Apollo knew that Starbuck was taking Paden's death much harder than he was letting on. In typical Starbuck fashion he made a few flippant remarks and changed the subject. Starbuck lay on the biobed in life center. Giselle had just finished his treatment. His head spinned slightly in reaction to the medication he was receiving. He decided he liked it. Dr. Salik had pumped him full of medications to treat his Aquarian Flu symptoms and his pain. A soothing hydrogel burn dressing was in place along his side, accelerating his body's normal granulation process. He had asked the doctor when he could be released, but had received a glower in response. He had things to do after all. Two of Xerxes' men had stopped in with a lead on more ale. Natural instincts kicked in and he arranged for the liquor to be delivered to him. He decided to go ahead with his plans for a party. He felt he owed it to his friends after all. His fellow warriors had been stopping by constantly since he had arrived in life center, all offering their support. He had actually been surprised at the lack of ribbing he had received for beating on them while under the influence of pseudo-effedryn. Ah, that was another thing. He had just heard that his blood test came back negative for the drug. What a laugh! He was cleared to fly! He also intended to see if Paden had left anyone behind and suspected Rios would know. He had a debt to pay, after all. A luxurious dining room on the Rising Star, a sapphire necklace and a box of fine fumarello's could easily be sold for enough cubits to vastly improve someone's lifestyle on this long journey to Earth. He wagered it would also go a long way in helping heal his own wounds, old and new. Someone gently touched his cheek. He opened his eyes to see Cassiopeia smiling down at him. She was a sight for sore eyes... and throat... and head..."How are you feeling?" she asked. "Much better now," he replied and put his arms around her pulling her gently to him. Her hair was soft against his face. He took a deep breath and filled his senses with her fragrance. She turned and tenderly caressed his lips with her own. She pulled back slightly, smiled and smoothed the hair out of his eyes. "Dr. Salik told me what happened. You're one lucky warrior." She again stroked his face, not wanting to break her contact with him. He was about to tell her that he made his own luck... as he had done with Boomer. After all, his skill, planning and execution should become legendary after these last three days. Instead, he smiled and pulled her close again, "Yes, I am." THE END