Title: Requiem Author: Melissa Summary: It's been a rough day. Disclaimer: Um... no. Don't feel like it. =) ********************************** I lost a friend today. My partner in crime. A guardian angel. A breath of fresh air. My blood. A constant source of support and encouragement. Someone I could always count on to be in my corner. He always saw the silver lining through the darkest of clouds. If he were here now, he would find some way to look at this day and find something positive in all the tragedy. He would even find something positive in his own death. He would probably say that it was much better that it was him and not Starbuck. That he was more expendable than the more experienced pilot at a time like this. I can imagine him laughing... I only wish that I could hear it. The last thing I heard was him screaming. I'd give anything to erase that from my head. I'm trying to hear his voice, his laugh... anything but the screams. I suppose that in time I'll forget. I want to forget. I want to forget how wasteful his death was. It didn't benefit anyone. He didn't die so that others may live. My only comfort was that he died doing something he loved, with someone he loved. He finally got to prove himself to the one person who's approval meant everything to him. I only wish that he had realized how proud we all were of him. He felt lost in the larger shadows, something that I know all too well. He didn't know that those larger shadows got lost in his enthusiasm. I only wish that they had taken the time to tell him. The only comfort I can give myself is knowing that I told him how much I loved him. It was the last thing I told him. We only had those few moments as he approached the fleet. I'm glad that it was the last thing he heard. I only wish that I hadn't heard anymore. I lost a friend today. A woman who transcended her maternal role. The true master of the household. The one that held ustogether, even when we were miles apart. Not only the backbone of the family, but an individual in her own right. A symbol of strength, love, intelligence... the woman that I aspire to be. Dutiful wife, caring mother, community leader, beautiful woman. Whether I needed to bury my tears in her embrace or talk all night about my conflicting desires for the future, she was always there, playing whatever role I needed her to. I am grateful that we had so much time together. I have seen dozens of young girls crying for their mothers today, knowing that they will never see them again. It made me realize how lucky I am to have been old enough to know her as a woman and not just someone who nagged me to clean my room. Someone who shared her secrets with me. Someone who empowered me with her love. She knew how hard it had been to grow up in the shadows of the men in the family. I thought that their approval was the most important thing. Only now do I realize how much more her approval meant to me. The last time I saw her, I saw something in her face that I hadn't seen before. Respect and admiration. She not only saw me as her daughter, but as a woman who had accomplished a goal on her own terms. She was proud of me. And I of her. Watching her family disappear was difficult, but she handled it with grace. I'm sure it helped knowing that we were all together on the same battlestar. I'm almost certain that she whispered under her breath, "Okay, Adama, it's your turn to take care of them." She was starting a new life of her own and I was looking forward to seeing how she would reinvent herself once again. I knew she was excited about father's impending retirement. During one of our last conversations, we had shared some of her our more intimate plans for the men in our lives. Two girls up late, giggling and eating more chocola than anyone should be allowed. I miss her. I lost a friend today. In a way that I would've least expected it. At a time that I would've least expected it. A loss not from death. Well, maybe. Not his own. Although I wonder if that would be easier for me to take. To see him and not be able to touch him, to talk to him. This is more painful than if he wasn't here at all. A confidant, a companion, a lover... most of all, a friend. The emptiness that I feel overwhelms me. The discomfort that he feels around me cuts through me. I only wanted more time. Inevitably, it appears that he didn't love me as much as he said he did. I could deal with that. But not this. Through the chaos, I've seen him a few times today. I passed him in the landing bays. He barely acknowledges me. We've had to coordinate various operations with each other. The small talk is unbearable. I want to grab him, shake him and scream,"It's me! It's just me!" Would it not be this way if he hadn't kissed me a few yahrens ago? I do love him. I do miss his touch. But I would gladly have never kissed him if I could have my friend now. I lost a friend today. *********** end