Sheba stared at the flight roster posted on the squadrons barrack's wall. The hand she held the report in tighten until the paper was nothing more than a small tight wad of it's former self. The words on the paper swam before her eyes. She could no longer see them through the fog of tears that had come with the feelings of betrayal. "He promised", her mind chanted. "He promised". As the reality of the situation crystallized in her mind, the tears dried up in the haze of anger that began to flow over and through her. She had been amused the first time she'd been taken off patrol status. After all, it had to be a joke. When she found out it wasn't a joke, she had patently explained why that decision had been a mistake. The second time it happened, she had been irritated. She had told him, in no uncertain terms, that she would not give up her flight status for him and he had better get used to it. The argument had been long and hurtful, but he had promised to trust in her ability as a pilot. If he wanted a relationship with her, he had to take her as she was, not as he wanted her. He had to value her skills, trust them and respecter her by allowing her to use them. Now he was at it again. The lousy son of a Mataka, had not even respected her enough to discuss the matter with her. She would not be treated like some Siress of old, who must do as her intended told her. She was Sheba, daughter of Cain, and she would not allow herself to be played with like this. She respected herself too much to put up with this any longer. She was no longer amused by his doddering concern, his inability to accept who she was. This time, was going to be the last time. Setting her rage on target, Sheba spun around and headed off down the corridor, strait for the flight captains office. "How fracken dare he!" ---------------------------- Apollo stifled a yawn as he tried to read the blurring text on the monitor before him. It wasn't so much that the reports were boring, in fact some of them were quit interesting to him. The systems they'd past through had provided more astronomical events than he could have ever hoped to read about, much less seen. He found it intriguing the various reactions his pilots had toward the unusual sights. No, it wasn't a lack of mental stimulation that was the cause of his inability to comprehend the sentence he had just read three times. That distraction belonged to one over eager, over stimulated little boy who had decide he didn't need to sleep this past week. How had his father ever survived the three of them? Apollo wished Boxey was his only problem, but truthfully Sheba had kept him awake as much as his rambunctious son had. What was he going to do with her. She had spent the last several yarons as the privileged daughter of command. In essence, she had gotten whatever she wanted. If she wanted to take the dayshift patrol, she got it. If she wanted the rear guard patrol, she got that. And if she wanted to fly patrols nonstop, well she'd gotten that too. Now, she expected the same treatment from him. Ever since he'd acknowledged their feelings, and had begun to openly date her, Sheba's need to be in control had only become stronger. She had decided that anytime she didn't get the patrol assignment she wanted, it was a person slight by himself. She had even accused him of purposely trying to ground her because he had not wanted to lose her the way he'd lost Serina. They'd had words that night and Apollo wondered if Sheba had even heard his. She had been all about trusting her, but had ignored Apollo's protest that it was her time to be rotated down. A rotation out of flight status, even for a sectar of training new cadets, apparently was beyond Sheba's tollerance. Well, whether she liked it or not, she had to be rotated down. It was unfair to the other warriors who needed some flight time in the Galactica's limited vipers. Apollo looked at the clock on his wall and sighed. She should be here anytime now. ------ Starbuck inhaled what should have been a rich aromatic brew of Java. Instead his senses were assaulted by the acidic fumes of the muddy brown liquid that was euphemistically called "new Java". Starbuck wrinkled his nose at the distasteful smell but braved a small sip. His initial urge to spat it back out was forestalled by a nudge from Sheba as she marched past him. Surprised, Starbuck swallowed the noxious concoction. Sputtering from the decidedly un-java flavor, Starbuck turned to complain about inflicting such torture but Sheba had already flown into Apollo's office. Not ready to let Sheba get away without so much as a indignant statement from himself, Starbuck approached the open door. The raised voices from within stopped him in his tracks. As Sheba's voice rose, Starbuck's curiosity overcame his good sense and he crept closer to the door, keeping well out of sight. He knew that tone of voice, and as much as he'd go out of his way to prevent Sheba aiming her ire at himself, he was curious to see how Apollo would handle it. Not well, he decided as he winced in sympathy for Apollo. You'd think with all that expensive education Apollo would have more common since than he was showing. "Don't let her get into a full rage," Starbuck mumbled to himself then winced again, "too late." Between the two of them, Starbuck couldn't decide who was the more stubborn. As the voices rose in volume again, he could tell that a flight assignment had nothing at all to do with this argument. This was a control issue. Sheba needed it and Apollo demanded it. Not good. As a combat team, they worked well together, but a romantic couple? Starbuck just couldn't see it. When the day's battles were over, one needed a place to go and relax, not re-engage the battle. No, the sooner theses two realized this wasn't going to work, the better it would be fore the rest of them.