The table Gleamed from the polishing it was continually getting, Cylons were very neat and clean if nothing else. The Drone lay on the counter with its brain cavity open ready to accept its one and only brain. Unlike the usual Drone this one was designed to not be upgradeable, it would forever have just the one brain, yet someday it would be ruler of all Cylon. Imperious Leader entered the chamber and watched expectantly while the technicians readied the brain for insertion. This would be his legacy; this Cylon would be the latest in development the Cylons had ever known. Imperious Leader was excited, it's three brains flashed with activity as it watched the New Cylon come into being. "Why can't I see? Where is everything wondered Centurion." The brain already had activity, the technician could see the lights blazing inside of the brain, slowly he set it inside the drones Cavity, grabbing the hose he added the fluid to the cavity until the small pump beeped once then setting the hose back into its cradle, he closed the cavity compartment. At first only slight movements from the drone body as it connected itself to the brain, this process would take several centons to complete. The biological parts could not be rushed like the mechanical parts could. The Cylons had learned over the Yahren to incorporate the two, in perfect unison they would function together, in fact this one breakthrough by the ancients had enabled the modern Cylons to overthrow their rulers and begin the process of conquering the Universe. The single red eye of the Drone started to illuminate, at first very dim but with each passing Micron it grew brighter, yet unmoving as yet. The Brain had started to meld into the cavity, its consciousness growing stronger. Streams of thoughts passing like leaves in the wind. Soon it would reach full power and at that point be ready for the final faze of creation. The beep at the chamber door brought Imperious Leader from his thoughts of the new Cylon, "Enter," he commanded to his waiting visitor. The door slid open revealing the IL series Cylon, Lucifer1. He swooped in on an apparent cushion of air, or was it wheels? Nobody seemed to know for sure not even Imperious Leader was certain; the IL series Cylons were very graceful. Designed to be leaders they had even formed a Political system that had been used since before the war with the humans. Answering only to the Imperious Leader they were responsible for the running of the alliance. The Alliance was indeed a very one-sided affair with the only true agenda being that of the Cylons. "Speak Lucifer" ordered Imperious Leader. Stopping at the base of his rulers Pedestal Lucifer bowed slightly then in traditional Cylon etiquette spoke, "By Your Command" waiting only a few microns he began his report. "It appears the humans have set off on some sort of expedition" "What kind of expedition?" asked the ruler "We believe they are exploring for fresh Tylium, having cut off most of their supply we believe they will test Carillon first." Replied Lucifer. "We cannot allow them to test Carillon its Tylium Resources are to vast and are required by us." "We have arranged for a greeting for them when they arrive" reported Lucifer "We will make certain that they don't live long enough to report the Tylium on Carillon." "Excellent" replied Imperious Leader. "Lucifer?" "Yes your graciousness?" inquired Lucifer, a hollow tone in his voice. "As you know I will soon be dead and it is growing near for me to choose my successor, please have the Senate gather in three days," commanded Imperious Leader. His days were growing shorter; he only had a limited amount of time in which to choose the new Ruler. Centurion would be his choice. Hopefully the new Cylon would be ready by then. The Scientists and technicians seemed to think he would be fully functional before sunset. But Imperious Leader was not so certain, it would require a fast transfer of data and that had never proved to be successful, the other few times they had tried it, the new Cylon had failed to activate totally. Rising from his pedestal the Cylon Ruler made his way down the stairs and over to the doors, he would finish the final operation himself. Hooking up the transfer cables to the new Cylons chest, the technicians waited for the order to begin the transfer. Imperious Leader walked feebly into the room and ordered all but one technician out. "You will assist me," he commanded " By your Command" came the reply. Stepping over to the console Imperious leader turned the dials to maximum, and while the Technician wasn't really watching he set the data stream to the full position. He would give this Cylon the benefit of all the collective Knowledge of the Alliance from the very beginning, no Cylon brain had ever been able to handle it, and for that matter no set of Cylon brains could handle it. But Centurion was different, he was special. He had been designed to handle it Imperious Leader had seen to it. Turning the power switch on he watched as the meter began to climb to maximum, the screen showed the transfer rate. Its optical eye began to move back and forth, life was coming now, the thoughts were no longer random, but were beginning to focus, Centurion had so many questions but whenever he put them to thought the answer was already there. Information was coming much faster now, trying to catalog it was becoming more difficult, so foregoing more questions he set upon the task of keeping up with the data transfer. Imperious Leader watched the Cylon coming to life, failing to pay attention to the meter he watched in fascination as the new Cylon apparently was consuming it faster than any machine ever. Suddenly it was finished, only 40 microns. This new machine had acquired all the collective knowledge of the Cylon Empire in 40 microns. Standing silent he watched as the new Cylon slowly started to move, first into a sitting position then swinging its legs over the counter he slowly stood, shaky at first but with each passing micron felt more comfortable. His Gold Armor was gleaming almost to the point of blinding as he stepped away from the table to greet his Ruler. "By Your Command" he stated. Without a word Imperious leader just watched.