Escape! Starbuck's breathing was ragged and his pulse pounded in his ears, momentarily blocking out all sounds. Desperately, he tried to calm his breathing as he strained franticly to hear any sounds of pursuit. Beyond his own thudding heart, there was no sound. Cautiously, he peered out around the corner. The corridor appeared to be empty. He ducked back into his hiding spot and searched his mind for an escape route. Glancing back out into the corridor he snuck out of his temporary sanctuary and scurried toward the end of the corridor, where it intersected with another passage. Just two more levels and he'd be safe. Then he heard it. Like wolfs baying at his heels, the sound came closer. Breaking into a run he dashed forward, and hurtled himself around the corner. NO! They were there, waiting for him! He'd been duped. Franticly, he backpedaled, hoping to make it to another hatchway before they could actually touch him. But, something knocked his feet out from under him and he tumbled helplessly backward. A shape launched itself at him and he new he'd lost the battle. "Tag! You're it Starbuck!" Boxey cried out with uninhibited glee. Muffet two barked, counter point, from under Starbucks legs. "Okay, Okay, you win again."