Battlestar Galactica Drinking Game

(a.k.a. Picking Nits in the Fleet)


WARNING!: This is one of the more deadlier drinking games ever devised, guaranteed to knock you blotto after a half-hour. We suggest using a non-alcoholic beverage if you don't want to hate yourself the next day. Or better yet, simply read and enjoy.

Compiled by Michele Martin, Eugenia Horne, Lizbeth Marcs

BSG: Original Series

One drink

Two drinks

Three drinks

Four drinks

Five drinks

Seven drinks

Challenge rounds

Force someone to take four drinks if--

RULE: The challenger must take eight drinks if the challengee gets the correct answer, or the challenger doesn't know the answer to the question they posed.

BSG: Optional rules for L.A.-area people

Three drinks

BSG: General miscellanea

Three drinks

Drink entire glass, bottle, whatever

BSG: Comic Books, Marvel series

Three drinks

Finish glass, bottle, whatever

BSG: Novels

One drink

Two drinks

Three drinks

Finish glass, bottle, whatever

Drink entire glass, bottle, whatever

Don't say we didn't warn you...
Send comments to:
Michele Martin 
Lizbeth Marcs 
Eugenia Horne 
Feel free to upload, use or reprint this wherever you wish....

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